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<br /> ;0 ng <br /> m :t: -, <br /> "Tl I <br /> c: m en...... <br /> p z nx r--.:. <br /> (')0 ;;:: ,,:~ (") ((l <br /> 0 c=:> 0 <br /> t:::r.> 0 ~ <br /> =- ~> ~ ~, c:: 'I> r'-> <br />'" ncn '" :z ~ <br />s ~ ~:I: J\ ~~' f"'T'1 -f (T1 0 <br /> m "- CO (: <br />S -< 0 <br />Q') o ..... 0 <br />~ 'j) 0 ..." <br />S 0 r'-> ..." 3' <br />s " z a> <br /><0 (; 0 (' :c ['1'1 I <br />w m -0 l> eXl 0 <br />CJl m ::3 I ~ 0 <br /> 0 I l> <br /> VI ((l CD <br /> "" :;><; <br /> l> W <br /> ,..... -- <br /> c:.n (.() en ~ <br /> (.n <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />200600935 <br /> <br />(>,\,\, <br />V', <br />, ~~ <br /> <br />SPECIAL DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />FOR REAL ESTATF; TRANSACTION <br /> <br />Dato; <br /> <br />01/12/2006 <br /> <br />Principal: <br /> <br />GERRI FISCHER BROWN <br /> <br />Principal Mailing Address: <br /> <br />11729 BEASLEY RD <br />LONGMONT, CO 80504 <br /> <br />Anorney-in-fact (spouse-agent): <br /> <br />WILLIAM D BROWN <br /> <br />Agent's Mailing Address; <br /> <br />11729 BEASLEY RD <br />LONGMONT, CO 80504 <br /> <br />Etfective Datc: <br /> <br />01/12/2006 <br /> <br />Expiration Date: <br /> <br />02/11/2006 <br /> <br />Subject Pl'Operty: <br /> <br />32 LILLIAN LANE <br />DON I PHAN, NE 68832 <br /> <br />Real Property: LOT THIRTY TWO (32), AMICK ACRES EAST SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />Powers Given with Respect to the Property: <br /> <br />I. Contract to Purchase or Refinance the property for any price all any terms. <br />2. Execute, deliver, and accept any legal instruments relating to the purchase or retinance of the property and to any borrowing tor the purchase <br />or refinance, including but not limited to deeds, notes, deeds oftf\lst.~ guarantees, disclosures, closing statements, and truth-in-Icnding documl:nts. <br /> <br />3. Approve closing statements autborizing payments of prorations and expenses, <br />4. Pay Principal's net purchase price from funds provided hy Principal. <br />5, Indemnity and hold harmless any third party who accepts and act, under this power of attorney. <br />6. Do everything anJ sign everything neees~ary or appropriate to purchase or refinance the property and accomplish the powers set out. <br /> <br />Principal appoinl.s Principal's Agent to act tor Principal in accordance with thc powers given with respect to the properly, and Principal ralities <br />all acts done pursuant to this appointment. Agcnt's authority shall begin on the effective date and end on the expiration date unless revoked <br />SDonCr hy Principal's signing and inst.rument revoking this power of attorney and filing it for record in the Real Property Records wherc t.he real <br />property dcscrih\:d above is located, A signed and filed rcvocat.ion instrument will be effective, without limitation or exception, including hut not <br />limited to a third party relying on this power of allomcy with receipt of aelualnotiee of the revocation, on the date and timc of tiling, This power <br />orallollley i, not affected by subseguent disability or incapacity of PrincipaL <br /> <br />This is a durahle power of attorney and will not lapse beeiiusc of a passage of time, but will expire on the expiration date. <br /> <br />Principal binds Princip,a,l and Principal's heirs and personal representatives to ind\:mnify anJ hold Agent harmless horn all claims, demands, <br />losses, damages, actions, and expenses that Agent may sustain or incur in connection with carrying out the authority granted t.o Agent in this <br />power of attorney. Ag\:nt is authorized to indcmnify and hold harmless any third party who accepts and acts under this power of attorney and. <br />upon receipt of such indemnificationl the third party shall recognize the authority of Agcnt to transact with the person in thc same manner and the <br />same extent as the third party would transact with Principal. <br /> <br />Principal agrees that any third party who receives a copy of this document may act under it, Principal agrees to indemnity the third party tor any <br />claims that arise against the third party hecause of reliance on this power of attorney, unless it has been revoked in accordance with its terms_ <br /> <br />_ (Check ir applicahle) - With respecttn a V A Inan the powers given, in addition to above arc; the undersigned acknowledges that they <br />allow the Attorney in Fact to use all or a portion of the veteran's entitlement Ii" the property listed above priced at $ and sign <br />documents relative to a V A loan in thc amount of 100% financing plus funding fee if applicable or less, at the market rale of int\:r\:st. The <br />undersigned acknowledges that. the lender must verify at time uf closing, that the vetcran is alive, and if on active rnilit.ary dut.y, and not missing <br />in action and provide a certification stating that written evidence in the form of corrcspondcnce from the vetcran or if on active duty a statement <br />from their ~omlllanding officcr or othcr authorized person t.o act on behalf of said officer has confirmeJ the veteran's slatus. The undersigncd <br />also acknowlcdcgcs thcir intcnt lo occupy the property. <br /> <br />THE ATTORNEY-IN-FACT OR AGENT, BY ACCEPTING OR ACTING UNDER THE APPOINTMENT, ASSUMES THE FtDUCIARY <br />AND OTHER LEGAL RESPONStBtLlTIES OF AN AGENT, <br /> <br />~4Jl ~tL?P~lLfu1V <br />(f'rine.pal) GE I FISC. WN <br /> <br />THE STATE OF CO, tJV 1Ut6 <br />COUNTY OF eowAd ~ <br />This instrument 'A'ackowlcdged before me on the ~ day of <br />by (~l{v'i (Cht( t}'Vl'(\J~ <br /> <br />\ 'l.'t.>l ~ 11 h: ":': ~.;) ti j t <br />,;,,\.-'-' ',...., >~V/:: ~,,,.~j... <br />~........ , ::-""......~......... r "...~~. <br /> <br />j' ..j:"'~i,,'. /;""" ([;:\~ <br />.. ",A;i ,\..,l' """ ('lro......t '* ~... <br />C-. 1"'0.' /I'" .,,- <br />~ >...,. t \~'~~r ~~:..i E q ~ <br />i ....;:,. \ ... -= ,~g,. " ~\':;p .i~:; ~ <br />~:~ V ~ ~." \;,. ':.., ./' 'V 1 <br />;;... .. J\~,~:""'tI!:. ..~~...."'...'ll/l#o,... ~ .........~. <br />~I t ,,~~, '.. <br />.I" ~ "'1"""'1""'''. <,,"- <br />"f'il ..".; r\ I ' ,,\,... <br />iJ I:,., ti h' ~ ~1." \ ~ <br /> <br />AFTER RECORlJIN(;. RETURN TO, <br />CORNUISTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY <br />1177 WEST LOOP SOUTlI, SUITE 2110 <br />HOUSTON, TX 771127 <br />POWEll.. Of Al'IOKNI:Y (1:I0KIlOWliK) <br />m!I)S <br /> <br /> <br />MY COMMISSION EXPIBES~17fl(m <br />