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<br />I\.) <br />is <br />is <br />0') <br />is <br />I\.) <br />I\.) <br />is <br />(Xl <br /> <br />,-N.W. Cor. NE 1/4, See <br />10, T 9 N-R 9 W, <br />FouM Alummum Cap <br />f69,2.S9' A S 89's/'II" E Assumed 8.0""9 <br />Plqr;:ed P.K. Nail/II kiphall Ploced P.K. Nail In A$phalt <br />I "---f- "_.." JSS.OO'A NWSI'II"W <br />g <br />.A!i.I~9LPpm/Of8m"m ~ Giltner Road .~ <br /> <br />3SS.00' <br />Dedicale 40' To RoM Righi Of Way <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /><ilIl> '" <br />- <br />- .~ <br /><iIt ~1 L 01 1 <br />88 ( 2526At;.) <br />- "''' <br />~ "< ;; <br />~ 8 <br />~ ~ <br />... <br /> <br />355.00 A S 89'5/11 E <br /> <br />MW,#IJU@@j <br /> <br />/IIJ IE ff/4J j [$ @ @ . UJ} j 7! @ IN/ ~ /Rl @ W <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />Siale--of",iska .....- <br />Counly Of Hall ss cr. <br />On IM...lldday a'-~1---..., 2006, before m9 "J)<!r;,I~~ <br />a Nolary Pubtic within and for said Counly, personally appeared, RA YMdND C. <br />ENGEL, Truslee of Ih9 Raymond C. Engel R6vocable Trusl Daled April 26, 1999, <br />and RA YMOND C. ENGEL, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE of Ih9 Mildred L. Engel R9vocobl9 <br />Trusl Daled April 26, 1999 10 me personally known 10 be 1h9 identical person <br />whos9 .ignalur~ is affix{Jd her{Jlo, and Ihal he did acknowl6dg<J Ihe {Jx{Jculian <br />Ihereof 10 be his or her volunlary ocl and deed. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo subscribed my name and offix.d my <br />official 01 Grand Island, Nebraska, on Ih. dale lasl obov. wrill.n. <br />My commission .xpiresEdw.u..Pf----1J~e.-. <br /> <br />~~..IJJf/.""'''"'''''.. <br />",m'Oll"'""'" ~UrY:-:'. C <br />~.';!~_~~~.:"'9J ~ u..;:~....-~ <br /> <br />ea ) Nolary Public <br /> <br />SUR VEYOR'S CERT/FICA r~ <br /> <br />I hereby cerlify ij,;i'~n r9bruary I, 2006, I c~;'pleled On accurale survey of <br />'101 L HARRIS SUBOIVISION', Hall Counly, Nebraska, as shawn on Ihe accompanying <br />pial .lhereof; Ihal lhe lois, blocks, slreels, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and <br />olher grounds as conlaifl9d in .aid subdivision a. shown on Ihe accomponylng <br />pial Ihereof ar9 well and acwralely slaked off and marked; Ihol Iron markers <br />W9r. placed af- all 101 corfl9rs; Ihal Ihe dimensions of each 101 are as shown On <br />Ihe pial; Ihal each 101 bears its Own number; and Ihal said .urvey was made <br />wilh ~eren-,!/ 10 known and recorded monumMls. <br /> <br />,u,;(:%:::A)ot~~dt.,.. . S:-~::>.<':l__ :1 <br />'I '~c.' .. ,. ryl D. nfr91, Reg, honif'S/unleyor No. 578 <br />, 1'" "1~ () ~J <br />~~( '\~1.,fHl\!~\~~; <br />A p\P:i~}'(!f' A L S <br />Submllled "0 and approved by Ihe Roglonal Planning Commission of Hall Counly, <br />Grand ISI~d" W.O.Od. R.N.r an~ 'Ihe Villages of Aida,... Cairo and Ooniphon, Nebraska. <br /> <br />diIl-c:~1fd' ~;3.!QI /60 <br />. '-Chalin'-on Dale <br /> <br />ApfJf!f!,:;d occepl9d by Ihe Hall Counly Board of Supervi.ors, Ihis~l--doy <br />of_r-r-t:~~------., 2006. \....., C"6 <br /> <br />(il-,-$~L _ . .,'aL&i__ <br />JChai~man Of The Board 1lJounlY C erk~ <br /> <br /> <br />L <br />HALL <br /> <br />HARRIS SUBDIVISION <br />COUNTY, NEBRA SKA <br /> <br />00<< ~ ~~ :1 <br />;,,~~L ~ ~ : 01,,"; <br />i r; ~l ~II <br /> <br /> <br />LfGEND '" ,; <br />~I.. 1/2" Iron Pipe Found Unle.s Olherwl.. N%d <br />o-Indicales 1/2" Iron Pipo w/5urvey Cap Plocod Unless Olllerwl.e Nalod <br />A-IMicoles ACTUAL Dislance <br />II-Indicolo. RCCOIIOCD DislOrlco <br /> <br />N.E. Car. NE 1/4, Sec. <br />10, T 9 N-II 9 IV, <br /> <br />_~Olin~_A~::~~I'~~~_ <br /> <br />Section Line <br /> <br /> 'li;\I <br />'" 'O\Il ~",~__.._ CilIItr R<X>1 <br /> - ~ itp--_. <br />.; ..... " <br />") -M llfamf ~iMo" <br />88 <iIt - - . <br /> NWI/4 NEI/4 <br />~~ - ~ <br />... ~ <l ~ ~'lI ~ j <br />"' '" <br />'" ~ <br /><) ~'\~ <br />~ ~ } \ \ ~ <br /> "JI" <br /> SWill SEI11 <br /> <br />, .. iiitrteIJ RI)i)r/ <br />L D C 8 1/ Ofl ~.S k 8 / C 11 <br /> <br />LEGAL D13SCRIPTION <br /> <br />A lracl of land comprising a pari of Ih9 Norlheasl Quarler (NfI/4), 01 Section <br />Ten (10), Township Nine (9) Norlh, Range Nine (9) W..I of Ihe 61h. P.M., in Hall <br />Counly, Nebca.ka, more particularly de.crib.d as follows: <br />Beginning al Ihe norlhwesl COrner of said Norlheasl Quarler (NEI/4); Ihenc. <br />running eoslerly along Ihe norlh tine of said Norlheasl Quarler (NEf/4), on an <br />A.sumed B9/Jring of S89'SI'/1 "E, a dislance of Six Hundred Ninely Two and Filly <br />Nine Hundredlhs (692.59) feel, 10 Ihe ACfUAL poinl of beginning: Ihence running <br />SOO'.3.3'4/"E, a dislance of Three Hundred Fitly (.350.00) f..I; Ihence running <br />589'51 '/1 "E, a dislance of Three Hundred Fitly Five (.355.00) feel; Ihence runrling <br />NOO'JJ'41 "w, a dlslanci of Three Hundred Fitly (J50,00) feel, 10 a poinl on Ih. <br />norlh tine of said Norlheas! Quarler (NEI/4): lhence running N89'SI '/1 "w, along <br />Ihe norTh line of said Norlheasl OuorTor (NfI/4), a dislance of Three Hundred <br />Filly Five (J55.00) feel, 10 IIIe ACTUAL point of beginning and conlaining 2.852 <br />acres more ar less. <br />DE D ICA ILQt-L <br /> <br />''''KNOwmALLMEN BY' THESE PRESENTS, Ihal RAYMONO C. ENGEL, Truslee of Iho <br />Raymond C. fngel Revocable Trusl Oal.d April 26, 1999, and RA YMOND C. ENGEL, <br />SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE MILDRED L. CNGEL, Tru.lee of Ihe Mlldrod L. Eng.1 <br />R6vocable Trusl Daled April 26, 1999, being Ihe OWfl9rs of Ihe land described <br />hereon, have caus.d same 10 be surveyed, subdivided, plalled ond designaled as <br />'M L HARRIS SUBDIVISION', Hall COl/nly, Nebraska, a. shown on Ihe accompanying <br />plol Ihereof, and do hereby d.dicale Ihe road rig'" of woy as shown Ihereon 10 <br />Ihe public for Iheir use forever, and Ihe eo..menls, if any, as .hown Ihereon for <br />Ihe location, conslruclion and mainlenance of public service utililies forever, <br />10g.lher wl/h Ihe righl of ingress and egr.s. Iherelo, and hereby prohibiling Ihe <br />planting of Irees, bushes and shrubs, or placln9 olher obslruclions upon, over, <br />along or undernealh Ihe surfoC9 of such .asemenls: and Ihal Ihe foregoing <br />subdivision o. more particularly described In Ihe descriplion hereon os appears on <br />Ihi. plol is made wilh Ihe free and in accordanc. wilh Ih. dosires of Ihe <br />und9rsigr19d Owners and proprielors. <br />IN WITNESS WHCRCOF, we have affIxed our signalures herelo al Grand Island, <br />Nebrasko, Ihl..r:?3....cLdoy oL_~/--, 2006. <br /> <br />Raymond C. Engel, Revocable Trusl Daled April 26, 1999 <br /> <br />,/:\:t'$<'!""",...J.O' t~y-.Q_ <br />Raymond C. Engel, Tru.le. <br /> <br />Raymond C, Engel, Succe.soc Tru.I.. <br />Of The Mildred L. Engel, Revocable Tru.1 Daled April 26, I ggg <br />j"7,--lG~~t- <br /> <br />Raymond C, Engel Successor T,uSliB <br /> <br />/I 0 C k w . II And Ass 0 C ., ii C, - [n gin. . r i n 9 .t Sur y . y i n 9 - C r 0 n d I s Ion d , N . b r 0 $ k 0 <br /> <br />ShI.1 No. I Of I <br /> <br />.... <br />