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<br />,. ....... ....II!: <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br /> <br />200512655 <br /> <br />Lot Seveo (7). Block One Hundred I'Ifly..two (152) III UDlOII PaclDe RaIlway ComJNUl1'I Sec:oud AddlUOII <br />to the CU;y 01 Graad 1lJaad, BaD CoUDty. Nebrull:a, uul . Iraet 0I1aDd deleribed .. that portIOII 01 <br />Sutherlaud Street vaeated by CIty 01 Gnuad IlJaad 0rdiDaDc:e No. 1457 .dJoiDlPa Lot Seven (7). Bloc:k. <br />One IluDdred ~ (152). UDIou Pac:lIIe RaIlway ComJNUl1'I Sec:oud AddlUou to the City 01 Gnuad <br />.....d, BaD County, Nebralka, beiDa more partIcuIarI)' deIcrIbed .. rollon: 1IoW....1n'.t the Soutbwest <br />eomer 01 Lot Sevm (7), Blodt ODe HUDdled Flfty-two (152); theuc:e Nonheuterl;y aloaa the Southerly <br />Une 01 laid Lot Sevm (7). . diltlIDc:e 01 SUty-I1z (66) feet to the Southeut toI'IleI' 01 laid Lot Seveo (7)/ <br />theuc:e Soutbeuterl;y alOBI the ~"OII 01 the Une betneIl Lou S_ (7) ud EIaht (I), . dlItaDee or <br />SeveDty ud 'lbirty-Iema HUIldredtbI (7CU7) feet to . poIat 011 the NOI'tberV ri&ht-ol~ Une or <br />Sutherlaud Street, . diltIIIlce 01 s-ty.IIw ud Fortr-* HUDdredthl (75.46) teet to . point on the <br />Southeuterl;y ateDllon or the lIDe behNeD Lou Sb: (6) aad Sevat (7), 01 laid Block ODe HUDdred <br />~ (152); tbeDce Nortlnlaterl;y alOBI laid ateDIlOD of the lIDe bean. Lot Six (6) aDd S- (7), <br />a dlItaDce of 'I1drty-thne aad Slxty-IeYeD HUDdreclthI (33.67) feet, to the polDt or ~nnl"". <br />