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<br />:200GoaUt. <br /> <br />GANGWISH SUBDIVISION <br /> <br />'". .... - -, . - - - - - - - -. <br />o/iSUBDMSIONEErnG PART (}F nIE NORTH HALF OF THE <br />SOU'fHWEST'QUAR'fER{)F'I'HE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, AND PART ,OF THE <br />flOR'l'HlIALF:OF1'HE SOImIWES'rQUARTER OF SECTION 20, j'OWNSIDP ,9 NORTH, <br />BANGE 12fl:SToOF TIm SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, HALLCOUNIT,NEBRASKA <br /> <br />;LEGAL-OESCRJf"I'K)N <br />A tract. ofland being parlor!:hC:.N<ut.h Half of .the-Southwest Qua.-1e-r.of the <br />Southwest Quarter {.Nl /2 SWl 14 SWl/4} and part or.tile ltorth 1:ka.If d-the <br />.Sout:h\lol'e3t Quarter.{tlJf2 SWl/4J ofSec:tion 'f~tyf2OJ, -l'~fline f9l-.Horth. <br />Range Twelve (121 West of the Si:rth .Principal "Meridian, Hall County,-Ncbra:skQ.. <br />.:~ particularty described as 'iQIrows:: ReI~ to- the Southwest Corner.or <br />~ 20 and ~ the West line of the South:wcst Quarter or Sed:ion:20 as <br />4xaring"HORl'H aod all. bearings .contained berm and reIaI..ive Ibereto~ dtence <br />':NQR1E and on the.West Line Dlthe.Southwes.t Quarter-(S\lJ1/~ of said Sed.ion.:20, <br />a distance- of ti6Ct72 I" the Southwest Comer of the North HaJf of the <br />:So;afuw'est Quarter E( the-Soathwc:st -Quarter sf:said Sed:iOr120; ikenci eont..iDuIDg <br />-M?RTHon the WesI:.LiDe-of thc-Southwest Quarter-of said Sec:tiOn"2O,. a-distance of <br />~7:2:-fee:t. to~-~AL~__OF'BEOlN~G.-said p1ace:of~ being <br />. 397m i=et--southerly from 1he NorthWest:Comer of the"NOrth tfaH'.of the <br />Soathwc:st-Qua:rter.of :the-Soathwc:st.Qul:t;rter of said SectioEl..2O; tbence:-Ccintinuing <br />JtORIH .011 the West Une-Ol tbe Southwest ~_orsaid Sect:ion.20. a_di.stance of <br /> tOtRe_Hort:hUe:st Comerd.tbe: HOrth Half 01 the &uthweJt'Qua.r1crol <br />.~Soutbwes(~l' Of-sa:id-Sedion2O;; thence-~ NoRl'H ~ tbc:Weac: <br />:tine-of said Soathwc:st.Quarter, adistaDc:e-of 28..00 feet; thence~ the West <br />:Urie-d.-said:Southwest Quartei.s.88-o8'-o!r E :a tfistan,ce cif766..31-feet:; ~ <br />"SOlml paniIIe:l 'I!i"ith the West t.ine"or lbe QUarter -Of Said SectioO_~ a <br />~--oI-l5:00 ~_to.a point on'.ihe North !.me ~.the North Half of the <br />_......-ii/'lbe"""_~of"""'_ 20; thencekaOmg the <br />.iiJorth..Lirie -of I:he-:ftorth Half -of the SoUthwest Quarter:Of the sOot:bWest Quarter" <br />~aritiriuingSOurHpamlkl 'With the:.Iie:St-1.ine.oiUie-soUt:ml.<est-QUarter Or <br />._~ Section -zJ. a distance of 062..50 feet; therici-S "6:TOO:39" w a di:st.3n6e of . <br />-&l.D6.reet-to the.pJaCe.Gfbeginriing.. _:_Cmnainiog-4.42:ec:res.. -:mo<<:.or--Jc:ss; or <br />'.:wbid1U.38 acie:;.--:moa-or Jess~:are~.beiDg ~Scd for mad ~-on the <br />-WestUde.. -. - . .". .. <br /> <br />,DEDICATION <br />XNOW AIL MEN BY 'f'H.ESE f'RESE:NTS, that -Crystal Gangwish,. a -aing!e PCl'$Oo.. <br />-. .being the o-wner er the hmd oikscr-i'bed bereo:n. has ca.used same to be- -surveyed, <br />,subdiY1ded, ptaUed and deslgnaI.ed -as MGA,14GWISH SUBDMSlON~ ,-a subdirisicn <br />.being.part. or tile 'North flaIf of the So~ Quarter uftbe Southwest Qua:ru::r <br />,*,UJ2SWlf4 SWlj410nd part oflbeHorthllall of the South"'-Quarter (111/2 <br />:sw IJ4j .0( Sect:ioo -20, Township 9 .NoI:th. Range l2 West.of the Si.:dh f'rincipal <br />~.uan -COUnty, "Nebmska: as .:sDown on the acaxnpanying plat thereof. :and <br />~ he~ dcdica1e lhe road righl-of....ay as shown t:heN:on to the public. ic:r their <br />use:b:ePer. and -the.easement:9-, if any, 'M mown -Ihe:reon >>r the.Jocation,. <br />~ and maintenanceDfptfuoc senok:eutilil:ies~. -tOge:t:her"with the <br />-right of irs,gress and:egress tberelO~ and her.wy -prohibiting l:hc: plant:ieg of~, <br />t.Ushe$ and D.mb.s. or p'lacing ~ 0bst:rU<:ti00s~, -Gl'Ct'";-alO;nS Oi'"-undemeath <br />"tDe.SJrlat:e d-sudJ ~ and -l:hat .he ion:goiDg--subdm.sion as-mOre <br />~y3e:scribed in-tbe des:cription.hereon-as appean-on thi:s:-pw ismadc <br />.=~~~~and-in~erih :_~oftbe.~-OWDCT <br />om -WrrNBSS."YIHEREOF~ I haft:.aIi. i=l"",",. 'g"""""". .~eto ~ Grand istand,. <br />_~day.f-':P'VU't"\ ..'2006...... <br /> <br />... ..i~~~ <br /> <br />IlCKNOWl.EDGE&I <br /> <br /> <br />'Sl"ATE9FME8RASKA l <br />.'1 ss <br />.roumYOl'ifAU.l .. . <br />:On .i.....:.t.---'m,. oI_rn.-'IQL_.:t~"..". _ a _Publi, <br />'-~ and lOr $8id.CoUnly, personaJ!ly appe:arei Crystal Gangwish.:a. single person. <br />:ie me~-l:nown_tGbe-the- ide:c1ic:aI person 1IIIbose:s:ignalure isafii.'red <br />i1creto..and-that she the aecution d:tereoIlo be her-_:PDh.mte.Tyact <br />_deed. ' <br />fN _-WITNESS WH~F~ j bawe beretmoo: subscribed my.Dame and affixed ;[OJ" <br /> island,. .~skaOFl:.c:m: dat-e klst-~ Written. <br /> <br />''''''''''' <ertirY <hat.... ";';"":';'12,.January 13 aDd I'ebrua')' z" 2006, I <br />UIIDpleted an:8c:eu:rak :stlt"'FeJ' of"'GANGWISH SUBDMS~-..._a-subdirision being <br />part..rtbe North fialf of <be 'Sou"""'"' Quart<<,o(<be _,QtiarledNlf2 <br />SWIft SWif4J and part of the N""I....<all of the __.Quaner(lllf2 "''''1/41 <br />ii/' Section 2O.T~ "North, "Range 12 W_ of the Sbah Principal Meridian, <br />HaIl""""",~=""""'..nthe~.plat~ihiatlbe-' <br />-c:o:ntai!m:l in_said _~ as shown.on tlte.aa:umpanying iiat thered' me:well <br />and acc:uratdy _staked_off irnd ma:rkuI; J:h;:rt iroo marlrecs were _j:Ilaced at- -all Dt <br />~-:i:hat_the dimec$iOO.s. ~the Jot :areas:show-O. -on !:be ,pW;-thatthe Iot-bears <br />_$& QO,I,I]lnumher; -mid iliatsaid ~ was made Wb. -reIen:nt:e oo-lmown-and <br />.~-mom.imcnts.. - - <br /> <br />-'My.commisSion c:xpin:s 1':2._--2.>~ <br /> <br />~ t II,. iJJu.+ <br />,- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.~~(:~1tJ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />APPROVALS <br />:SUbmit.ted to-and a~ -bJ E:he Regjona.l ~ Commis:sion-ofHallt::ounlY, <br />(].7fd"._51~ - _ WOC!d. River and the Vdlag;es-Df Akla,. CaiIb... ~Doniphao. -tk:Ira;ska. <br />~~.<;/'~~ <br />-Olainnan ~-c <br />_. - ,a,m.'- .~ .'. by~Ha11Coont"BoardDfSu."""",""",.".'. ,.this. .'.-IX-. <br />~ 7?'J"jJ)/Lo,__ <br />r~o<-~ -~~ <br />~~.~ <br />,'i\; <br /> <br /> <br />"f~~ <br /> <br />....0_ ...'" 'MIeI {.:I05j 2.3-7-.:J"":S <br />SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS <br />