<br />
<br />/LEi~~I1P"li\("'"""'F'''F'';~~tr~'G 0 <1 'i' 5.1 "2{) 0 U 3 2 25 ",
<br />
<br />, .A -:/nijii:?i!/Jiindeomprising a ,/!fJrl-- of the fast Holf of the Southeast Quarfer (EI/25El/4), :
<br />of S6flif!" , Thirfeen, (13). Township ,Ten, (fO) North, Range [!even (11) Wes! of !he 61h P.JI.,
<br />~f/.HaH Counly, NebrasJro. 'more par/icu/arty described as follows: '.:, ,', ,
<br />lkginnin9.allhe northeast ~omer' of,said (ast Half of th, Soufheasl, O~arfer '{[1/25[1/4}: ,:'>,:
<br />thence runmng southerly along-lheeoslline atsoid Eas! HOlf ol:-fhf!lSimfbeOSI Ouiiifw', '_~,-,,:":""/-...,:'
<br />([1 /2S[I/4 ),on an Assum8d' '8ea~ng qt.'S()()y)(!:?)O~e, ,_,',~dis.fo.nC(l':(Jf~::Q~t:,.y~:O);'i.',:;~~iiI~~; ': t:i?
<br />ACTUAL _ point, of beginning'.,fhef1C8; conHnu!ng 'SlJf!orroo"[ tiJoifg.... q,iJ-~~/ftie:..!Qf :iaid~:(iJit.:~'~.:::'. ~;'.~#
<br />Hall of the Southeast Quarter (It /2SEI14).a~$~f~of.l/!7' :'~-;:rkttJ,::fflJit(/r!i!f!hJilt~--: ';::;~
<br />Five and Fiffy Seven Hundredths (11 35.Sl) feet;:"f/ence 'rlmiIin!iN89.J7''!KJ~'''' .tI:"diSfi:nicjj':::bf..~~<;:~c':
<br />One Thousand Three HundrtJd [ighfHf1"'ond [ighfy Four l1undriKHhs' '(ljI8~4l.,.i;'::'~:;'.:pdilii:'.-' ;~;:,:;
<br />; on the west line of said East Half of fh,8 SoUtheasf Quarter ([1/2S[I/4); thence ruhning .' "
<br />ri(NWOl'02"W,along Ihe west One of said las! Hollo! Ihe Southeost Ouarier (Ef/2S[I/4). 'Q
<br />::;::disfance ,of One Tho~SI1nd Ons Hundred Nine!een and Eighty four Hundredths (1 t 19.8-1) leel,
<br />{Io apoiitf'ngnt (B.-O) teet souJh of the nor:fhwesl comer of said [asl Half of Ihe SoUlhe~ . ..
<br />lQuarler (fl/2SEf/-4); thence running NW42'OO"[ , parallel with and Eighl{8~O) fBet south' ','
<br />'~":Dffhe' north line of said East Half of fhe Southeast QuarlerIEI/2SE1/4), ams/once",ol OM
<br />~:'f.housand ThrH' Hundred Twenty One and TWfJlve; Hundredfhs' (t 321.12) feef,. 10 lhe ACr,UAl
<br />'i,poinf'of beginning and 'containing, 34.172 acres mOf6 or less of which 0.860 aC"$ more-' or'
<br />':/ess' ii' presenHyoccupied by public . rood right of way. Net JJ.J12 acres more or /tJSS.
<br />
<br />_.~,...4
<br />
<br />K---"''''---', """.
<br />
<br />~ -'-
<br />-...~
<br />-~
<br />
<br />";
<br /><
<br />
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
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