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<br />This Grant of Easement ( "Agreement ") is made this day of May, 2006, by and
<br />between SHAFER PROPERTIES, L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company,
<br />whose address is 910 N. Diers Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68803, ( "Grantor "), and TLC
<br />PROPERTIES, LLC, a Limitied Liability co, whose address is 5551 Corporate
<br />Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (TIN: 72- 0640751) (Grantee ").
<br />The Grantor, its successors and assigns, do hereby grant, sell and convey unto Grantee,
<br />its successors and assigns, a permanent easement for the location and construction of the
<br />outdoor advertising structure or structures (the "Sign Location Easement "), which Sign
<br />Location Easement is described on Exhibit "A ", together with a maintenance, utility,
<br />access, and visibility easement (the " Matinenance, Utility, Access and Visibility
<br />Easement "), and all necessary or desirable appurtenances on, over and upon the following
<br />described real property (collectively, the Sign Location Easement and the Maintenance,
<br />Utility, Access and Visibility Easement are referred to herein as the "Easements "), the
<br />property subject to the foregoing Easements is described on Exhibit "B" (the "Property ").
<br />For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and
<br />valuable consideration to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of
<br />which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor herein grants a perpetual Easements subject to
<br />the following terms and conditions:
<br />Easements shall consist of a perpetual servitudes of use that runs with the
<br />land and shall include the right to service, maintain, improve, modify the sign to
<br />have as many advertising faces, including changeable copy faces or electronic
<br />faces, as are allowed by local and state law or replace any outdoor advertising
<br />structure on the Property described in Exhibit "A ". This right shall include but
<br />not be limited to a right of ingress and egress, a right of overhead for electrical
<br />service, a right to maintain telecommunication devices (including but not limited
<br />to telecommunications towers and related ground facilities) and a right of view,
<br />prohibiting vegetation or improvements on the Property described herein that
<br />would obstruct the view of advertising structure from the adjoining street.
<br />Grantor agrees that Grantee may trim any or all trees and vegetation in, on or
<br />about the Easements as often as Grantee deems necessary to prevent obstruction
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<br />This Grant of Easement ( "Agreement ") is made this day of May, 2006, by and
<br />between SHAFER PROPERTIES, L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company,
<br />whose address is 910 N. Diers Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68803, ( "Grantor "), and TLC
<br />PROPERTIES, LLC, a Limitied Liability co, whose address is 5551 Corporate
<br />Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (TIN: 72- 0640751) (Grantee ").
<br />The Grantor, its successors and assigns, do hereby grant, sell and convey unto Grantee,
<br />its successors and assigns, a permanent easement for the location and construction of the
<br />outdoor advertising structure or structures (the "Sign Location Easement "), which Sign
<br />Location Easement is described on Exhibit "A ", together with a maintenance, utility,
<br />access, and visibility easement (the " Matinenance, Utility, Access and Visibility
<br />Easement "), and all necessary or desirable appurtenances on, over and upon the following
<br />described real property (collectively, the Sign Location Easement and the Maintenance,
<br />Utility, Access and Visibility Easement are referred to herein as the "Easements "), the
<br />property subject to the foregoing Easements is described on Exhibit "B" (the "Property ").
<br />For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and
<br />valuable consideration to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of
<br />which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor herein grants a perpetual Easements subject to
<br />the following terms and conditions:
<br />Easements shall consist of a perpetual servitudes of use that runs with the
<br />land and shall include the right to service, maintain, improve, modify the sign to
<br />have as many advertising faces, including changeable copy faces or electronic
<br />faces, as are allowed by local and state law or replace any outdoor advertising
<br />structure on the Property described in Exhibit "A ". This right shall include but
<br />not be limited to a right of ingress and egress, a right of overhead for electrical
<br />service, a right to maintain telecommunication devices (including but not limited
<br />to telecommunications towers and related ground facilities) and a right of view,
<br />prohibiting vegetation or improvements on the Property described herein that
<br />would obstruct the view of advertising structure from the adjoining street.
<br />Grantor agrees that Grantee may trim any or all trees and vegetation in, on or
<br />about the Easements as often as Grantee deems necessary to prevent obstruction
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