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200603080 <br />the Property delivered to i,cnder. "Hazardous Materials" shall mean petroleum and petroleum products and compounds <br />containing then, including gasoline, diesel fuel and oil; explosives, flammable materials; radioactive materials; <br />polychlorinated biphenyfs ("PCBs ") and compounds containing them; lead and lead -based paint; asbestos or asbestos - <br />containing niaterials in any Iornl that is or could become friable; underground or above - ground storage tanks, whether <br />empty or c(.)nt.ailli►ag any substance; any substance the presence of which on the Property is prohibited by any federal, <br />state or local authority; uny substance that requires special handling; and any other material.or substance now or in the <br />future dehiwd rls a " substance," "hazardous material," "hazardous waste," "toxic substance," "toxic pollutant," <br />"contaminant," or within the meaning of any Environmental Law. "Release" of any Hazardous Materials <br />includes bul is not limited to any release, deposit, discharge, emission, leaking; spilling, seeping, migrating, injecting, <br />pumping, 1.xlu111)g, elrll)tyiu", escaping, dumping, disposing or other movement of Hazardous Materials. <br />Section 12.2. ENVIRONMENTAL REPRESENTATIONS AND - .WARRANTIES. Borrower represents and <br />warrants, that: (at) there arc no Hazardous Materials or underground storage tanks in, on, or under the Property, except <br />those that arc both (i) in compliance with Environmental Laws and with permits issued pursuant thereto (if such permits <br />are requircd), if any, and (ii) either (A) in amounts not in excess of that necessary to operate the Property or (B) fully <br />disclosed to ;lnd approved by I -ender in writing ptn-suant to an Environmental Report; (b) there are no past, present or <br />threatened kcicascs ((Iciincd helow) of Hazardous Materials in violation of any Environmental Law and which would <br />require remc(hation Ley a k)overnmental authority in, on, under or from the .Property except as described in the <br />Environmental Report: (c) there is no threat of any Release of Hazardous Materials migrating to the Property except as <br />described in the Fnviromiwntal Report; (d) there is no past or present non - compliance with Environmental Laws, or with <br />permits issued pursuant thereto, in connection with the Property except as described in the Environmental Report; (e) <br />Borrower flocs not know of. Lint] has not received, any written or oral notice or other communication from any person or <br />entity (iruludin;.0 but nut limited to a governmental entity) relating to Hazardous Materials in, on, under or from the <br />Property; and (f) Ilorruwcr has truthfully and fully provided to Lender, in writing, any and all information relating to <br />environmental conditions in, on, under or from the Property known to Borrower or contained in Borrower's files and <br />records, illc'lUdlllg but not Illllitecl to any reports relating to Hazardous Materials in, on, under or migrating to or from the <br />Property and /or to the c.nvironrnental condition of the Property. <br />Section 1'2.:. I':NVIRONMENTA.L COVENANTS. Borrower covenants and agrees that so long as Borrower <br />owns, mans .cs, is in posscssirm of, or otherwise controls the operation of the Property: (a) all uses and operations on or <br />of the Property, whether by forrower or any other person or entity, shall be in compliance with all Environmental Laws <br />and permits issued pursuant thereto; (b) there shall be no Releases of Hazardous Materials in, on, under or from the <br />Property; (c) there simil he no Hazardous Materials in, on, or under the Property, except those that are both (i) in <br />compliance with all Envir(numental Laws and with permits issued pursuant thereto, if and to the extent required, and (ii) <br />(A) in anlouWti not in c.xc•e•s.s of that necessary to operate the Property or (B) fully disclosed to and approved by Lender in <br />writing; (d) iorrower sh;til keep the Property free and clear of all Environmental i.iens; (e) Borrower shall, at its sole cost <br />and expense. fully 111(1 cxpc(litiously cooperate in all activities pursuant to Section 12.4 below, including but not limited <br />to providing all relevant information and making knowledgeable persons available for interviews; (1) Borrower shall, at <br />its sole cos( and expense, 1wrf0rtn any environmental site assessment or other investigation of environmental conditions in <br />connection with thc. Property, pursuant to any reasonable written request of Lender, upon Lender's reasonable belief that <br />the Property is not. in full compliance with all Environmental Laws, and share with Lender the reports and other results <br />thereof, and Lender ;uld oilier hidentnified Parties (clefined in Section 1.3.1) shall be entitled to rely on such reports and <br />l..t. .- ....... l i,. .1, ... 1'. : . . . ,..- ..t"'11 - :t., --l., t .._-..1 .....,, ., I.. ...:,.L. .,11 <br />im <br />