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<br />//1 LEPIN <br />f----'I'~ - - - <br />.~ i RO~-& <br />~ , <br />~N <br />~1\'~ <br />zZO <br />cc~gJ <br />~~~~ <br />tI::zlDUJ <br />8B~5 <br />~(J:J:Z <br />:Z~~~ <br /> <br />SECnoo lINE <br /> <br />-_~~a~~ <br />" ( <br />I' <br />~ <br />::t......1l.. <br />~~0 <br />~~~ <br />WC'Il..:(1- <br />zt'llcr:z <br />a:zc&.L1J <br />ODo::! <br />Ui=z'=' <br />u.!~55 <br />:z.WLL-':E <br /> <br />2.&311.29' <br />DalTCA TE FOR PUBUC ROAD RIGHT OF WAY <br /><&l.1I' <br />'-- 33' COUN <br />_ _l.ill:'JDRIGHTOFWA~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.90"" <br />!>.,.. <br /> <br />..fa3.Sl' <br />3j' WrDE GRANT OF RiGHT OF WAY AND <br />PER"AN ENT EASE" ENT ([)()CUMENT NO. <br />95- j 0' 532, HALL CO. REGiSTER OF DEEDS OFFICE) <br /> <br /><::, <br />o <br />.-< <br />II <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />'" <br /> <br />.-< <br /> <br />Y;; <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />:J <br />, ~ <br /> <br />~ <br />t: <br />"'{ <br />~ <br />S <br /> <br />LOT 1 <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />S <br /> <br />;: <br />~ <br /> <br />4.S20 ACRES.t <br /> <br /> <br />22-9-12 <br /> <br />~ <br />... <br /> <br />o .INDICA TES j /'2' IRON PIPE WlTH PLASTIC <br />CAP PLACED. CAP IS ST AMPEO "L S 557" <br /> <br /> <br />NOTE: ALL PROPERTY DI "ENSlONS A.~OiOR <br />ANGLES SHOWN A~E ACTUAL DISTANCES <br />ANOiOR ANGLES. <br /> <br />~.83' <br /> <br />8s.~ <br />"I. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />I>. lrcIel ef I end com prlslng 0 po rt of lhe Northws", Ou ort.... (NW I I ~) ef Ssellen Twenty Two (22). Town ship Nine (9) North <br />Rengs Twelve (12) West of the 6th P...... Hall County. Nebraska, and more porliculorly deocrlbed a. follo"s: . <br /> <br />9~9,lnnlng at a poTnt on the north line of .old Northwuf Ouorlsr (NW1j4). said point beln9 Four Hundred Eighty Two (432.0) <br />fH'l west 01 tn. norftl.eaSlt come r of sold Northwest Qu-a rtt r (NW1 /..); t~.n~ running wnt. rly, olong a nd upon the Piorth <br />II n~ o,f ";?Id Northw!"1 0 uarle r (NW 1 /4), e dlsle n ee e f Four Hund...d EIghty Nine (439.0) feet; Ih enee delleo1lng lefl <br />9437 30 and runmng $outherly, -a drstanc-8 gf n....e Hundred Sixty Thre. c.nd Seventy One Hundredths (563 71) f..t. <br />tn.nee- aenectlng left 89"'39'41" end runnlnq .ost.r~, a dlata.nce of Two l1undre-d SJrly Tnree elnd Eighty Thre. H"undreattJ~ <br />(263483) le.f~ thence deflect1ng left 43.49 :58" and running northeasterly, a dTstance of One I-lundred Twenty four and <br />Seventy Serv. n H k.IInd r.dths (, 24.77) fe.t; th. n c. defl.cting I ~ft 43- 09'02." Q nd ll..I nni n 9 north. rly, c d Isto ne: e of 0 n 8 <br />Hund....d T"o ond FTity [f ghl Hu ndredth. (I 02.5l!) feet: th eneo delleo1ing r;Tg ~ 86"0 j '02" and run n I ng oasterty, e dl.tonee <br />of Ninety Nl ne and Eight T entn:s (g 9.80) het; thence d eflec:llng left 84.<< 17 and r.u nning northerly, tI distance lOt Tnree <br />~~nl::~ TnTrty Se.....n end Fifty Seven Hundredths (33-7457) fe&! to ttJe pornt of beglnnlng and containing 5.335 acres, more <br /> <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFfCA TE <br /> <br /> <br />I h~f'lIIby CIIl rtity thot on ... ffurch ('p . 2.00fii, I completed an ace: urate s.urvey (made und.r my su pllrviston) <br />of AlBERTS SU a-DlVISION , Hall County, Nebro skc, a s shown 10 n tn. accompanyIng pi at th erecf: ttJ at the lots, bloc ks, streets, <br />a....enues, alleys, parks, common.s ond otner grounds os contained In said su.bdlvl-s.ron as shawn on the -accompanying pfat <br />thereof ~ are well -a nd accuf'OteJ'f staked off and m ork ed: t" ot Iron mark ers were pla eed at all .comers as shown o-n th epic t. <br />tnat eoch lot beers Jts own number; and tnat sard survey wos e with ref-m-ren II to known and recor-ded monuments. .~' <br /> <br />Lee D. <br /> <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />1111111 111111 " II <br /> <br />DEDICATION <br /> <br />KNOW All ~[N BY THESE PREStNTS, tl'lat I, Oorls ~. A~btlrts, an un,.-.marrled wTaow, t)ei~ the- owner o-f the land d.!tOrlDed <br />n.reon, nC1l'iI!I eauHd sam. to be- turveyed, aubdMded, platted and deslgn-ated C:S ... ALBERTS SUBDtVtSlON", Hall County, N.brel.ilea, <br />as !IIMO'W n on the accompanying plct tn.recof, and do- t' d~'C1ate the :street as sho W'n thereo-n to the publ1e f o-r tne-1".- use <br />1 o-r...,..r. a nd the nhl, tf an y. -for the j oc:atlon, c::onstn~cllon an d mal nte nonce 01 public utll1t1-es fOl"8ver, tog,etn-.r <br />'W1t" the rig'" of Ingress and egrlllS thereto, and nereby pr-ohlbffing tne pl-ant[ng of trees, bushes and shrubs, or plac1ng other <br />obS'truetlon s upon, o.....r. along or un d. m eath th. sun ace of such eo:sem .nts~ 0 n d that the f of'etlolng au bdi~:s1on os mOr1l <br />pa rfleu Ie rly de.enbed 1n tn. descrfptlon tJ erecn as cpp4lor, on ttJ is p!ct~ Is made with t" II f rH C onnnt end In ace:onfanc. wttl"1 <br />ttJe d.,1 r1IS 01 the u nd.rtlgned owne".. an d proprietor. G J I! I <br />:3 ~ WITNESS WHEREOF. I havo efflnd my .Tgnature horeto 01 rJ~ 5 ilJIC , Nebrn.ka <br />I h T. - day of Fd,...""1 2006. <br />/J":"~' <br /> <br />Do-ri-s M. ,l"lbert.s <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br /> <br />Stat. of Nebraska <br /> <br />so <br />Co unty of HalT <br /> <br />On the 3"!1 day of Fe b ~~ ~ ~ y , 2006, befo... mo, J...." ~;... G 1"0.., b ; 11 . <br />.a Nictary Pu bite wllhln and for sold County, personally appe.ared Doris ~. Alb.rts, an u nremarrled widow, to m. peDOrlcJly known <br />to be the r-denflcal person whose slgn<:lture is- afftll'ed a nd she dld j]cknow~ltdge 111. IIxecutlon thereof to b.. her 'lj'ohJ ntory <br />act Q-nd - d...d. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I navo hereunlo sub.crTbed my nom. and elfbed my offloTel ..... al Gn.....d. Is I.....J <br />Meb-ro., ka-, on the date ~a,f -c bove wrliien. <br /> <br />"'y cammT.slon ..pi,... J -........ c.~ 'f :!e~l,.;l. 00 ~ <br /> <br />i.d.., ~j/I/ <br />Nof'ory Public (SEAL) <br /> <br /> <br />APPROVALS <br /> <br /> <br />Su bmlllsd to <br />VIllage. of <br /> <br />PlonnTn:Q Co-mmission of !-lall County, Grand l-s-Iand .and Wood RrYe'r. and the <br /> <br />Approve-d en-d acce-pte-d by the Hall <br /> <br />>>_1lI ~ <br />() Cha rrm c n of the Soord <br /> <br />~ehr-l lv.. t"1 <br />Oo1e . <br /> <br />County 800rd of Sup.",lsors. thl.--Z--doy oK ~/~ <br /> <br />c~r~&'9-(f~~/1h <br /> <br />, 2006. <br /> <br />!JDC;kJ <br /> <br /> <br /> I <br /> n~ ~l <br /> ~ = o~ <br /> c> <br /> ~ :2:--' <br />~~ -< ~. <br />""'0 <br />.... o~ ~l <br />"" ~z <br />0 tk I~ <br /> r = ~g <br />0 ::3 <br />~ .... <br /> .... <br /> ..c <br /> c.n '" <br /> '" .~ <br /> <br />ALBERTS SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />BENJA.MIN & AS SOCIA TES, INe. - ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />200602097 <br /> <br />-"'~,) <br />