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<br />.. . . , <br /> <br />200604110 <br /> <br />EXHIB.l.T. '~'~__ <br /> <br />\ ' . <br /> <br />Hall Couuty, Nebraska <br />A tract of lend in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (Si~~SE~) of <br />St;ction Thirty-two (32), Tm,>,Tlship Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) '''est of the <br />Sixth Principal Heridian, Hall County. Nebraska, more particularly described <br />as follo~s: Beginning at the South Quarter (S~) corner of said section; <br />th0Dce running Northerly a distance of Six Hundred Eighty-four and Fifty <br />HU71uLeui..:hs (634.50) feet along the West line of the Southwest Quarter of <br />t:,e Soutneas t Quarter (S1.J~SE-\) of said section; thence deflecting right <br />!Er:ety- one De,grees, One 11inute, Thirty- five Seconds (91001' 35") and running <br />E.:::sterly 2. distance of Eight Hundred and No Hundredths (800.00) feet parallel <br />to t:.€ South line of the South'.v€st Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S,.;ritSEJ::) <br />of s2id section; thence deflecting right Eighty-eight Degrees. Fifty-eight <br />r'l,inutes. T,,'cmty-five Seconds (88058' 25") and running Southerly a distance <br />of Six Hundred Eighty-four and Fifty Hundredths (684.50) feet parallel to <br />the 1.;est line of the Sout.hwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S\.J.l;:5E30.:;) of <br />said section to a point on the South line of the Southwest Quarter of the <br />Soutnc2st QU2rter (S'tl:r:SE.!j;) of said section; then8e deflecting right Ninety- <br />one Degrees, One Hinute, Thirty-five Seconds (91 01'35") and running Westerly <br />Eight Hunored and No Hundredths (800.00) feet along the South line of the <br />Sout~T...'est Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SH~SE3z.) of said section to the <br />point of beginning; said tract containingil.OO ~ci~~ ~6i~ 6r less, of which <br />j. ...; .3cr:e illore or less. being county road right-of-way and 1. 57 acres more <br />or less, being St. Joseph and Grand Island Railroad right-of-~ay. <br /> <br />, II <br />