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<br />This is to certify that the debt secured by the Deed of Trust identified below has been paid and the below named Trustee
<br />is requested to execute this Deed of Reconveyance.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Lincoln, Nebraska in said County, the date aforesaid.
<br />~ GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska ~ ~
<br />. JIII~ , SUSAN LAUVER . 21. ^ q-x::1J~\ff' r
<br />My Commission Expires: 71."t<;;:: My CUIIIIII, [x~, \'let. 22, 2007 Notary Public
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, ALL OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THE Deed of Trust executed by Jennv Arends as
<br />Trustor to Commercial Federal Bank, a Federal Savinqs Bank as Trustee for the benefit of Nebraska
<br />Investment Finance Authoritv the beneficiary named therein, dated December 30, 1999, and recorded in the
<br />office of the Regist.e~ ~2~~ds~.~n~1I Cou~tx, Nebraska, !n B?~k ~ Page ---:- or Instrument Number _
<br />'2PCeoQ',l. and Beneflclallntereslln sal<rrreed -01' I ~r w~ a;:j;3lgllmr-td"~ASt9\tNVESTMENT FfNANGE.
<br />AUTHORITY (formerly known as Nebraska Mortgage Finance Fund) by Assignment recorded in Book _
<br />Page _ or Instrument Number _ has been paid; and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, the Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust has requested that the property held by the Trustee be
<br />reconveyed, without warranty, to the person or persons entitled thereto.
<br />
<br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the written request of the
<br />Beneficiary named therein, the undersigned, as Trustee, does hereby grant without warranty, to the person or
<br />persons entitled thereto all the estate and interest held by it, as Trustee, under the above described Deed of
<br />Trust in the following described property: \\\\\\\O"NAl/L'1J111111
<br />~\\~'b..\\ 81i"I,
<br />t$.~~'''' - -.. -q--':'
<br />Lot Three (3) and the Southerly Four (4) feet of Lot Four (4) in Block Eight (8), Packer & Barr's Addiffl\9'fhe City ffi, ,.,%.
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. f;; , " ~%
<br />IJ .~ ~: CORPORATE 1;1 ~
<br />Executed: (tfD~r 7 jldJ0- ~~ I SEAL ,. mr
<br />C.K. Be~Ii!:l9, Vice J;resident L?an Docum~nta ~. " ?S/!
<br />We\b t-Clr?\O rl nQnc--I<'\. \ No.J-ion . ~"Il.\ K , '^*<?f..:
<br />STATE OF Minnesota ,J """ J\,." ... _....,. ~"~,,,
<br />"",' I~M .'tl.SCfJ.....
<br />COUNTY OF Hennepin -'/';'" ,,,,,,;,,,,'
<br />
<br />Tl1.. e foreQQina Deed of R~c;;onveYancf! was acknqwledaed bet~o me o.n. October 7.2005 byUUlehlf"'3 Y,cu
<br />Y_vtS1denf" l-otth U?'~fiOl"\, WellS f--a~~D FlI\anCla.l NltiM\aJ <t. K, _ /) . .....-")
<br />, -- -. . ' . ,f/oJu1t4
<br />My Commission Expires: Notary Public v
<br />After Recording Mail to: KRISTI DOHERTY WFHM Loan #0252849294 Pa1.of! Date: 9/19/2005 V
<br />Jenny Arends NQl8ry Public NIFA # ~:L 3'2.""7 37--?l., 0 v'"
<br />Minnesota .....
<br />516 N Broadwell St M ComlTllSsiwEx . 312010 Borrower Name: Jenny Arendsv"
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801 'NIFA Property Address: 516 North Broadwell Street
<br />City & State: Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />
<br />HBA payoff amount: 10 '1 ~ :;..7
<br />Actual funds wired: J~I, DrlLll Q,l
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />Payoff %: 0 100%!'75% 050% 025%
<br />Date funds wired: q) d I J OS
<br />. I
<br />
<br />il J dJ D 5 j)')1
<br />,
<br />
<br />9/05 HBA smp
<br />