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<br />200602859
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<br />EXUIBIT"A"
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<br />I. Meritage Mortgage Loan Trust 2004-1, Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2004-1 Dated as of March I, 2004 by and between
<br />Financial Asset Securities Corp. (as Depositor), I-Iomeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer) and Deutsche Bank National Trust
<br />Company (as Trustee)
<br />
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<br />
<br />2. Equifirst Mortgage Loan Trust 2004-1, Asset Backed Certificates, Scries 2004-1 Dated as of Fcbruary 15, 2004 by and betwcen
<br />Financial Asset Securities Corp. (as Depositor), I-Iomeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer) and Deutsche Bank National Trust
<br />Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />3. PCF A Home Equity Investmcnt Trust 2003-01' I, Dated as of January 16, 2003 by and betwccn PCF A Homc Equity Invcstmcnt
<br />Trust (as Depositor), Ilomeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer) and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />4. Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc.Trust 2003-NC9, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2003-NC9 Dated as of August I,
<br />2003 by and bctween Morgan Stanley Al3S Capital 1 Inc. (as Depositor), I-Iomeq Servicing Corporation (as Serviccr), NC Capital
<br />Corp. (as Responsible Party), Deutsche l3ank National Trust Company (as Trustee), and ACE Guaranty Corp. (as Certificate Insurer)
<br />
<br />5. Morgan Stanlcy ABS Capital I Inc.Trust 2004-NC 1, Mortgagc Pass-Through Certificates Series 2004-NC 1 Dated as of January I,
<br />2004 by and between Morgan Stanley ABS Capitalllnc' (as Depositor), Homeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), NC Capital
<br />Corp. (as Responsible Party) and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />6. Morgan Stanlcy ABS Capital 1 Inc.Trust 2003-NC5, Mortgagc Pass-Through Certificatcs Scries 2003-NC5 Dated as of May I,
<br />2003 by and between Morgan Strullcy ABS Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Homeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), NC Capital
<br />Corp. (as Responsible Party) and Deutsche l3ank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />7. Morgan Stanky A13S Capitalllne.Trust 2003-NC6, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2003-NC6 Dated as of June I,
<br />2003 by and between Morgan Strulley Al3S Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Homcq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), NC Capital
<br />Corp. (as Responsible Party) and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />8. Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2003-NC7, Mortgage Pass-Through Certilkates Series 2003-NC7 Datcd as of July I,
<br />2003 by and bctween Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Homeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), NC Capital
<br />Corp. (as Responsible Party) and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />9. Morgan Stanley ABS Capitalllnc.Trust 2004-1-IE2, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Scrics 2004-I-IE2 Dated as of April I,
<br />2004 by and between Morgan Stanley A13S Capital I Ine. (as Depositor), Horneq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), Aarnes Capital
<br />Corporation (as Responsible Party) and NC Capital Corp. (as Responsible Party) and Accredited Home Lenders, Inc. (as Responsible
<br />Party) and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />10. Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc.Trust 2004-llE3, Mortgage paSs-Through Certificatcs Serics 2004-I-IE3 Dated as of May I,
<br />2004 by and between Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Homeq Servicing (as ServiceI') and Chasc Manhattan
<br />Mortgage Corp. (as Servieer), Aanles Capital Corporation (as Responsible Party), Accredited Home Lenders, Inc. (as Responsible
<br />Party), NC Capital Corp. (as Responsible Party) and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />II. Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2004-NC4, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2004-NC4 Dated as of May I,
<br />2004 by and between Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. (as depositor), HOllleq Servicing (as Servieer), NC Capital Corp. (as
<br />Responsibk Party) and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />12. Morgan Stanley AilS Capital I Inc.Trust 2004.1-1E4, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Serics 2004-NC4 Dated as of June I,
<br />2004 by and between Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Homeq Servicing Corporation (as ServiceI') and Chase
<br />Manhattan Mortgage Corp. (as ServiceI') and Countrywide I-Iome Loan Servicing LP (as Servicer), Aames Capital Corporation (as
<br />Responsiblc Party), Accreditcd I-Iome Lenders, Inc. (as Responsible Party), NC Capital Corp. (as Responsible Party) and Deutsche
<br />Bank National Trust Company (as Trustec)
<br />
<br />13. Morgan Stanley AI3S Capital [ Inc. Trust 2004-I-IE5, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2004-(-IE5 Dated as of July I,
<br />2004 by and between Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation (as Servieer),
<br />Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP (as Servicer), I-Iomeq Servicing Corporation (as Servieer), Accredited Homc Lenders, Ine, (as
<br />Responsible Party), NC Capital Corporation (as Responsible Party), and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />14. Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2004-NC6, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificatcs Scrics 2004-NC6 Dated as of July I,
<br />2004 by and betwecn Morgan Strulley Al3S Capital I Ine. (as Dcpositor), Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation (as Servicer),
<br />Ilomeq Servicing Corporation (as Scrvieer), New Century Mortgage Corporation (as ServiceI' ), NC Capital Corporation (as
<br />Responsible Party), and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />15. Murgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2004- WMC I, Mortgage Pass-Through Certitieates Series 2004- WMC I Dated as of
<br />July I, 2004 by and between Morgan Stanley Al3S Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Homeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), WMC
<br />Mortgage Corp (as Responsible Party), and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />16, Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2003-NC7, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2003-NC7 Dated as of July I.
<br />2003 by and between Morgan Strulley ABS Capital I (nc. (as Depositor), HOllleq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), NC Capital
<br />Corporation (as Responsible Party), and Deutsche Bunk National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />17. Morgan Stanlcy ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2004.HE6, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Serics 2004-HE6 Dated as of August
<br />I, 2004 by and between Morgan Stanley AilS Capital I Inc. (as Depositor), Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation (as Servicer),
<br />Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP (as Servieer), Homeq Scrvicing Corporation (as Servicer), Accredited Home Lendcrs, Inc. (as
<br />Responsible Party), NC Capital Corporation ( as Responsible party), and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustee)
<br />
<br />IX. Sound view Ilome Loan Tru~l 2004-1, Assct Backed Certilkules, Serics 2004-1 Dated as of August 1,2004 by lInd betwcen
<br />Financial Asset Securities Corp. (as Depositor),.llomeq Servicing Corporation (as Servicer), Saxon Mortgage Services Inc (as
<br />Scrvieer), and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company (as Trustce)
<br />