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<br />DEC- 9-05 FRI 5:09 PM KELLOGG LAW FIRM <br /> <br />FAX NO. 712 642 4369 <br /> <br />P. 2 <br /> <br />200604334 <br /> <br />DURABLE rOWER OF ATTORNEY - PLENARY <br /> <br />I, RUBY I. GRANT, residing at 820 Broadwell Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68803, do <br />hereby appoint ROGENE A. SPANTON, residing at #6 Country Club Acres, Council Blurfs, [^ <br />5150 I, my Attorney-in-Fact: <br /> <br />I. To open, maintain or close bank accounts, brokerage accounts, savings and checking <br />accounts Of certificatcs of deposit, or to do any business with any banking or lending institutioll, in <br />regard to any of my accounts, to make deposits and withdrawals, obtain bank slatements, <br />passbooks, dr:arts, money orders, warrants, certificates or vouchers payable to mc by any person, <br />11[111, corporation or political entity including the United States of America, and expressly including <br />U. S. Treasury securities; <br /> <br />2. To have full access to any of my safety deposit boxes and their contents wherever <br />loc~tcd; <br /> <br />3. To prepare, execute and file income and other tax returns, state and federal and all other <br />govcrnmental reports, applications, requests, and documents, and to obtain from thc govcrntnenta I <br />or other entity having custody of them, c('pje':~ of :,"11 such rl'tl!m~ or 0th{'r documents or <br />i nSlrllmenls; <br /> <br />4. To invest, reinvest, CxchfJnge or sell any assets or property ow-nod by !TIC; <br /> <br />5. To receive and give acquittance for all sums of money, debts or accounts of IlI1Y kind <br />which afC or shall become due, owing and payable to me; <br /> <br />6. To sell, convey, (either with or without covenants of warranty), lease, manage, C<lre.: t()r, <br />preserve, p(Otect, insure, improve, control, store, transport, maintain, repair, remodel, rebuild <br />alld in every way deal in and with any propeliy or property rights; to set up any feserves for repairs, <br />i Illprovcmcnts, upkeep and obsolescence of such property; and to eject or remove teni1nts or other <br />persons from, and to reCOVer possession of such propcl1y. <br /> <br />This includes the right to sell or encumber any real estate which I may own. <br /> <br />1 hereby give to each Attorney-in-Fact appointed hereunder full right, power and authority <br />to do and perfonn each and every act, deed amI thing necessary or advisable to be done i l1 and <br />about the powers granted to such Attorney-in-Fact as fully as r could do if personally present ,1nd <br />acting. <br /> <br />All reference to property or property rights herein shall include all real, personal or I1llX.ed <br />properly now or hereafter owned by me. <br />