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<br />()n <br />~)> <br />(')(,1) <br />~x <br /> <br />J' II <br />, I <br />j <br /> <br />Q~ <br />m<n <br />():3: <br />'" <br /> <br />~',~~ <br />g <br /> <br />200602107 <br /> <br />N <br />C$l <br />IS <br />m <br />IS <br />N <br />-->. <br />IS <br />-...J <br /> <br />:d By security ctnnecticns Inc. <br />~~~ 1b <br />if11:Itf'IT~ONNECTIONS INC. <br />) INTERNATIONAL WAY <br />1:0 FALLS, ID 83402 __ <br />: KARLEEN MAUGHAN 'S f5CU-Yl 1,,\ Con}1e IOns <br />111111111111111111111111111111111111 1~~~~r:~~"n;/3~; r <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE & DEED <br /> <br />-0 <br />:3 <br />t--' <br />r'V <br />Ul <br />~ <br /> <br />C') (j) <br />C> ...... <br />c:l> <br />z::--j <br />--jrTl <br />-<0 <br />0"'" <br />""'1Z <br />I rn <br />l> G.J <br />, ::0 <br />,J> <br />(I) <br />:;:0;; <br />J> <br />................ <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />i <br /> <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />(fJ <br />en <br /> <br />o <br />N <br />C) <br />C> <br />a> <br />c:::> <br />~ <br />........ <br />c::> <br />-.J <br /> <br />f "I, <br />:.,t <br />.-~... <br />(0 <br />a <br />r;- <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />~:.~~, <br />~n t~.' <br />rn ci-- <br />(D <~ <br />o ''-i: <br />..,., <br />D t\ <br />~ ~, <br />o ~ <br />01 ~ <br /> <br />=3 <br />= <br />= <br /> <br />....... <br />o <br /> <br />OF RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />L::an N::>: 72831704 <br />N::>tice is hereby given, that Martin P. Pelster, Me:rber of the Nebraska State Bar Associaticm It.h:>;e <br />ad1ress is Ste 1250, 2120 S. 77 St, 0Taha, NE 68124, is here by .3fFOinted Successor Trustee 1.IDder that certain D2Erl of Trust as follOlVS: <br />~.f'olILLI_:a.M..;LP~RKE'Q urn UTT'T'lLM....----PAR](1i:R_. _,,_ FJUSBAN12-.AND _WXFE <br /> <br />5,50 <br /> <br />Trustee: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />Beneficiary: M2RTGAGE ELErrRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEiMS, INC. AS NCMINEE FOR <br />IRWIN M2RTGAGE CORPORATION <br />llited: 03 \23 \2001 Reoorded: 03 \29 \2001 InstruTffit # 0200102591 <br />Bcx:k/Reel, I9: <br />Filed for ra::ord in Hall Cb1.mty, state of N=braska <br />Tax lD Nunber: <br />JlS Drn::::RIBED IN SAID DEED OF 'IRlSI' <br />Whereas, the undersigned is the c:wner of the l::eneficial interest under said Deed of Trust, wd the le.:Jal c:wner wd mlcleJ:- of the <br />D2Erl of Trust N::>te, that said interest has not bsen transferrcl, hyp:tlJecated or otrer wise acquired by any party or parties. <br />Said N::>te, t.cgetl1er with all other indebtErlness secured by said D2Erl of Trust, have bsen fully prid and S3.tisfied, <br />M3rtin P. Pelster, M:nter of the Nebraska State B3r Assc:ciat_ien, is hereby requested and dire::::ted to reo::nvey, without warranty, <br />to the parties designated by the tenrs of said D2Erl of Trust, all that estate roJ held by the SUCcessor Trustee. <br />lH'AL DESCRIPI'ICN: wr FIVE (5), BLCX:K ONE (1), DICKEY THIRD SUBDIVISION OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL caJNI'Y, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />llited: <br /> <br />02\06\2006 <br /> <br />M:R'lGIlGE EL1!X:IRI::NIC R1!X;IS'1'RATI( SYST1!MS, IN:. <br />AS N::M!NIi:E-...FOR IRWIN .MJRTIMGE CORPORATION <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />CARLA TENEYCK <br />VICE PRESIDENT <br />State of Idaho, Cb.mty of B:rn1eville <br />en 02\06\2006 , before rre, the undersigned, a N::Jtary Public in and for the state of Idaho, duly carrnissien <br />and 8'MJm, personallyaj:peared CARLA TENEYCK to rre knc:INn to be tho <br />VICE PRESIDENT of the co:q:oratien that executed tho foregoing instruTffit, wd <br />acknoNled3ed tho said instruTffit to be the free ani vol\.llltaly act and deed of said co:q:oratien, for tho uses and p.n:p::>ses <br />therein rrentiC11ed., and en oath stated that he/she is auth:>rized to executed said instlUTEflt. <br />witness ny han:1 and official seal hereto affixed the day ani year first aI:.ove written. <br /> <br />c;r-~ <br /> <br />N::Jtary Public in and for tie State of IdahJ, Residin<::l at IdalD Falls <br />JOAN c:nJK (cr::M!ISSIClil EXP. 02-16-2007) <br />Martin P. Pelster, M3Tl:er of the Nebraska State Ear Ass=iaticn as SUCcessor Trustee \.ll'lder the herein aI:.ove descr:iJ:e:i Deed <br />of Trust, cbes hereby grant, b3Igalli, sell and reo::nvey, with:ut v.m:ranty, to the perso1(s) entitled therto, all right, <br />title and :interest in and to the trust prcperty roJ held by it as Trustee ~ D2Erl of Trust. <br />M3rt:in P. Pelster, Monber of the Nebraska State B3r Assc:ciatien <br /> <br />'\ "' . <br />J ~ ~ ", '.,. {,"',I,., <br />-nr rztic.-r-+--. tif <br />y,L,,', h.:..~') .-2e~ -, ,~ <br />Martin P. Pelster <br /> <br />--- 1---_J.Q.At:LC.QQK <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />STATE OF IDAHO <br /> <br />State Of~, Cbmty of J:b\.glas <br />en this;JJ rf:filJthr~/,,/)iJlJh before rre, a N::>tary Public qualified for said romty, perscnally C<lITe M3rtin P. Pelster, <br />kn:m to rre to identi perso1 Mlo signed the foreping instruTffit and acknoNled3ed the execution there::>f to l:e their <br />vol\.llltaly act and deed, for the uses and p.u:p:>ses therein rrmtic:ned. <br />WitnessJITo/ han:1 and/@:ficial seal en hereto affixed the cay wd year first aI:.ove written. <br /> <br />"--):"l L' --J-l __ <br />,_ 1BTi"" Rh ~ ("""t"~ ""'. 06-10-2006) <br />futaly Pub ic in and for the State of Nebraska <br /> <br />GENERAl NOTARY. State 01 Nebraska <br />\.8.TISHA R. HOUGH , <br />My Corom. Exp. ~e_1g~, 200!5 <br /> <br />J=IR8070104RE.061534 <br /> <br />(NVIRI.NE. 'IFJJSI') <br />