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<br />S,f. Cor, Lol I, Hillcresl . .'<
<br />~b\:~Und.J/4:' :'P-". \ ii Plalla River Driva ~
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<br />Section Line
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<br />k-+---
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<br />I S,W, Cor. SP. 1/4, Sec,
<br />I, T 9 N-R 10 W,
<br />Found AII.Jti/kWIT1 Cap
<br />
<br />$ u r V e J'..QL'_$.... C e r t i fie ate
<br />
<br />I hereby cerlily Ihal all F,bruary 10, 2006, I compl8l.d 011 accurale ,urYey of 'HILLCREST SECOND
<br />SUBOIVISION', Hall Coullly, N.braska, as shawn all Ih. accompOllyJilg pial IMr.of; Ihallhe lois,
<br />blocks, slres/s. aV8f1/JfJS, al/BYS, porks. communs and olhBr grounds os t'Qfllaifl8d III said subdivision
<br />as shown on Ihe accompollylllg pial Ih8180f ore well olld accuraMy slaked olf alld marked; Ihul
<br />iroll mork8fS W8f. placed 01 011 101 corn8fS; Ihal Ih. dim""siolls of each 101 018 as showlI Oil lhe
<br />pial; Ihal each 101 bears ils own IIumber; alld Ihal sold survey lVas made IVllh relerellce 10 kilOWIl
<br />and r8corded mOJ1f1meflls.
<br />
<br />f!?~;~JR~~t>
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<br />Se I) LJl.5'/8
<br />~~ ~I;j
<br />1:>).: ~q 3Ult-'\'"" +\~
<br />( D:so:~<}';;
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<br />220,
<br />--s.F.. COf. Ilillcresl
<br />Sub. FOllnd 5/8" P,li
<br />
<br />bo:;T;?;gJl;:Y.[i;;/jS;tfrwRo, 578
<br />
<br />!!I2JllQjl ~.0..
<br />
<br />Sllbmilled 10 ami approvod by lhe Rogiollal Plalllllllg Commission of Hall Coullly, Gralld /sIolld,
<br />Wood Riv~~j lhe Villages ~ Ald~, Cairo alld DOlliphall, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />~;;:C.~~~ ._~/~CY
<br />hallmall uo~
<br />
<br />Approved alld acceplad by Ih. Hall COllllly Boord of Sllpervlsors, Ihis_dLday of__a~l(i!.,
<br />2006, 7- .
<br />
<br />
<br />7nadf) t::do/
<br />" C c'ti:~t' I
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<br />Vlllag. 80ard 01 Donlphall, Nebraska, Ihls/Q'!..doy oLi2~,
<br />
<br />C;;j,,-- 4 01--.
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<br />~ ~<'H / L L eRE S T SE CO N D SUB D / V / S / 0 N
<br />
<br />SE Cor. SE 1/4, Sec.
<br />I, r 9 N-fI 10 W.
<br />Foulld 5/B" 1-'/"1-
<br />
<br />- 'JJ8$ A \ S 'jj9'S9VW - - -4c- - - - .. ...- -1- - - .
<br />-Pia,," PK Nail 'n A,phail . ') [ Cor WI/2 SEI/1,
<br />Sec I, I 9 N-fI 10 W.
<br />FOlllld P,K, NO/I
<br />
<br />L e Q a I D () S c r!oU 0 n
<br />
<br />A Irocl of lond comprlsillg 0 par/ of Ihe Wesl Half of Iho Soulheasl Qllar/er (WI/2Sn/4), of
<br />Seclloll OliO (I). .Towllship Nill. (9) Nor/h, ROllge ren (10) Wosl of Ih. 61h. p,/.I., ill lIall Counly,
<br />N.brasko, more parllculariy described as lo/lows:
<br />Begillnlllg al Ihe soulh.asl COrn8f of Hlllcresl Subdlvlsloll, said polnl also b.lng all Ihe sOlllh "119
<br />of sold .WeslRalf of/h. SOlllheasl Ollarler (WI/2Sn/4); Ihe",'o rUllllillg Ilor/heriy alollg Ihe eoslllll9
<br />of Hlllcres/ Sllbdivlslon, Oil an Assumed Bearillg of NDO'OI'09"W, a dlslance of Three lIulldred flfleen
<br />ond S.,only Three Hllndredlhs (JI5.7J) leel, 10 II,. 1I0r/h.usl curner of Lol OM (I), Hlllcresl
<br />SUbdivIsion; Ihonce rUllnlllg N89'59,J2"[, u dlslonc. 01 rwo HUlldl8d TlVellly (220,00) leel; Ihonce
<br />rUllllillg SOO'OI '09"[, a dlslollco of lhroo HUlldrod rif/eell alld Sev""ly five HUlldrodlhs (315.75) feel
<br />10 a poilll on Ih. sOlllh IiM of sold Wesl Half of Ihe Soulheosl Ouor/or (WI/2SEI/4); Ihellce rlllllling
<br />S89'59'57"W, alollg Iho soulh lillO of said Wesl Holf of Ihe Soulhoasl Quar/" (WI/2Sel/4), a
<br />dislonce of Two HUlldl8d Twellly (22u,00) le.l, 10 Ihe polnl of b8911l1l1llg alld cOlllaillillg 1,595 acres
<br />mtJr8 or 18ss
<br />
<br />!2~J1Lg a Ii 0 n
<br />Llmiled Llabllily CompollY, belllg Ihe OIVll9r of Ihe 10lld described hereon, has caused sam. 10 b.
<br />.s"myeli, .sllbdlvlded, .plllllod IInd deslgllalod as 'IIIILCREST HCONO SUBDIVNON' III Hall Coullly,
<br />N.braska. as shown Oil Ihe accompanying pla~ Ihereof, and do h"oby dedicole Ihe road dghl af
<br />way as shown Ihereon /0 Ih8 public for /h9r9 use fOfeW6r and Ihe eQsfJmtmls os shown Ih8rqotJ for
<br />1116 localion, cOllslruc/iOIl alld .malnlellonce 01 public se,vle. ulllili.s, lagolher lVilh Ihe righl of
<br />Ingress alld egfBss IIwe/o, alld h".by prohlbfllllg Ihe plOllllllg 01 Irees, buslles alld shrubs, or
<br />placill9 olher obslrue/lolls UPOII, over, along or Ulld.mealh 1116 surface of such eosemenls; ulld 11101
<br />Iho f016901llg subdivlsioll os more porl/culariy described In Ih. doscr/plloll herooll as appears 011 lhis
<br />plol Is made wllh Iho f,.. cOllsoll1 and III accordance wilh Ihe desires of Ihe ulld"sl9ll8d oWller
<br />and proprielor,
<br />IN. WITNESS WH[REOf, w. huv. affix.d aursignolures herelo, 01 Grond Islond, Nebrosku, Ihls...J:!lJi..
<br />day of_Maf'G/' , 2006,
<br />
<br />DONIPHAN GOLF AND DEVELOPMENT, !.L,C, A Nebrusku Umll.d Llabilily Company
<br />
<br />-,f}.,CYIiJla.mm__- -----.B~.J.1~~
<br />Gr.g ,/(,),1, Manogor on Mombor 8111 Hayes, Manager Jlld Member
<br />
<br />Acknowledgement
<br />
<br />Slule Of Nobroska
<br />Coullly Of Hall ss
<br />On 1ile.1M1.!.doy oLJy!n..c..L, 2006, befor. me----.:D'~,llm $.76nt~1 , a Nolory
<br />Public wilhin alld for said Coullly, persollally appeared GR[G ROBO, MUllager and Momb.r, and BILL
<br />HAYES, Mallnger alld Member. olOONIPHAN GOLf AND O[V[LOPMENl 1.1.C" a Nebraska Llmiled
<br />Llablllly CompallY, und 10 mo p"sollally kllowlI 10 be Ihe Idellllcol persolls IVllose slgllolures are
<br />affixBd Iw.lo, alld Ihol each did ackllowl.dge Ihe execulloll Ihereof 10 bB Iholr volulllary ad and
<br />deed olld Ihe volulllary acl alld deed of said CompallY,
<br />IN IYITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereulllo subscribed my lIome alld affixed my of/lcial seal 01 Grand
<br />Is/umi, Nebraska, ()/J IhfJ daIs las/ ahovli wrH/8n.
<br />/.Iy commissloll oxpireS_hh~~,
<br />
<br />-Cl'. 0 c;,.~
<br />.~u
<br />
<br />1~"OOiUl.\Lli~~~
<br />~~. ~'g~jU/J:.:~:':,
<br />
<br />Roc k well And Ass 0 c " L L C, - E n g III e e r I n g .t Sur v e Y III g - G run d I s I and, N . b r 0 s k 0
<br />
<br />Sho,1 No, I Of I
<br />
<br />'"
<br />