<br />I:l_c k no wI e d gJlffiJl!1J
<br />
<br />Slale 01 Nebraska ss
<br />
<br />cO'1)~y I~: ~~~_day oL___M",,~j!___, 2006, belore me, .-[)L.& / S,,,,,,,fr_<.!
<br />a Nolary Public within and lor said Counly, persOrlally appear~'dRiYifoNO J.
<br />O'CONNOR, Manager 01 HOUSING PLUS U.C., a Nebraska Limlled Liobilily
<br />Company, am;( 10 me personally known 10 bq Ihe idenlical person whosq
<br />signalur. is affixed herelo, and Ihal he did acknowledge Ihe .xeculion Ihereol
<br />10 be his volunlary acl and deed, and Ihq volunlary ael and deed 01 said
<br />Company,
<br />IN WITNfSS WHfRWF, I have hereunlo subscribed my name and allixed my
<br />olllcial seal 01 Grand Island, Nebraska, on Ihe dol. lasl above wrillM.
<br />My commission expires~,_g!!!:,.
<br />
<br />~"\lNOI'''Y',"'''I"'''''J' .----D-.;) ~QI~~~
<br />eOI"f.fJl'1L SOI-\{.~NFIIF,1
<br />f.~~!~'!l3:p~~.\~:l'~.J
<br />
<br />Sur 'illYQL'_~ C e r t i f iPitH
<br />I hereby cerllly Ihal on February 24, 2006, I compleled an accurale survey
<br />01 'LARUf SUBDIVISION', in Ihe Cily 01 Grund Island, Nebrasku, as shown on Ihe
<br />accompanying pial Ihereol; Ihol Ih. lois, block., .lr8.ls, aVMue., alley., parks,
<br />commons and alher ground. a. conlainud in .aid sUbdivision a. shown all Ihe
<br />accompallying pial Iherqol are well and accuralely slaked 011 alld marked; Ihal
<br />iroll markers W.r. plac8d 01 all 101 comer.; Ihal Ih. dimell.ions 01 each 101 or.
<br />as showlI all Ihe pial; Ihal each 101 bear. il. own number; alld Ihal .aid
<br />.urvqy was made wllh r.l.rellce 10 knaWII alld recorded mOf/umMls.
<br />
<br />
<br />If.r~'iu~l;;;:a:4';;i.YQr No.-571J'
<br />
<br />AflJU 0 V aJ $
<br />
<br />Submill.d 10 and approv.d by Ihe Regional Plollllillg Commissioll 01 Hall
<br />Caunly, Gralld 1.lond, Wood River and Ihq Villag8s 01 Aida, Cairo and Ooniphan,
<br />N.braska.
<br />
<br />.<?
<br />(tJiI--/ tJi:t:/.___
<br />
<br />Chairman
<br />
<br />__~d;/ C&
<br />Dot.
<br />
<br />APtJoved and accepled by Ih. City 01 Gralld 1.land, N.braska, Ihiu~day
<br />01_ .f'ffl~:.\ - \' 2006. /7
<br />
<br />/ '(_i-
<br />t... -, ''!D__~_
<br />Mayol
<br />, )j;..\~:~,;: ~~'..:~~'\
<br />(5.01) I '.. "'"'-, \\.\
<br />" "'.:")",
<br />
<br />_QoC~wu:W~.1
<br />Cl/y C/8rk
<br />
<br />200603281
<br />
<br />'=-f!g.fl..! QfU_C r i!2.1l2.1L
<br />A lrael 01 lalld comprising u pari 01 Ih8 fasl Hall 01 Ihe Norlhwesl Quarlqr
<br />(n/2NWI/4) 01 Seclion Thirleen (lJ), Tawllship nevell (II) Norll/, Rong8 T811
<br />(l0) Wesl 01 Ihe 61h. P.M.. in Ih. Cily 01 Gralld Island, Hull Coullly, Nebraska,
<br />more purliculurly describod os lollows:
<br />8eg;lIl1;ng 01 Ihe norlhwesl Comer 01 said fasl Half 01 Ihe Norlhw8s1 Quarlor
<br />(fl/2NWI/4); Illence running 8aslorly alollg Ille norlh liM 01 said fasl Hall 01
<br />Ihe Norlhw8s1 Quarler (fl/2NW1/4), all an Assum.d B.aring 01 S89'29 '4 I ''[, a
<br />dislanc8 of Four Hundred rilly Two and (llIeen Hlmdredlhs (452.15) loel, 10 Ihe
<br />ACTUAL poilll 01 beginning; Ihence conlinuing 589'29 '4/ "f, ulong Ih8 north line
<br />01 sold [asl Half 01 Ihe Norlhwesl Quorler (f1/2NW!j4), a dislollce 01 Ono
<br />Hundred fighty Five ond Two Hundrodlhs (/85.02) leel; Ihence running
<br />SOO'14'48"f, a dislallce alOne Thousand Twu Hundred and Twenly Hundredlhs
<br />(/200.20) leel; Ihence runnirlg S89'31'3/"f, a dislallce 01 Fiye Hundrod Ninely
<br />Nille alld Farly Seven HUlldradlhs (599.47) leel; Ih8nce running 500'14'29"[, a
<br />dislallce of One Thousand Two H,mdred Twenly Two and Filly Six lIulldredlhs
<br />(/222.56) 18el, 10 a poilll 01 curvalure,- IhMce running soulhwesterly along Ihe
<br />arc 01 a CUrV8 10 Ihe right whose radius is Fifly (50.00) leel, Ihe long cllord
<br />01 which bears S45'27'03"W, a 10111) chord dislanc. 01 Sevenly One and Twenly
<br />One Hundr8dlhs (71.21) leel: Ihence runninl} N89'17'59"W, a dislanc8 of Two
<br />Hundred Ninely Nln8 and Twenly Three HUlldredlhs (299.23) leel; Illellce rulln;nl}
<br />S69'38'36"W, a dislanco of Four Hundred Two and Farly Three Hundredlh.
<br />(402,43) leel; Ihence runnillg SOO'J9'27"W, a dislance 01 Sixl8811 and Two
<br />Hundredlhs (/6.02) fe81, 10 a painl on Ihe soulh line of said fast Hall 01 Ihe
<br />Narlhwesl Quarl8r (f !j2NW!j4); Ihellce runllillg N89'20'J3"W, alollg Ihe south
<br />lino 01 said [ast Hull vf Ihe Norlhwesl Quarler (n/2NWI/4), a dislallce 01 Olle
<br />Hundred Filly Fvur and Four HundredllJS (/54.04) feel,- Ihonce rUll/lillg
<br />NOO'I4 '48"W, a dislonce alOne Hundr8d Thirly Four alld Sixly Nine HUlldrodlhs
<br />(/34.69) 1001,- Ihenco rUII/llng NB9'31'31 "w, a dislance 01 TWellly Six alld Ninely
<br />Nine Hundredlhs (26.99) leel; Ihence running NOO'/4'48"W, a dislance 01 Two
<br />Thousand Two Ilulldred Nlnely and Sevenly fight Hundredlhs (2290.78) le81;
<br />Ihenc8 runnillg 589'29'41 "E, a dlslaneo 01 Forly and One Hundr8dlhs (40.01)
<br />leel; l/l.nee running NOO'/4'48"W, a dislonce 01 Olle HUlldred Seyenleen and
<br />Thirly Hundredlhs (1/7.30) 18el,- Ih.nco rUllllillg 589'29'4/ "E, a dislance 01
<br />fighly FIyo (85.00) leel, Ihence running NOO'14'48"W, a dislance of fighly Sevell
<br />alld Ninely Nine Hundr.dlhs (87.99) (eel, Iv llie ACTUAL poinl vI begirlning and
<br />canlulfllng 35.922 acres mvre or 18ss.
<br />
<br />Qg,c1! fJLtil2JL
<br />KNOW ALL MfN BY THfSf PRfSENTS, Ihal, HOUSING PLUS L.L.C" a Nebraska
<br />Limiled Liabilily Company, being Ihe owner vf Ih8 land doscribed hereon, hvs
<br />caused same Iv b8 surv.yed, subdivided, plalled and dosignaled as 'LARU[
<br />SUBDIVISION' in Ihe Cily 01 Grond Island, Nebraska, as shown an Ihe
<br />accompanying pial Iheroal, and do hereby dedlcale Iho slreels as shoWII Ihereon
<br />10 Ihe public for Ihere use lorever and 1110 eas8monls as shown IIi.rean (or Ih.
<br />lacalion, conslruclivn afld mainlonanco 01 pubfic servic8 ulililios, logelher with
<br />Ihe righl 01 ingress and .gross Iherelo, alld hereby prohibiting Ihe planlillg vI
<br />Ire.., bush.s alld shrubs, or placing alher obslruclions UpOrl, over, alollg or
<br />undernealh Ih8 surface 01 such easemenls; and Ihal Ihe loregoing subdivision
<br />as mar. parlicularly described in Ihe d8scriplian hereon os app80rs on Ihis pial
<br />is mude willi llie Iree cVllsMI (Jnd ,n accvrdallce wilh Ihq d.sires vI Ihe
<br />und8rsigned owner and propriel(Jr.
<br />IN WITNfSS WHEREOF, I '",ve o ffiX. 9 .d m. y siglloluro 11erolv, 01 Grand Is/and,
<br />Nebraska, Ihis ~<1{h day 01 1--4"E<eJ.. 2006.
<br />
<br />HOUSING PLUS U.C., a Nobraska Limiled Liabilily Company
<br />
<br />
<br />Raymoj:-j-o 'Connor;-Muflager
<br />
<br />
<br />IN
<br />
<br />ROCKwell AND ASSOC. I.l-C.
<br />
<br />
<br />ShB81 No. 4 01 4
<br />
<br />