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<br />HAll.. COUNlY
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<br />UACI' OBII: -
<br />A. tract iof land comprisimJ all ='of Lots 1 and 2. TOukan S\llldivisicm,
<br />in the city of' Grand J:slanc1, Ball county, Nebraska, lllore
<br />partlcu~arly described ae follouGI aeg1nnin'} at: ~e sout:hwest
<br />corner of said Lot 1, ToUkan SUbcU.visiDD: thence rwmin' northerly
<br />along ~ west l~e of Baid Lot 1, Toukan SUbdivision, on aD ~
<br />bearing of '00 00' 00. E, a dis~ance o~ 315.00 f..~; thence
<br />nrming N 45 14' 12" B alOftCJ the northwesterly line Of laid Lot 16
<br />Toultaft SWJdivision, a distance of 28.18 fee~; tbonce ~iJllJ S 89
<br />31' 36ft B, aloDg the northerly line of said Lo~ 16 Toukan
<br />SUbdivision, a di.staJlc:e of' 180.00 feet: thence runni..nlJ S 00 00' 00"
<br />W, alon'} the easterly liDe of said Lot: 1, Toukan SUbdivision. a
<br />distance of 339.00 feet. to the Southeast corner of said Lot 1,
<br />Toukan Subdivision and the Northeas5 carner of said Lot 2, Toukan
<br />Subdivision; thanca continuing S 00 00' DOn N along tbe eaatsrly
<br />line of said LOt 2. ToukiUI SubdiVision, a disQACe of 503.71 feet;
<br />1:hlUlce rwming N 300 00' 00. W .alODIJ 1:I1e southwesterly Un. of said
<br />loot: 2. 'roUkan SUlldivision. a cU.staDcs of: 341.05 feet, to a point of
<br />curvaturs; thence running northwesterly alOJllJ the arc of' a ~e
<br />whose radius is 220.00 rB8t, tile lonlJ c:bord of' which llean H 15 OO~
<br />00" w, a long abord distance of 113.88 feet; thence rwuainlJ N 00
<br />00' 00" B alcmg the westerly Una of said Lot 2, Toukan Slmdlvision.
<br />a distance of 100.00 feet, to tile Northwest corner of said Lot 2.
<br />Toukan SUbdivisiOD aa4 the place of llafJilmilslJ.
<br />
<br />'DACT 'l'HO:
<br />
<br />A tract of land located in part of the Sou~hea8t 1/4 of the
<br />SQudlea8~ 1/4 ~ Section 21. Tot:lJlShip 11 North. Range 9 West of the
<br />6th P. II., in Grancl J:sl.allcl, JIaU County. Hellraska. 1llOre particalar1y
<br />described as follow.; Begimdn9 at the NorQeast corner of Zlomke
<br />SUbdivision; tJUuaCB lnUIDin9 westerly alon., Ule fto!pU1r l1UB of
<br />Zlomke" Subdivision on aD assumed lIearing of' R 89 31' 48" w, a
<br />d!staDc:a of 360..&9 Cast, ~o a poiJl1: OD tile eas~aJ:'lY d9h~ of vay
<br />line of Eddy Street: thence runnin, N 000 00' 00" E alonq the
<br />easter1y right o~ way l~e of' Eddy Street, a distance of 133.87
<br />feet: ~ce running S 89 24' QD" B. a dis'taJlce of 260.67 feet. to
<br />a poin~ on the welsSerly right of way line of South Locust Street,
<br />thence rwmin, s 00 00' 42" B, along tale wes~ly dqht o~ vay J.i,ne
<br />of south Locust Street, a dlst:aDce of 85.50 feB~; thBllClB nmdn' N
<br />890 21' 48" If alon, 1:he westerly right of way liDe of' aouth Locust
<br />Street, a distance of 3..50 feet: thence rwmin9 S 00 .00' 42" B,
<br />alan, the westerly ri,ht of way line of louth Locust Stree~, a
<br />distance of 6.0 feet: thence running S 89 21' 48" E. along the
<br />westerly right of way line of' South Locust Street, a distance of
<br />3.50 feet; t:hence rwming S 000 00' 42" Balon., t:he wes1:er1y ri9b.t
<br />af' way line of Sou'th Locust S=eat:., a dilrtance of 42.50 feAt, to the
<br />place of beginning.
<br />
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