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<br />
<br />THE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, A Nebraska Banking Corporation, Trustee and
<br />Grantor, in performance of said trust and by virtue of the power and authority given in
<br />and by such instrument, and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and
<br />valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby ackllowledged,Uquitclafins and --- - -
<br />recohvey~ to the person or persons entitled thereto, Mitchell L. Spiehs and Jarilyn Spiehs..
<br />Grantee, the. following described real estate (as defined in Nebraska Revised Statutes
<br />Section 76-101}in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />s.
<br />'S
<br />Cl
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<br />, .
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<br />A tra~ld[Iaridcomprising a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW Yo
<br />~W.\4), of.~ection Twenty-Four (24), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eleven (11) West
<br />Of-the 6~ .P.M., Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows:
<br />B~ginnlligat the Southwest comer of said Northwest (NW Yo); thence northerly along and
<br />; l,lPQn the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NW Yo), a distance of Four Hundred Eighty-
<br />~even (487.0) feet; thence deflecting right 89028' 14" and running easterly a distance of
<br />Nine Hundred Sixty-Six and Five Hundredths (966.05) feet; thence deflecting right 900 31 '
<br />46"and; running southerly, parallel with the west line of said Northwest Quarter (NW Yo), a
<br />Distance of Five Hundred Thirteen and Eighty-Nine Hundredths (513.89) feet to a point
<br />On the south line of said Northwest Quarter (NW Yo); thence deflecting right 910 03' 55" and
<br />Running westerly along and upon the south line of said Northwest Quarter (NW Yo) a
<br />Distance of Nine Hundred Sixty-Six and Eighteen Hundredths (966.18) feet to the point
<br />Of beginning and containing 11.098 acres, of which 0.369 acres is presently occupied by
<br />Public road right of way.,
<br />
<br />f-'I
<br />
<br />This reconveyance is made in satisfaction of the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust
<br />recorded in the Office of the Hall County Register of Deeds, as Document No.
<br />0200404546, on May 7, 2004, pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 76-1014.
<br />
<br />Grantor executes this instrument as Trustee and is not to be held liable in its individual
<br />capacity in anyway by reason of this instrument.
<br />
<br />presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto. this
<br />2nd day of December ,2005.
<br />*:s(: .,,~
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<br />The
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<br />~.::;'~~:li~~";i~)~;:~~nniS Devine,
<br />, .' ~ ", ;j"" Vice President
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<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />fL~ 14- .c.,4,~ /
<br />, 'CJ
<br />James A. Roberg,
<br />Vice President
<br />
<br />) SS
<br />
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this December 2,2005.. by James
<br />A. Roberg, Vice President of The State Bank of Cairo, A Nebraska Bank Corporatio , on
<br />behalf of the Corporation.
<br />
<br />
<br />-,IOTARY-Statl of e~~r~s~~~
<br />PAUL E. SULLlVhi .
<br />Comm. Exp. Apti128. ,.. .
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