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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />Slale 01 Oregon ss 20051"2258 <br />Counly Of ( "'elI"",...~ <br />On Ihe~day at Wcm-Iltr _, 2005, before me Q",d...1 T:u.....i~_ <br />a Nolary Public wilhin and for said Counly, personally appeared ROBERT A. <br />UNGER, Co-Partner of ANDERSON-UNGER FARMS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a <br />Nebraska Limiled Liabilily Parlnership, 10 me personally known to be the <br />identical person whose signature is affixed hereto, and that he did <br />acknowledge Ihe execulion Ihereof to be his voluntary act and deed, and the <br />voluntary ael and of said Partnership. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo subscribed my name and affixed my <br />official seal al.!""~p~_____, Oregon, on the date lasl above wrillen. <br />My" . -~~. <br />_ OH-1CIALSEAI.. <br />RACHEL DAVIS <br />; , NO'rARY PUBUC-OAEGON <br />COMMltitilON NO. 300927 <br />MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT 8, 2009 <br /> <br />(Seal) <br /> <br />.~~Ad .~Cl...~ <br />Nolary Public <br /> <br />A CKNO WL EDGEMENT <br />Stale Of Arizona <br />Counly olm~ <br />On Ihe_,dO_~"day of lIIt')v"",~, 2005, before meC!&I!;n?€.I Woo77"<>'" _ <br />a Nolary Public within and for said County, personally appeared LILY BnLE <br />UNGER and CANDICE A. UNGER, Co-Partners of ANDERSON-UNGER FARMS <br />LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Nebraska Limiled Liability Partnership, to me <br />personally known to be the identical persons whose signalures are affixed <br />herelo, and that each did acknowledge Ihe execulion Ihereof 10 be her <br />volunlary acl and deed, and the voluntary ael and of said Partnership. <br />.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo subscribed my name and affixed my <br />official seal at (1.4K.c -=",-"",, ,Arizona, on Ihe dale lasl above written. <br />My commission expireL_LJJL.i!/.dc,,:;; <br /> <br /> <br />~~(J~_ <br />......--___Nolary Public <br /> <br />SUR VEYOR'S CER TlE/CA_ TE <br />I hereby cerlify Ihal on November io, 2005, I completed an accurate <br />survey of 'C. A. UNGER SUBDIVISION', Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on Ihe <br />accompanying pIal Ihereof; Ihal the lois, blocks, slreels, avenues, alleys, <br />parks, commons and olher grounds as conlained in said subdivision as <br />shown on the accompanying pIal Ihereof are well and accuralely staked off <br />and marked; thai iron markers were placed al all 101 comers; that the <br />dimensions of each 101 are as shown on the plat; thai each 101 bears its <br />own number; and Ihat said survey was made wllh reference 10 known and <br />recorded monumenls. <br /> <br />-/ :.~-;:,_:~.Y'?;:,\'~ _. <br />\..{Sidt!-,j,;' '\)~~I;) 'C:1 4.~ <br />}''',:/r'.-,,-'-'\:''9'eryl D. Sorg rei, Reg. and Surveyor No. <br />l\t',:(,.~:;~:.'J{::;;~:.~2~9 <br /> <br />518 <br /> <br />APPROVALS <br />Submilled 10 and approved by Ihe Regionol Planning Commission of Hall <br />Counly, Grand Island, Wood River and Ihe Villages of AIda, Cairo and <br />DoniP~on braska. . . <br /> <br />~ C; ~ .M/'l/--f;.L <br />Chairman D61e <br /> <br />Apf3..v..ed and Cf'>fepled b~ Ihe Hall Counly Board of Supervisors, lhis <br />_ day at .LJP.A..~~. ,2005. <br /> <br /> <br />~/~ an/r <br />Co n y C erk . <br /> <br />C.A. <br />HALL <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPJION <br />A Irael of land comprising a pari of Ihe Soulheast Quarler (SE1/4), of <br />Seelion Twenly Four (24), Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (10) Wesl, of <br />the 6rlh. P.M., in Hall Counly, Nebraska, more parlicularly described os <br />follows; <br />Beginning 01 fhe soulhwesl corner of said Soulheasl Quarter (5[1/4); Ihenc. <br />running norlherly along Ihe west line of said Southeast Ouar/er (S[1/4), on <br />an Assumed Bearing of NOO'12'45"W, a dislance of One Thousand Nine <br />Hundred Sevenly Five and Twenty Seven Hundredlhs (1975.27) feel, 10 the <br />ACTUAL poinl of beginning; Ihence continuing NOO'I2 '45 ''W, along the west <br />line of said Soulheasl Quor/er (S[1/4), a dislance of Six Hundred Sixly Two <br />and Sixly Three Hundredlhs (662.63) feel, to Ihe norlhwest comer of said <br />Soulheast Quarter (SEI/4); Ihence running N89'44'06"E, along the norlh line <br />of said Soulheasl Quarler (S[1/4), a dislance of Two Thousand Four Hundre( <br />Sixly Three and Ninely Five Hundredlhs (2463.95) feel, 10 a point on Ihe <br />weslerly righl of way line of U.S. Highway No. 287; thence running <br />SOO'OI'56"E, along the westerly righl of way line of U.S. Highway No. 281, a <br />dislance of Twenty (20.00) feel; thence running 589'44 '06''W, a dislance of <br />One Thousand fight Hundred Twenly Six and Fourteen Hundredlhs (1826.14) <br />feel; Ihence running S44'32'33"W, a dislance of Nine Hundred Five and <br />Seventy Eighl Hundredlhs (905.78) feet, to Ihe ACTUAL poinl of beginning one <br />containing 5.836 acres more or less. <br /> <br />DEDICA TION <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Ihal ANDERSON-UNGER FARMS LIMITED <br />PARTNERSHIP, a Nebraska Limited Partnership, being the owners of Ihe land <br />described hereon, have caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, plafled and <br />designaled as 'C. A. UNG[R SUBDIVISION', Hall County, Nebraska, as shown 01 <br />Ihe accompanying pial thereof, and do hereby dedicate the eosemenls, if an; <br />as shown thereon for Ihe localion, conslruelion and mainlenance of public <br />service utilities forever, logelher with the right of ingress and egress Iherelo, <br />and hereby prohibiling Ihe plan ling of trees, bushes and shrubs, or placing <br />other obslructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such <br />easemenls; and that the foregoing subdivision as more particularly described <br />in the descriplian hereon as appears on Ihis plat is made wilh Ihe free <br />consent and in accordance with the desires of Ihe undersigned owners and <br />proprielors. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signalures hereto al Grand <br />Island, Nebraska, this~day olli_~_ bA,r ,2005,.d"'.c~~~!!.,,=------_, <br />Arizona, Ihis~day a'--Lii!'?"",<l1~ ,2005 and. ":A"~ .<0",,,,,,..,, <br />Oregan, Ihis ..... day of..LJtLo::u"~_, 2005. <br /> <br />ANDERSON-UNGER FARMS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Nebraska Limiled Parlnershi(. <br /> <br />~A.~ <br />Kurt A. Unger, Co-Parlner <br /> <br /> <br />R~U~ (;o-Partner <br /> <br /> <br />-~'/BIf,d. 1L.'$'~ <br />ily elle Unger, -Partner <br /> <br />/19..KNO WL EDGEMENT <br /> <br />Stole Of Nebraska <br />County Of Hall ss <br />On Ihe~day of~f","b..... , 2005, before me. Q~"'11 .. ~.~__,!c"".f..~ <br />a Nolary Public wilhin and for said County, personally appeared KURT A. <br />UNG[R, Co-Parlner of ANDERSON-UNGER FARMS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 0 <br />Nebraska Limill;ld Liabilily Parlnership, 10 me personally known 10 be- Ihe <br />identical person whose signa lure is affixed hereto, and Ihal he did <br />acknowledge the execution Ihereof 10 be his voluntary acl and deed, and Ihe <br />volunlary acl and of said Partnership. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my <br />official seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on Ihe date lasl above writlen. <br />My commission expires Eef,,L4-r I~, 7.00t:__ <br /> <br />r--ClfJ S .~t-~~ <br />olary Public <br /> <br />fL':~tIUT.'\.ll'i'-Stat~{lffl~hr:!;i& <br />DEAY '.: jil;l .!' <br />"";,_ M,,"",~~W1200t <br /> <br />UNGER SUBDIVISION <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />Roc k w . I I And Ass 0 C _. L L C, - [n gin 8 e r i n 9 .t S v r , 8 Y i n 9 - Ii r 0 n d I $ I Q n d , Neb r 0 s k a <br /> <br />Sheel No. 2 Of 2 <br />