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<br />200605276 <br /> <br />-.::'. -- ,::-:'~ :..~~... <br /> <br />A portion of Lots 3/ 4, 5 and 6, and all of Lot 7, Block 5 Bishop Heights, plus a part of vacated <br />Pioneers Boulevard, and Lot 68, IrregularTrocts located in Section 7, Township 9 North, Range 7 <br />East of the 6th P.M., more particularly deScribed as follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the intersection of the Northwest tight of way line of Chicago Rock Island and <br />Padfic Railroad, and Southeast Corner of said Lot 7; thence Southwesterly along the Northwest <br />Railroad right of way line on a assumed bearing of S37005'53'W, 41.14 feet to the center line of <br />said vacated Pioneers Boulevard; thence N89034'13'W along said center line, 30.0 feet; thence <br />S36040'47'W, 40.92 feet to a point on the South line of said vacated Pioneers Bouleyard; thence <br />N89"34'13"W along said South line, 280.90 feet; thence N89012'05"W,65.39 feeti thence <br />N04024'18"E, 66.13 feet; thence Northerly along said NeW Easterly right of way line of South <br />27th Street on following bearing and distances: <br />N09Dll'3S"E, 113.51 feet " <br />N27020'34nE, 19.73 feet <br />N41"S8'46"E, 83.53 feet <br />S89"S7'23''W, 49.90 feet <br />N20"24'QS"E, 163.36 feet <br />N03"03'OO"E, 143.61 feet <br />NOl "49'20"E, 33.67 feet (chord distance to the point of tangency of a curve on the Easterly right <br />of way. line of present 27th Streeti thence continuing Northerly on said Easterly right of way line <br />NOG"OO'OO"E, 30.81 feet to the Southwest lot corner of Lot 2, Block S, said Bishop Helghtsi <br />thence Easterly along South line Lot 2, extended Easterly, N90000'OO''E, 250.00 feet; thence <br />573053'13"E, 183.2 feet to a point on the most Northerly corner Shopka store Building; thence <br />SS3049'13"E, 217.32 feet along Northeasterly wall line of Shapiro Building extended <br />Southeasterly to a polnt'on a curve; thence 233.86 feet along the arc of a curve to the right <br />having a- radius of 6435.43 feet and a chord which bears S36003'2S'W, 233.85 feet to a point of <br />tangency said curve (said point of tangency being on the Northwesterly right of way line Chicago, <br />Rock Island and Pacific Railroad); thence S37"05'53"W along said Northwesterly railroad line <br />235.67 feet to point of beginning EXCEPT the follOWing described tract of land; <br /> <br />A part of Lot 7, Block 5, Bishop Heights, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northwest comer of Section 7, Township 9 North, Range 7 East of the 6th <br />P.M., Uncaln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, said point being on the centerline said vacated <br />Pioneer Boulevard; thence Northerly along Westerly line of Section 6, 33.0 feet to a point on the <br />, South line of said Lot 7i thence Easterly along South line of said Lot 7 on an assumed bearing of <br />S89034'13"E, 85.70 feet; thence Northerly on left deflectfon angle of 900, 12.0 feet to point of <br />beginning; thence continuing Northerly NOoo25'47"E, 100.0 feet; thence N89034/13"W, 110.0 <br />feet; thence SOoo2S'4?"W, 100.0 feeti thence S89034'13"E, 110.0 feet to point of beginning. <br /> <br />Together with non-exdusive easement rights created by Cross~Easement and Use Restriction <br />Agreement, by and between Shapka Stores, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, and Bishop Heights <br />Partners, a Nebraska general partnership, filed October I, 1985 as lnst. No. 85-26236, in the <br />office of the Register of Deeds of Lancaster County, Nebraska. Assigned to Shopko Properties, <br />Inc., a Minnesota corporation, by Assignment of Qnss Easement and U,se Restriction Agreement, <br />filed March 22,1993 as Inst No. 93-9982, in the office of,the Register of Deeds of Lancaster <br />County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Tax 1.0.: 16--Q6-314-006-000. <br /> <br />TPWff NE-3 <br />STORE ## 39 <br />4200 Sout1127Th Street, Lincoln,,_ <br />NE . <br />