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<br />. . <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />200602685 <br /> <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest QnarteJ; (l"{W1f4) of Sect~on Twenty Four (24), <br />Township Eleten (11) NOl1h, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., HaD County, Nebraska and more <br />partieularly described as tollows: 8eginlling at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter <br />{NWl/4)j thellce running easterly, along aDd upon the north line of said Northwest Quatt.el' (NW1f4), <br />a distance of Four Hundred (400.0) leet; thence deflecting rigbt 890 29' 35" and running southerly, <br />parallel with the WCllt line of said Northwest QUM1er (NWl/4) ~ distance of Seveu Ilundreil Forty Sevell. <br />(747.0) teet; thebee denectin~ ri~t 900 30' 25" and rullDlng, westerly, parallel with. the north line of' said <br />Northwest Quarter (NW1f4), a distabce of Four Hulldred (~.O) feet to a point on the west lioe of said. <br />NOl1hwest Quartet' (NWlf4); thence deflecting tight 89" 29' 35" and I'Un'Ding northerly, along and upon <br />the west line of said Northwest ,Quarter (NWlf4), a distance of' Seven a:undl'ed. Forty Seven (747.0) feet <br />to the point of beginning AND <br /> <br />A t.ract of land comprising a part of the Northwe$t Quarter "(NWl/4) and a ;pal'1 of the SOllthwest <br />Quarter (SW1f4) in Section 'IWe'Dty Four (24), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Eleven (1:1) West <br />of tlae 6th P.M., and a part of the N'orihW('Jjt Quarter (NWl/4) of Section Twenty Five (25), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Eleve. (11) West Qf lite 6th P.M., aU being in Hall County, :Nebraska and mQre ' <br />particularly de6Crlbed M follows: BegbJ'Dlng at the southwest COJ:ller of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) <br />of. said Section Twenty Four (24); theace tunblng northerly, along and UPO'D; the west li'De of the <br />Sou&bwest Quarter (SWlj4) of said SectioD Twenty Four (24), it (Jistance of Two 'Thousand Six Hundred <br />Fifty Six and Two Tenths (2656.20) feet to the southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (NWlf4) of <br />$aid Seedon Tweaty Four (24)j theoce deflecti'Dg right 000 02' 10" and running northerly, along and. upon <br />the west line of tbe Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of said Section Twenty Four (~4), a distance of One <br />Thousand Nine llundred Thrte and &'f'eJlty Three Hundredths (1,903.73) feet to a point which is Seven <br />Hundred Forty Seven (141.0) feet south of the.nortbwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (NWlj4) of, <br />said Section Twenty Four (24); thence deftecting right 90~ 30' 25" and mnning easterly, l'araIlel with the <br />notth line of the Northwest Quarter (NWlf4) o~ said Section Twenty Four (24), a distance of Four <br />Ilwulred (400.0) [eet; thence deflecting left 900 30' 25" and running northerly, :parallel with the west lIne <br />of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of said Section Twe'Dty Four (24); a distance of'Seven Hundred Forty <br />SeveI\ (147.0) feet tl) ;l :point on the 'Dorth lq.e of the Northwest Quarta- (NWlf4), said point being Four <br />Hundred (400.0) feet east of the northwest corner ot the Nortbwest Quarter (NWlf4) of said Section <br />Twe..ty Four (24); thence denecting right 90u 30' 25" and running easterly, along and upon the north line <br />of the Northwest Quarter (NWlj4) o( said SeetIoll Twenty Four (24), a diBta'Dce' of Olle Thousa'D(J. Six <br />Hundred Sween and. Forty Two Hundredths (l,616A2) feet; thence deflecting right 890 40' 55" and <br />running southerly, a distance of ()Qe Thousand Nine Ruodnd Seventy Five and Seven Hundredths <br />(1,975.07) feet; theDce deOecting right 890 53' Z5" and rannlng westerly, u distance' of One Hundred Fifty <br />Two and Eight Tellths (151.80) feet; tbence defiecting len: 890 59' IS" and rUbnlng southerly, a distance <br />of One ThoU$and Seveb HUbdred Eighteen aDd Eighty Five Hundredths (1,718.85) teet; thence defltlcti'Dg <br />right 29<> 52' 20" and rulni.g southwestel'ly, It distance of Four Hundred Twenty Nine and Sixty Four <br />HU'Ddredths (429.64) feet; thence deflecting left 29<> 51' 55" and running southerly, It distance of O'De <br />Thonsft'Dd Fi~e Hundred Twenty NIbe ft'bd '1\venty Eight Huadredths (l,529'zS) leet; the'Dl;C runDing <br />westerly, along and .po'D the arr of a curve to the right whose radius Is 360.56 feet, a distance of Three <br />:UuQcked Twenty Two and EtghlJ Fife BlJIldcedths (322.$5) teet (long chord dbt,ance. = 312.1'1' - long <br />cbord del1ecting right 1Hu 38' 43" from the previously described course); thebCe .;.eRecting right 250 3S' <br />45" from tbe chord of the "pte'rionsly described c'U'li'e l'Dd t\PJnlng northwesterly,: 8 distance of Eighty <br />Five and Six Tenths (85.60) feet; the'D~e running northwesterly, aloDg and upon the 8rc of a curve to the <br />left wh()se radius is 257.73 teet, a distance of Two Hundred Twenty Nine and Fifty Nine Hundredths <br />(229.59) reet(lO'Dg chord Oista'Dce - 222.07' - long chOrd deflecting left 250 31' 10' from the lJreViously <br />described course) to a poillt on the south line of the Southwest Qnarter (SVVlj4) of said Section Tlfenty <br />Four (24); tbence deflecting left 25<> 31' 40" from tbe chord of the pre"Viously descriJ,ed cuh"e and ru'Dning <br />westerly, along and upon the south line of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of sajd Section Twenty Four <br />(24), a distance of Que Thousand Qoe ll'l)odrecl Ollt} and Seventeen Hundredths (1,101.17) teet to Ole <br />point ofbegbming . <br />