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<br />1. The real estate subject to this lien is: q ~:) 'i-""-i ',J--.,,' {\j, \:)c \ \
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<br />2. The person against whose interest in the real estate the lien is claimed is:
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<br />3. The name and address of the claimant is: D 9 "'" ':, Q (' '- .....T \ -h I
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<br />4. The name and address of the person with whom the claimant contracted is:
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<br />5. A ge~eral descrip?on of the claimant's services pe~oD?ed tQ.. to be perfqrmed or ,materials furnished or to be
<br />furmshed for the improvement and the contract pnce is: ~ e" ( \.' r \ '\. L I 0-.\ 0..." {'\/"'...
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<br />6. (Complete one of the following)
<br />-X- The amount unpaid, whether due or not, to the claimant for the services or materials is $ 8 D \.). C)t)
<br />_ The unpaid amount is not fixed by the contract, but a good faith estimate in the amount of $
<br />
<br />7. (Complete one of the following) ,;.5
<br />~ The time the last services or materials were furnished was ~" '" \. \. (\... J\. (. f ~ DC) Lo
<br />_ The time the last services or materials were furnished has not yet occurred but is estimated to occur
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<br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this
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<br />Signature of ofaimant /11M J!... ,JA{o!lSf~
<br />c;wl{/UL 0 r !) t m. S cc-u ,LI-r )'
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<br />, GENERAL NOTARY. State of Nebraska
<br />~ ' My Camm. Exp. Feb. 14,2008
<br />
<br />
<br />(52.147. See 52.148 for amendment; 52.149 for assignment; 52.137 for recording time; 52-154 for discharge or release).
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