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<br />Ill. - lliCOllDED Dl!l'l'ANCE ANDIOR ANOLL SURVEY BY RONAl..O R. ROCK1fEU., <br />L. S. NO. 349, DATED JANUARY 24. 2001 (PARCEL NO.8) <br />H2. - RtlCOllOED DI!l'l'ANCE ANDIOR ANGLl! ON SURVn BY RONALD R. ROCK1fEU., <br />L. S. NO. 3411, DATED JANUARY 24, 2001 (PARGt!~ NO. E) <br />R3. - RECORDED DI!l'l'ANCE AND/OR ANOLl! ON SURVEY BY RONUD R. ROCKQ]J., <br />L. S. NO. 349. DATED JANUARY U. 2001 (PARCEL NO.3) <br />lU. - RECORDED DISTANCE ANDIOR BEARING ON DRAWINGS 01' GAS LIN!;; EASEMENT <br />PROVlDIlD BY JO SHORT. CORNHUS!Oi:R AAP ornc! <br />A. - AGTU~ DI!l'l'ANGt! AND/OR ANGLlI <br /> <br />2006005~8 <br /> <br />N.lI'. COIlNER NWI/4 <br />SECTION 20-TIlN-R~ <br />fOUND "0 J ROSTLER" <br />~UMINUJ.l CAl' IN ASPH. <br />PAVEllENT _I <br />I <br />40.0' A. <br />--p- <br /> <br />OVERHCAO POWER LINE ~ <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> -< <br /> 0 <br /> Cl:: <br /> -< <br /> '0 :3 <br /> 0 -< <br /> N <br /> II <br /> . <br /> .... <br /> I ..; <br /> .. <br /> ~ .. <br /> oj <br /> :t <br /> u N <br />, CIl <br /> <br />I <br />~ <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />8,;;. <br />.. I". <br /><ra,~.I>" <br /> <br />P!.AGli:D CONC. <br /> <br /> <br />S.lI'. CORNER Nlfl/4 ~ .1 <br />SECTION 20-TIlN-RIOll' ........ <br />FOUND "0 J HOSTLER" <br />ALUIlINUM CAl' IN ASPH. <br />PAVli:l4ENT <br /> <br />. .. INDICATES 1/2" IRON PIPE FOIrnO <br />o = INDICATES 1/3" IRON PIP!;; PI.ACJ;;D <br /> <br />t. <br /> <br />N.lI'. CORNER NEI/4 <br />SECTION 30-TIlN-R <br />FOUND "0 J 1l0STLE <br />ALUMINUM CAl' IN A <br />PAVEMli:NT <br />SECTION UNE7 <br /> <br />~, - 539.W A. , <br /> <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />..; <br />;, <br />g <br /> <br />FOUND <br /> <br />PK NAI~ 1 FOUND PK NAIL <br /> <br />OLD POTASH <br />- " ..-- - 750.79' Rl.&A. <br /> <br />I <br />, SECTION UNE7 <br />:1.384.83' Rl.&A. <br /> <br />I~ <br />I' <br />II <br />'I <br />I", <br />'I ~ <br />II ~ <br />I..-J <br />~> <br />I '" r::~ <br />II ~~ <br />"'!a <br />II ~~ <br />wi <br /> <br />II <br />I, <br />10. <br />II <br />I' <br />II <br />II <br />10. <br />II <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />~ <br />!i' <br />6 <br />" <br />~ <br /> <br />~99.01 <br /> <br />w <br />z <br />:J <br /> <br />It 30' WIDE GAS <br />Y LINE EASEMENT <br /> <br />I, <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />4 ~ <br />, 'I-\~~ )( <br />"'~ . ...- <br />~~'''J'!>'' ~60 <br />'Ii 'J.~ t. - 481 <br />/ <br /> <br /> <br />4~7.87' Rl.l<A. - <br /> <br />~{ <br />0: <br />~ <br />..;. <br />gj\ <br /> <br />771.59' Rl.I<A. <br /> <br />:{ <br /> <br />g <br />:lI <br /> <br />.." ... <br />'" <br />"'8 <br />.~~ <br />:~ <br />~ <br /> <br />40.0' A. <br /> <br />1,391.43' Rl. <br /> <br />1- <br /> <br />3.44~.39' R3.1<A. <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />A traot of land oomprlaing . part of tbe Northweot quortor (NlI'i/4) and 0 port of lbe North...t qu.rter (NEI/4). oll beinl in SeoUon 'I' <br />!lle..n (It) North, R.n,e T.n (10) ll'o.t of the 8th P.M.. Hall County, Nebraob, and mOre p.rUoul.rly deoerlbod .. '011""0' <br />Beiinnina: at the northlJBlilt corner 01 Baid North.ellll Quarter (NlU!4); th~b~e fWln1ne eal!lh1rly, tllanc and upon the:! north lIoe of 1Ia: <br />(NW1/'), a distA.nce of One Thomuu).d Three Hundred. SlIty Four and Sixty Tlfo Hundredthll (1.364.62) teet; theDc;:e d~t1e.ctJul <br />runnln. 8outherly, B. diatance of T1ro Hundred Sb:teen and Thrl!:lllll Hundrtldth!J (216.03) fed; thl!:noc de-nee-Une daM 38-33'46" and I'1J <br />a. dililh,nce of FOlJr Hllnd"l!Id Thirty On"" and Fifty FtVI!t Hundreclths (-431.55) feet; thence den~cting riM:ht 51.15'58" 8ud runnina: <br />of TIIr.. Hundred Seventy Five and Eilhty Three Hundredtho (375.63) feet; defl.eUnl loft 69"19'46" .,,4 l'Unntne .0ulb..l) <br />Hundred Seventy Nine and Five Hundtedthl!l (179.05) feet, thence den~c:tiDr 90.46144" a.nd runninc eaBterly. a di.tance Qt I <br />Three .ad S8VBn Ttlnths (193.70) fct!lt~ thence defiecUn, rilht 89""45'02" and running southerly, It Qt Two HUDdr~d Ii <br />Tenth. (285.40) teeti thence defiecUna left Sgao-4a'07- end runni.n, i!lal!lterl'y, a distance Qf Four Fifty Seven and Eillht: <br />(<&57.87) feet; thence detlecUn!, ri,ht OS-O,U)37N and runninl lIoutherly, a diBte.nce of TbJ"e~ Hup.dr.,d Thirty Four and Fiftl:!.,n : <br />teet; thence dtlln~oUnl left 88 .2'f;7'" and :t"\lnnina ~B.l!ltl!l)'l:sr. .. ~.hrtance of Seven Seventy One and F1fty Nine Hund.r <br />theDc" daf]ecUn&: left 89"'42'4-J" and runnln, nQrtherly, a di.tance of Thr~ti!I Hundred Seventy 4Jl.d Nh:i$ben Hundredthll (3 <br />detlectinl' right .8-36'00'" and runllinl northealllterly, u. dialanee of Two Hundred Fo:rty Th.r~e and Sixty S\wen Hundredths (J <br />deneoline rl<<bt 40039'09" ond l'Unnin, .o.terly, 0 diotol1c. ot Four Hundr.d EiSbty and .'orty Five Hundredth. (460.45) taal <br />lett 89"33'32 and runnIng northerly, a d)otone. of Four Hundred Twenty Three ond Fourteen Hundredth, (423.14) fe.t; th, <br />91"17"27" and :runniDg 'Westerly, 8. di.tance of Five Hundred NJnety Nine and Nine Hundredth.. (~99.09) tltBtj th8JlCe den~ct <br />and runnJna north.,.,.".terly. a dlllltall(!'" of Two Hund:tild Twenty Nine and. Fifly Four Hundredth. (229.54) leeli th~nce defiec1 <br />and runninl northerly, a distance ot ""'Q BUDdred Twenty Thrl!tB and Ei,hly Seven Hundredths (223.87) feet. to a point aD. th.: <br />NQrlh....,.IIt QUanlir (NlH(.4); thenc. defldOtinC ri,bt 90'"28'17" and. runnill~ ti,,,,ultt!!::rly, elon. aud upDn thl!!l north Un!;! 01 ~dd <br />(Nlfl/4)t . dJri.lUlctl ot '1 ve HWldnd Tw"nty Nine -.nd Forl1 Ji'lve Hundredths (0.29,46) teet to the north"en comer ot .aid Nor1.h.e <br />thence defiecUna: rilht 00"'03'26" and runnillll eallterly, alonl and UPQtl the! north linl!! or .aid Northeast Quarter (NE1/4-). I <br />Hundred Ntn.ty Two .nd I'lft."n Hundredth. (7112.1~l feet; theno" deneoUne rlllbt 90011'02" ond l'Un.ntnl ",utherly, . dlotan, <br />Five Hundred Ellrhty Se.en and Five Tenth. (2687.50 t..t; thono. den"eUne rieM 90"~I'38" .nd runntn, w..terly. . dlstone. <br />Four Hundred Forty P'i..e and Th..1rty Nine 3.<<6.39) teet to a PQint OD the WII"t UtJ-1!! ot "aid NorthlJeilt. Q'Q.arler (Nlf1/' <br />daht 89"'19'17'" and runnJn, northerly, alone and upon the ..".eSlt Une ot B.1d NQrth.....eet Querle;ro (NWl/4)t u. distaDc~ Q <br />. Hundred Twonty Two ond Forty Nino Hundredtb. (2,522.49) f..t to tho point of b'i1nninS and oontaininll 133.928 .ore.. more <br />