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<br />11111111111 11111 <br /> <br />200601093 <br /> <br />I <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />! <br />__J <br />=--1 <br />1 <br /> <br />. . INDICATES UZ' IRON PIPE FDI.,,'\ID {UNLESS NOTED OTl-lERWISEj <br /> <br />STOLLEY PARK ROAD <br /> <br />218.-:)'R2... <br />217.93'A. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />N <br />~ <br />~ <br />h <br />Ct::l <br />h <br />~ <br />I:J <br />:.::J <br />--< <br /> <br />I 78.0' R,. I{ \' ~2.t.O' R2. 75.C1'R1_ "0 <br /> 5':'R2-'/i ~"'" 1:KL!35'A. LD <br />1 '1>"" 5.0' ::::2.R3. II <br /> -1 <br />1 I j <br /> ,; I f:2-=c -~< I <br />1 19 co '" LOT 2 ~~ LOT 1 ~~ 15 <br />'0 '0 I <br />I 0 ~ 0.424 ACRESt ~~ a ,S40 ACRES;' g0 , <br /> ! <br /> I "'" <br /> ,,", .-l <br />I " ~ <br />5.')' R2.. I "r 5" EASEMENT:\ U <br /> 4.93' A. ' :n <br />L _ ~.~A~ _~\ ~ 12.1.{I'A2. \ <br />I __~D.!.2'~_ ..::::. \, <br /> <br /> <br />1-7,;;;-;:- - 1 '<<O'R' IL' 7S0'R':\" II <br />",' 1708 G' 1=11 J':J0' "?" 5 E..!..SEME.t{T~ I j <br />rr() .,,~ I " I <br /> <br />4 ~M;\ G I v 4 ~OUND 3~ ,:~:,pt REIMOVED~"~ J I <br /> <br /> <br />R EP U,CED '.'Jlm';'2n I RON ?IP E lMTH PLP,STlC <br />CAP IN SA.\1E LOCATIC-:.J. CAP IS STAMPED 'L S 551'. <br /> <br />78.0' Rl. 1 <br /> <br />SuJ8. <br />45 I <br /> <br />A l.:o:.AEGORDED [~LA TTEO-~. OIST ANCE ON HAC-GES' SUB. <br />i=l2:.=RECCRDED 0 1ST ANC E ON W..!I,R?ANTY DEED NO. :mOOOC€0:2, HAll. COL..""ffi' <br />.=lEGlSTER OF DE EDS UFICE. <br />:=;:3.:RECet=l DED :JIST ANCE ON SU RVEY BY CHARLES :l. SEEM, L S. NO. ~ 92,. <br />DATED JIJL Y 30, 1979. <br />k=ACTL.<AL C{STANCE AND,oR .ol"NG~. <br />.','GTE: SOME C rST ANGES 11\1.0 ICA TED AS Fi..2. ON PtA T ARE BY D EDUCTlo.~ SAEED <br />, ON D iST ANC::::S RECO:nDED ON '.VARRp].r TI DEED NO. 200:CC6(2). <br /> <br />~-DTE: Pi::R WAnRANTY DE.ED NO. 20000080.2, !-:AGGEE' SUB.;8 DESCRIBED AS BEING IN <br />SECTION TV.fENT'f SIX (26), TOWNSHIF ELE'r-=N (~1) NORTh, :::!ANGE r-.;.INE ~9~ W'!::ST OF <br />THE. 5TH P.M. (SECTION WVENT'f SIX (2.6} BEING IN"CORRECT] -I-'-AGGES' SUB. 1$ "!'.CTUALLY <br />L-:JCA TED IN S ECTlON T1NE~TI EIGHT (28}, TCVJNSH~P EtEV=:N (I:) !\'CATH, RANG E N[NE t;) <br />w'EST OF Tl-IE aTM P.ri. (ll,S SHQ',NN ON THE ATTACHED LEGAl D::SCRIFTiCN. SAfD ATT':'.CHED <br />DESC AI P":'"IC N BEiNG BASED ON THE AFQREMENTIOhED WARRJ..\ITY D EEG, Willi C:JRRECJEO <br />.s ECTION ~NClL:OED1. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />A tract compri:!lng all of Lot EIg., {18), except th-e Westerly Filfll (5~O) ther'8:of~ and the West Half (Wl/2) of L:Jt <br />SofVentl!ll5ln -(17). end the W.est T......Jve {12.0) f'ilet of th.e East Half {E~/2) of lot SlJvente-e-n {t 7), c;U rn Ha9S&S' SubdNisicJon, a <br />part of fhe Ncrthec:st Quarter :Jf fhe No-rthwest Quarter (NEt/4 NW1!4) and a part :)T the Na.rthwed Quarler ot thl!l NorthEtost <br />QIJ-Cn-e-r (NW1/4- NO/.4-) of S.e.ction T,woltnty E~ght (28), TO'Hnship- E!eV'llln 0 T} Nortll, Renge Nrne {S) Wut of the 6th P.~., in m-a <br />City o.f ~mn-d j~ail'ld, Hail C.o unty, N l!I brasko; and- <br />The East Holt {El/2) of Lot Sa"'l!ntaen (~7), E1x~epf the- WEist T'Ne-lV-e- (12.0) faet tnere-o.i, and '::111 of lot Slxteen (16), e:x:cept the <br />Eastflrly' Five (:5.0) foll'e-t thllrlKJ;f ill HQgge-s-? Subdivls[on:, Q port of the- Northeast OtJartu of the Northwest Quart-ar (NEI/.4 NW1!'-} <br />and a pari o.f thll ~orthwl!l'st Quart-I!r of t"o& Ncrtn-eost Ouart"i (NW1/4o NE:1l+) of S.ectlQn twe-nty Eight (2a), Townsnlp Ele~en (11} <br />Nortl'l, Range- Nin-e: (9) W&st of the- 6th P.ttI:~, in the C1ty: .of Grortd l-sland. HalJ. CO\JnTy, Nebrcskl1. <br /> <br />SClid obQve- tr-act contai.r..i"9: 0,7&.4 acre-s, more- Or'" lass~ <br /> <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br /> <br /> <br />I ,1-Greb., coII'rlif)' that on rr:::hrlXl,..o/ 7 , 2.006. I complilltoQld (In cccurote stlr.'e-y (mc-d.e Ulldef" my superviSion) <br />o.f "HAGGES' SECONO S UBD IVlSI ON." in thodl City of Gron d !slc nd. N a b.aska. as show-n o-n me a:::: com panymg pi at th 1!I r&of; that <br />th,. lr;;rls, b.I~kS". :3-trl!ltlts, .::r"'8n-u-e 9, a II e-ys, pa rks, com mo ns a nd .(It., '8 r 9 roUl1 ds as contained in sa Id sub.O;'.'is:i on as; s:ho WJ1 Q n th& <br />",ccom.pqn)'lnq plat th ereo.-f, ar,=, '''''19 I t a nd a~c urotaly ,fa K l!Id a if and ma rked; fhat J ro n- m arkanll ....-13 r-el pi coe e d at aU corne rJ; as: <br />!ihQwn Gn thl!l' plat; that l!Ioc-1l lot c-e-cr'$ ih 0'/11'1'1 r"-lmb--e-r; alld that ,aid su~ey was mads '.....ii'h re~erl!lncill- to krrawn and rl!lcqrded <br />manu m ill Il t:!!l~ <br /> <br />L.. <br /> <br /> <br />DEDICATION <br /> <br />KNOW ALL !WEN BY THESE: P'R'ESE,'HS. that I. Thomas E. SUc'C-l!lss-o-r Trustee- -0-1 ths ELMER E~ SYNOVEC REVOCABLE <br />TRU~. b 1!I In~ ftll!l' owner OT th-l!l' I";.n~ descri~ 1!I0 he reon, h a....e C(J.tJ :!I.f!!Irl Silme tQ be s:ur.'&yed. :!ilUb-dlvld&d, platted and deslgnatl!l d <br />as HAGGES S.ECOND SUBDIVISION m tn-e City 0-1 Gr(lnd Island. Ne-brasklJ. a'5 sko....n on- thl!l o:ccomp'On'fing p-Iat th-er-.o-T. al'!ld do <br />hill nl'by d adicate the anem .nts~ If any. for t'h e IIJ coHofl. con stru cjion end j.l-ainie!'1(1 nu of p-u b Itc s:.rvic. -ufiliti-es for-l!V1Ir, togfJth-er <br />w[1h the. rigM of ingress Clnd llIgrl!l'S'S th'ltreta. and hill'l""-eby p5'"chibiting fhe ;:J-rc.n~ing of trl! bushu -and s-hrubs-, o-r placing o:Htlltr <br />.obstructlons Lfpon, OV4U-, along or undemeath the surface of sucn eose-ml!lntsj and that ~hl!l f.oregoing as: mo:!"tl' <br />parliculariy described In the de:s:.criptron nl!l"re.o.n appea~ on t~r:!: plat, 1:3: mede .......Lth the. free cO,,"1:!en.t c:~d In accordance ......ltl1 <br />it! II!I duint5 of the Lmdersi-gnlltd 0 ytf'- El'r and prop ri eta r. <br /> <br />tni~~~~:SOf~~l he-Vii ::Ifftxa-d my sr,gnz~~~~ nel"&to at ~f.d-h IbrflMa <br /> <br /> <br />/~~~ <br /> <br />SUccElssor Tru'dl!le of thl!l ELMER E. SYNOVEC RE\lOCA8lE TRUST <br /> <br />, klaiJjf:. <br /> <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br /> <br />Stc:te-.of /li"llo(e <br /> <br />County of C'J...III.Oo'l.~.(.{l~~ S3 <br /> <br />On the ~day of fe ~ [1..\ ~r"'/ . 2.006, bef.ore me. ..J" ~........ (.".J r;'-.-:;, ",^-e 2" , :J N-Ofory <br />Purdie 'iI~fhrn OM for said C.ounty.,a~ly cppeaTlld Tha.mas E. S)'1'1ov-!c, S;JCCEls:!Ol"" Tr.JstEll!l of tf:e- [L~ER E. SYNOYEC RE\lOCABLE <br />T:R1JST, to me pl!lr:!lOM1J"Hl" ~nown to b-e th4!l person 'Hncs-e slgn.atur-a: is -:rffiud ~l!Ire-t-G. and ~hClt he- did acknowledga ful!l <br />executIon thereof to be n~s- volu"tc::ry- ad ar:d de-ed. n ~ <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEri!EOF l h . t b b d my of'.',cro'. "or 01 5c.....~_ '( or+ ~ G1 ~ <br />M~t~ <. ' -. ~~ei~:r~~7&ol~~t ~-cb~v: w~he~~me and dfi~ed '"" <br /> <br />t.Iy (Ommi..l0n M _ s.-r-""6....... 12, L01'2. <br /> <br /> <br />Not'~ ~) , <br /> <br />(SEAL) =~~~I~U;; <br />\fycan-rn;sri::n2q:lres5e~tembl!ri2,101~ <br /> <br /> <br />APPROVALS <br /> <br /> <br />Vill::rgn of <br /> <br />Pia nn ing C.:J mm i-s:s Ion of Ha [[ C.:J u nty, Grand I s:krnd an d Wood Rlvi!l r. .a n d ~h e <br /> <br />2.-Co -0& <br />Dote <br /> <br /> = n~ 0 t;l' <br />-~ O~ <br />." c> ""' fit <br />z~ <br />~ -1;"'1' [ <br />~S;; = ~~ <=> <br /> <>t .~~ <br />~ ' ~z <br /> 1'--':" r~ -'c.5' <br /> i0 -0 > ~ <br /> ,~ "" r ~ '" <br /> r > ->-''3' <br />~ ~ ~.'~~ <br /> t- oe: > <br /> ,-~ ~ _-=-.::....J~ <br /> ~ ;;:: <br /> " <br /> <br />HAGGES' SECOND SUBDIVISION <br />IN THE CITY OF GRAL~D ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />BENJA.'vlIN & ASSOCL.... TES, INC. - ENGINEERS & SL"'RVEYORS - GRAND ISL'I.l"'D, l'iEBRASKA <br /> <br />S~EET 1 C-F 1 <br />