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200512606 <br />HouaaholdName: <br />HOME OWNER I REAL ESTATE CERTIFICATION <br />Date: <br />Property Name: Unit # (if assigned): <br />❑ At this time my/our houedreal estate is not for sate and Uwe do not intend to sell it. <br />Explanation: <br />❑ At this time, my /aur houWreat estate is not for sale, but Ywe do anticipate placing it on the market no later than: <br />[] My /Our house/real estate is currently on the market and: (Attach a copy of your listing contract) <br />❑ Me do not have a buyer at this time. <br />❑ Me have a buyer. (Attach a copy of the Offer to Purchase) <br />❑ I am currently renting my house for $ per month. <br />❑ I have no intention of renting the housc/real estate in the next twelve (12) months. <br />Additional remarks <br />Under penalty of pezjury, Uwe certify that the information presented in this certification is true and accurate to the <br />best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understand(s) that providing false represcntation herein constitutes <br />an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information may result in the termination of a lease agreement. <br />kU'pdated 12.04) <br />Signature of ApplicantrTenant <br />Signature of Applicant/Tenant <br />Date <br />Date <br />