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<br />EXHIBIT "B"
<br />
<br />All irrigation pumps. motors. engines, pipes sprinklers pivots, dri t .
<br />equipment, together with all water and wa~ rights of ~ve kind ~:r~ ems.. ~trol panels and a~esso~es. ~d a~1 other irrigation
<br />syste~ and livestock tanks, feed bunks, gates. panels. liv~OCk chutes, =~~o~ al~:orraJs. fencmg, wmdmdIs. ltvestock watering
<br />therew!th now. or ~ereafter placed or installed on the real estate descnbed on attacred eme~~ ,~s an~ appwtenanc,es .connected
<br />followmg specific Irrigation equipment as follows: MotorsIF.n17ines (I) OM, 50HP Serial ~~t. (~)'~fI~luding but not IUDlted to the
<br />20-90960; Pumps: (2) Western Land Roller non-belt drive Serial Nos oJ an' o. a; IS Chalmers, 9OHP, Serial No.
<br />(1) Randolph, 40HP, Serial No. 43614; C;nter Pivot Sorlntder Svst~S~(I) ~~un:o~to make =:odel, Serial No. nla; Oearheads:
<br />~ tower, Serial No. nla; all gated pipe and all renewals and replacements th~eof. C, wer. No. L10892, and (1) Valley. 8
<br />
<br />200601792
<br />
<br />'1
<br />
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />
<br />PARCEL 1: A tract of land comprising all of the Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) and part of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Six (6), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />HaD County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4); thence running easterly, along
<br />8Jld upon the north line of said Northwest Quarter (NWl/4), a distance of Two Thousand Five Hundred
<br />meen and Seventy Seven Hundredths (2,515.77) feet to the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter
<br />(NEl/4); thence deftecting left 00" 09' 07" and running easterly along and OpoD the north line of said
<br />Northeast Quarter (NEl/4), a distance. of Five Hundred Fifty Six and Sixty Eight Hundredths (556.68)
<br />feet; thence d.eBectlng right 80" 04' 02" and runnbag southeasterly, a distance of Two Thousand 1bree
<br />HlIDdred Seventy and Eight Hundredths (2,370.08) feet; thence deftecting right OlD 57" 50" and ruDDlDg
<br />southeasterly, a distance of 1bree Hundred 'Ihirteen and Fifty One Hundredths (313.51)' feet to a pmut
<br />....,o_thesOQth Hoe of said Nortbeast Quarter ~1/4); thence deflecting right,.,. 58' 46" and running
<br />msterly, along and upon the south line of said Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) and alOBg and nponthe
<br />south line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1/4), a distnDce of Three Thousand FM Huadk'ed Twenty
<br />Four and Six Hundredths (3,524.06) feet to the southwest corner of said NOI'tInftst Quarter (NWl/4);
<br />thence deflecting right 89" 5~' 2'-_BDd runnlug northerly, along and upon the west line of said Northwest
<br />Quarter CNW1/4), a distaDee of Two Thousand Six HODdred Fifty One and Six Huadredths (2,651.06)
<br />fIet to the point of J:pogJnnh.g.
<br />
<br />PARCEL 2: A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of SedioD Six (6),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Ball County, Nebraska, and more
<br />partlcularly described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4); thence l'UDIllng westerly, along
<br />aDd upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4), a distance of One Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Forty Nine and TweIlty Four Hundredths (1,649.24) feet; thence deflecting right 89" 47' 55" and running
<br />northerly, a distance of Two Thousand Two Hundred ThIrty Nine aDd Eighty Five Huadredths (2,239.85)
<br />feet; thence deflecting left 07" 45" 50" and running northerly, a distaDce of Four Hundred Fourteen and
<br />Five HUDdredtbs (414.05) feet to a poiDt on the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4); thence
<br />deBecting right ,.," 58' 4'. and ruDDlng easterly, along and upon the north liBe of said Southeast Quarter
<br />(SE1f4), a distance of One Thousand Six HUDdred SeveDty Sevea and Six HUDdredths (1,677.06) feet
<br />to the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4); thence deflecting right 89" 10' 37" and
<br />running southerly, along and DpoD the east Jine of said Southeast Quarter (SEl/4>, a distance of Two
<br />'noosand Six Hundred Forty NIne and Fifty Niue Hundredths (2,649.59) feet to the point of beglnnlog.
<br />
<br />PARCEL 3: The Northwest Quarter (NWl/4) of Section Nine (9), Township Eleven (11) North, Range
<br />Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />