<br />~
<br />
<br />200511954
<br />
<br />
<br />-9~
<br />96- 110051
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />A parcel of l~nd situate in the SW~ of Section S, ~. 9
<br />N., R. 9 ~'l. of the Sixth Pri.;:cis>al ~eridL:ln i:t th!2 City of uo;;i?~~n,
<br />Coun~,_y of -.~_all, St~~Le of N'e~r~sJ"'~, ~ r ~ 1 1 d _. ~
<br />- ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ .,,0 e parLicu_ar_y escrl~e~ 2S
<br />follo'.-Is:
<br />
<br />CO::t!:tencing at the southeast CO:::ne!:' o~ s2id S\\'I::: of Section 5;
<br />thence along t~e so~th line of said Sectio~ 5, ~est, a
<br />distance of 10.0 feet to the T2UE POINT 02 E~GIN~I~G;
<br />thence along parallel with the north-south centerline of
<br />said Sectio~ 5, North, a dist~nce of 1,000.0 feet;
<br />thence along a line w~ich is per~endicular to said north-
<br />south centerline, lvest, a dist<1nce of 190.0 feet;
<br />thence alo~g a line parallel with 2nd 200 feet distant
<br />westerly, ~e~sured at right angles, fro~ said centc~line, South,
<br />a distance of 1,000.0 feet, more or less, to a noint on the south
<br />line of said Section 5; -
<br />thence along saie south line of Section 5, East, a distance
<br />of 190.0 feet, more or less, to the TaUE POIN~ 02 9~GI~NiNG.
<br />
<br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM, that portion of the above
<br />described parcel of land conveyed by Union Paqific Land Resources
<br />Corporation to Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A., by Quitclaim Deed,
<br />dated June 20, 1986, and id~ntified in the records of the Grantor
<br />as Audit No. 40396, said portion being more particularly
<br />described as follows:
<br />
<br />A parcel of land situate in the Southwest Quarter (SW~)
<br />of Section 5, Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the Sixth PrinCipal
<br />Meridian, City of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska, bounded and
<br />described as follows:
<br />
<br />Commencing at the south quarter corner of said Section 5;
<br />thence westerly, along the south line of said Section 5,
<br />10.0 feet;
<br />thence northerly, parallel with the north-south
<br />centerline of said Section 5,420.0 feet to a point on the ea-sterly
<br />prolongation of the north right-of-way line of Plum Street, said
<br />point also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
<br />thence continuing northerly, parallel with said north-
<br />south centerline, 580.0 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel I,
<br />as conveyed by Union Pacific Railroad Company to Onion Pacific Land
<br />Resources Corporation by QuitClaim Deed dated April 1, 1971 and
<br />recorded in the records of said County;
<br />thence westerly, along the northerly line of said
<br />conveyed parcel, 170.0 feet to a point 20.0 feet easterly from the
<br />northwest corner of said conveyed parcel;
<br />thence sou ther 1y, par aIle 1 wi th said nor th-south
<br />
<br />c-5
<br />
<br />5;J/.Ac3//JEff70,Arc7/1 (~J2
<br />
<br />EUPLRAB2- / cJ 'f
<br />