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<br />THIS TlWS'1' DEED made this ~ ~y Of~c.h. ' 2006, k>etwee.n
<br />DEBORAH L. HARRING, a single person, as TRUSTOR, whose address is 1518 Grand
<br />Island Avenue, Grand. Island, Nepraska 68803; JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, a memk>er of
<br />the ~ebraeKa State Bar Association, as TRUSTEE, whoRe address is ~2~ N. cedar
<br />St" Grand Island, Nebraska 68801; and DANIEL J. wARRElIDER and SALLY A.
<br />WARRENDER, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, not
<br />teniluts in common, whose address is 4.146 West Ridge, Grand Island, Nepraska
<br />68B03, as BENEFICIARIES.
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<br />That TRUSTOR bereby grants, bargains, selle, conveys and warrants to
<br />TRUSTEE, IN TRUST, her hein;, devi..eee, persollill representatives, succes sors
<br />and assigns, with power of ..ale, the following-described real property:
<br />A).t :-nh--
<br />NEBRASKA, known as 1518 Grand Island AVlIlnue, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />together witb all improvements and appu~tenanoes thereon.
<br />
<br />The TRUSTOR herePY oovenants and agrees with the TRUSTEE and
<br />BENEFICIARIES that she is lawfully seized ana the owner of the ak>ove-described
<br />property; that she has good right and. lawful authority to sell and. convey said
<br />premises and that said premises are free and olear of all liens and
<br />encumbrances, alld further, that TRUSTOR will warrant and defeml. the ti Ue to
<br />said premises forever against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />
<br />For the purpose of seeuring performance of each agreement of TRUSTOR
<br />herein contained and the payment of FOUR THOUSAND TmlEE HUNDRED TWENTY"'FIVE
<br />DOLLARS ($4,325. 00), the TRUSTOR has executed a Trust Deed Note bearing even
<br />date, at the rate of interest and on the terms and conditions as set forth in
<br />Guch Trust Deed Note ulltil paid. The prillcipal sum and interest Ghall be
<br />payable in accordance with ilud upon the terms and cOllditions of said Trust Deed
<br />Note of even date, and in any event the entire principal balance due hereunder
<br />and any accrued interest shall I:>e paid on Maroh 1, 2011. All payments due
<br />hereunder shall pe paid at the adc1reEis of tbe BENEFICIARIES as above described.
<br />or at such other plaoe as suoh BENEFICIARIES or the holders of said seourity
<br />shall designate in writing. All installment payments hereunder shall be
<br />applied first to the payment of interest on the unpaid balance, pureuant to the
<br />Amorti~ation Schedule, ~ copy of which has been provided to each of the partiei
<br />hereto, and the remainder of each payment of such installment to be applied 011
<br />principal.
<br />
<br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while title is vested
<br />in the TRUSTEE and until filing of Notice of Default, the TRUSTOR shall:
<br />
<br />l<-. Retain po..sesllion of the property at all times, except as may pe
<br />otherwise agreed by the parties in writing.
<br />
<br />B. Maintain the reBideuce and any other improvemellts located on the
<br />real property in good conditioll and repair.
<br />
<br />C. Pay all general atLd special taxell and all spec:i~l assessments of
<br />even' kind levied or assessed against or due upon said property
<br />before delinquency, and to deliver to BENEFICIARIES copies of
<br />receipts Showing payment of Buc:h taxes Bach year.
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