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<br />Acknowledgement <br />Slale [if 'tY.ashingfan <br />Counly Of~._... ss" .4 <br />On Ihe...Jt).>'iday of-Ueant/:'er ,200S, before me >v.y :?:~"'J:{f..cL___ <br />a Notary -Public iwi/hin and f<Jr said .counly, persollOlly appear<id RICf/ARB AHJERrSON, Personal <br />Ropresenlativs of Iho ESTATE OF MARCiA ALBfRTSON, 10 me personally known 10 bs Ihs <br />idenlical person whose signaluro is affixed Mrslo, and Ihal M did ocknowlodge Ihe exoculion <br />Iheroof 10 bs hi~ vo/un/ary act and deed and /he volunlary ac/ anddesd of said Eslale. <br />IN WITNfSS WHfRfOF, I have hereunlo subscribed my namo and affixed my official seal al <br />Leavenworlh, Washing lon, on Iho dale last above wri/len. <br />My commission expires, .,- ~o -0 7 <br /> <br /> <br />L 2- 4k'( <br />( NOtary Public <br /> <br />~,t\\~H"'.tj{. <br />,t~ ":""'~8,}.', <br />f:t.'j'w.M 'i,\:~\. <br />~ t..,. .tI"'4Jj~ "'": ;. <br />~.\ .~t,.Jj <br />\~)-~r2) iJJ,........~1 <br />.."....~{ 0,. .l\\\\~~"\~" <br />ij'/llIlIlll~ l\\\' <br /> <br />S u [xe V 0 r 'S C e r Ii fi cat e <br /> <br />I hereby cerlify Ihal on Decemberl3, 200S, I compleled an accurale survsy of 'ALDA SOUTH <br />SUBDIVISION; Hall Counly, Nebraska, as shown on Ihe accompanying pial Ihereof,' Ihal the <br />lois, blocks, slreels, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and olher grounds as conloiMd in said <br />subdivision as spawn on the o<x;ompanyiRg -plot lher-eof ore _II ond .oc<:urolelysloked off <br />and marked; Ihol iron markers were placed .01 all 101 corners; Ihol Ihe dimensions of each <br />101 ore as shown on Ihe pial; Ihal each 101 bears ils own number; ond Ihal said survey was <br />mode wilh referpnc. 10 known and recorded monumenls. <br /> <br />ISeol) <br /> <br />~f\).~-o;) . .- <br />Daryl D. .... e;Jlrei, Reg. JLan Sl.Ir-<'8yor No. 578 <br /> <br />ADDro V-,!J~ <br />Submillsd 10. and approved by the Rogionol Pionning Commission of Hall Counly, Grond <br />Island, Wood md~he Vllloff-es:f Aida, Cairo and Doniphon, Nebraska. <br /> <br />'Chfm~~/ (9//0'/;0/. C!(..- <br /> <br />roved and occepled by Ihe Hall County Boord of Supervisors, of <br />_. 2005. <br /> <br /> <br />Lo1. ~_ <br />o . c1WfifiiOn Of The Bourd - <br /> <br />~Qtaf!v / <br /> <br /> <br />200600560 <br /> <br />Legal Des_crJp.iilW. <br />A lrac! of land comprising 0 port of Ihe Soulheasl QuortBr of Ihe Soulheasl Quarter <br />(SlII-4Sl114), J)f Section NinBie8J1 (1.9), Township hm (/f)) North, Range Ten (I()) West of <br />Iho 5th. P.M., in Hall Counly, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning 01 Ihe soulheast comer of said Soulheosl Ouorter of Ihe Soulh.osl Quorler <br />(5[1/45[1/4); Ihence running weslerly along the south line of said Soulheasl Quarler of Ihe <br />Soulheost Ouarter (5[1/45[1/4), on an Assumed Bearing of SS9'3S'tS"W, 0 dislonce of Nins <br />Hi.mdred NinQly NjnE .ond FMly Soven Hundredlhs (.9.99A7) feel, 10 0 poinl on Ihe <br />soulheaslerly righ! of way lins of Aida Road, and to a point on 0 curve, soid point bein9 <br />Three Hundred Twenly and Fifly Eighl Hundredlhs (320.SS) fsel easl of Ihe soulhwesl cornsr <br />of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (5[1/4Sfl/4); thence runnin9 <br />norlhwoslerly along Ihe soulheaslerly righl of way line of Aida Rood and Ihe arc of a CUrvo <br />10 Ihe left whoso rodius is One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Three and Twenly Four <br />Hundredlhs (13S3.24) fe.l, Iho long chord of which bears NSS'SS'OS"f, a long chord dislonce <br />of Five Hundred Twelve and Thirly Four Hundredlhs (SI2.34) feel; thence running N4S'S2'40''f, <br />along /he so/JlhelJsler/y right of way /ille of Aida Road, a dis/once of One Hundred Forty <br />Seven and Sixly Nine HundrBdlhs (/47.59) feel, to the interseclion of lhe southeaslerly righ! <br />of way line of Aida Road and Ihe soulhweslerly righ! of way line of Schultz Rood; Ihence <br />running S45'19'05"E, along Ihs southweslerfy right of way Ilns of Schultz Road, a dislance of <br />Three Hundred Two and Sixly NiM Hundredlhs (302.59) feel, 10 the inlers.ction of Ihs <br />sDJithwesterly right "I """y }j/J8 IJf Schultz Road ond Ihe northwesterly line of the existing <br />Counly rood righl of way as Recorded in Book 125, Page 429 01 the Ho/I Counly Regislor of <br />Deeds Office and 10 a poinl on a curve; Ihence running soulhweslerfy along Ihe northweslerly <br />lino of lite exisling County road right of 'woy os Recorded in Book 125, Page 429 01 tho Hall <br />Counly Rsgisler of V..ds Office and lhe arc of a curve 101M right whose radius is Five <br />Hundred Farly and Seven Tenfhs (5401) feel, Ihe long chord of which bears S70'28'47"W, a <br />long chord dislancs of ThrB' Hundred Fifty Three and Twenly Ons Hundrsdlhs (353.21) f..I, <br />10 a palnl Thirty Three (33.00) feel north of Ihe soulh line of said Soulheasl Quorl., of Ihe <br />Soulheosl Quorler (S[1/~Sf1/~); lhence running NS9'3S'IST. along Ihe soulherly line of Ihe <br />exisling Counly rood righl of way os Recorded in Book 125, Page 429 01 Ihe Hall Counly <br />Regisler of Deeds Office, 0 dislonce of Five HundrBd Thirly fighl and Six Hundredlhs <br />(538.96) f..I, 10 a poinl Thirly Three (33.00) feel wesl of Ihe eosl line of said Soulheosl <br />Quorler of Ihe Soulheast Quarter (5[1/45[1/4); Ihence running NOO'IS'46"W, along Ihe .osl <br />line [}I Ihe existing CDJinty mad righl .of way as Recorded in Book 125, Fage 429 al lhe Hall <br />County Register of Deeds Office, 0 distance of Five Hundred Thirty Nine and Forty Hundrodlhs <br />(539.40) feel. 10 0 poinl on Ihe norlhweslerly line of Ihe exisling Counly rood righl of way <br />us ffficorrf~d in Book 125, Page 1/29 uI the Hotl CvllTTiy Register of D.eds Olfice, and 10 0 <br />poinl on a curve; Ihonco running soulhweslerly along Ihe northweslerly line of Ihe exisling <br />Counly road right of way os Recorded in Book 12S, Page 429 01 the Hall Counly Regisler of <br />Deeds Offic., and along 117. arc of a curve 10 righl whoss radius is Five Hundred Farly and <br />Seven Tenths (S401) feel, Ihe long chord of which bears SIS'40 '46 "w, 0 long chord dislance <br />01 Three HJJndl'ed fifly One and Three Hl.lndredlhs (J51.0J) feel. 10 Ihe inlorsec!ion of Ihe <br />northweslerly line of Ihe exisling Counly rood righl of way as Recorded in Book I2S, Page <br />429 01 Ihe Hall Counly Regisler of Oeeds Office and ihe northeoslerly right of way line of <br />Schullz Rood; Ih.nce running N45'19'10"W, olong the norlheaslerly right of way line of <br />Schultz Rood, 0 dislonce of Three Hundred Two and Thirly HundrBdlhs (302.30) feel, 10 Ihe <br />inlerseclion of Ih~ nor/heaslerly right of way /lne of Schu/lz Rood and Ihe soulheaslsrly righl <br />of way line of Aida Rood; Ihence running N4J'2S'55''[, along Ihe soulheasl.rly righl of way <br />line of Aida Road, a dislance of One Hundred Farly Five and T wenly Two Hundredlhs (/4S.22) <br />foet, 10 '0 point on 0 curve; thence running 'norlhw~slerly -aiong Ihe soulheoslerly righl of way <br />line of Aida Rood and the arc of 0 cUrve 10 Ihe left, whoso radius is One Thousand Thro. <br />Hundred Fifly Three and Twenly Four Hundredlhs (13S3.24) feel, Ihe long chord of which <br />boors N30'27'II"f, 0 long chord dislonce of Flv. Hundred Ten and One Hundredlhs (510.01) <br />leel, 10 a point on Ihe eosl line of said Soulheosl Quarler of Ih. Soulheosl Quorler <br />(sfI/4sHI4); Iheace running SOO'15'46''[, alMg Ihe easl/ille of said Soulheosl Quorler of <br />Ihe Soulheasl Quarler (5[1/45[1/4), a dislonce of Nine Hundred Ninely Seven and Twenly <br />Two Hundredlhs (997.22) feel, 10 Ihe poinl of beginning and conloining 6.042 acres more or <br />less. ' <br /> <br />Dedication <br />.-. KNow ALL MfN BY THESf PR[SfNTS, Ihol RICHARD ALBfRTSON, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE <br />OF THf [STATE OF MARCIA ALBERTSON, Ihe owner of lhe land described hereon. has <br />caused same 10 be surveyed, subdivided, ploll.d and designolod oS :4LDA SOUTH SUBDIVISION; <br />Hall Counly, Nobraska, as shown on the accompanying pial Ihereof, and do hereby dedicole <br />Ihe rood righl of way os shown Ihereon 10 Ihe public for Iheir use lorever and Ihe <br />easemenls, if any, os shown Iherson for Ihe loealion, conslruction and mainlenonce of public <br />service utillli.s forever, logelher wilh Ihe righl of ingress and egress Iherelo, and hereby <br />pl'ohibiling NIe plOIlHl1g (){ .trees, /Jl.lshes ond shrubs, or placing olh.r obslruc!ions upon, over, <br />along or underneolh Ihe surface of such eos.menls; and Ihol Ihe fOrBgoing subdivision as <br />more particularly described in Ihe description hereon as appears on Ihis plol is mod. wilh <br />'Ihe iree com;"'" and in occonlanco with the desires of th. undersigned owner and proprielor. <br />IN WITNESS WHfRfOF, I have affixed my signolure hereto al Leovenworih, Woshinglon, Ihis <br />. 3...a..-doy oL.I2E..c,,-tfl!.e/f....,.. .. , 2005 . <br /> <br />ESTA TE OF MARCIA ALBERTSON <br /> <br />;eu()c(~~- <br />Richard Alberlson, Personal Represo/Jlolivo <br /> <br />ALDA SOUTH SUBDIVISION <br />HALL COUNTY, N~BRA SKA <br /> <br />ROCKWCLL ANO ASSOC. L.L.C. <br /> <br />GRANO ISLANO. NCBRASKA <br /> <br />Sheet No. 2 Of 2 <br /> <br />fNGINffRING .t SURVEYING <br />