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<br />200604464 <br /> <br />EXBIBIT ~Ii.." <br /> <br />200509467 <br /> <br />A tract or lad. cumlllUlng a patt flf tile Welt amr or the NllrthWClSt: QIOO1er of the Southett.C Quartei' <br />, (Wl/'JNW't/4SE1/4) of SlldiOD 'I\nllve (U), TowaNlip Elm'll at) North, hugll Tea (10) Wcn of the <br />6th P.M., Ban County, Nebraaka, abd more plli1leubrly ~crlhed *S tollows: <br /> <br />DeJbudns Ilt thll Northwest tothW of 281lLeWl Sl1bdh15loJl, wll tlI1'Ilet' betnr on dllllf'llSl niP of said <br />W~t Halt or the: Norihwest QIiUItr or the Soutbwt Quarter (W1/ZNW1/4SE1/4), 'I.\fo B'uA~e4 <br />(ZOO.O) &tt'DtJrib of the soutbWttt C!OrAer pf .aSd Wl1.9t 8'alt or the NortbW'8t Qua:t1el" of the Sou:tbealt <br />QuaM (Wlj1.NWl/4Sr.t/4)i thQr.e N 00' j)()I DOll E (Uluwed. Narlrag) Jalonr ad. U)l!A ih. wut ~e <br />of said Welit Hal( of the No~f. ~ Dt thll Southeast Qual.1er <.W1/2.NE1j4S.El/4). a dbh.llcll <br />or Nine :aun4hd Jl1fty Se'l'eIl .lId N1llel.y 'I'hne Hundl'el1lh. (JI!1.93) filet to a point OD the: aoDtII lint of <br />StaJa SIn"J, Slid point ~ DAe HUJl4nul Sixty C.lIiO.O) teet llOlltb at tbc norfWt#t comer of said <br />Souihcnt: ~ (Sln/4); ~e" S 89' aG' 34" E Iloq ~cl 'ulltJU uta liOUth llDt or Stale street, . <br />auhillC:ll td 'Two Dlmdred Filly (250.0) '"tJ tb~CIl N 79" 211" 12' E AloDI and U)oD ,aJa south llD~ a <br />dbblDcC: DC Four H'u'aib-ea F1lleeu arul rnu~ HundredtJu (~15.15) tea* ttl the northWllSt ilONa or Lot <br />Oa~ (1), 'toukan SeeOlld. SublUY1~DI lb.ce S 00' OZ, '9" W aloAI pI!. Ill/~ tb. we/i~ liD' of TcI~b'D <br />Soeolla aQll. lbU'1l SublUvlilOD, which Is lllBo the eas~ Uue of .ald Weat Hall or tlIe N~ Quarter <br />or tbt SoutbcasJ QlIlU'1et' W/1NW1/4Sft.1/4), a dbtaDcc of PAe Thtl~ Tbhi1 :Eipt od. 'I1drty <br />IIpt BundrlliUb. (1,03838) feet to . comer of 281 Re1afl SU'IlJi~lClb/ rhtrice: N 8!1" 1.4' !4u W atOllI ...d <br />upon the ilortb UAt at ia1it. 281 Rmll S~bdh1dotl, " dIJtJlcc or sax a\Pldred lif'lr SflfoU alia 'IWllllCJ' <br />Four lIululreclth8 (651.24) &tt to the point or htg\i1IltllJ <br />