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<br />EXHIBIT "A"
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<br />A trac t of land compria ing a part of 1.0 ts "'n (2). Three (]) and Four (4).
<br />B1n ck "'en ty Thre e (23) · Nagy's Addi Unn to the City of C rand is iand.
<br />NebraBka~ and more particlllar.ly--d-eacr:f.bed a8follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the northeast corner of sold Lot 1'Ioree (]), thence
<br />Westedy, slong snd upon the north Une of said I.ots Three (3) and Four
<br />(4), a distance of Eighty Eight (88.0) feet to the nonhwest corner
<br />of the easterly "'enty "'0 (22.0) feet of said I.ot Fnur (I>), thence
<br />snutherly. parallel with the east line of said I.ot FOur (I>), a distance
<br />of N'ne ty (90.0 ) fee t; thence eon te r I y, para 11el with the north Hne
<br />nf Sold Lnt Four (4). a distance of lwenty Two (22.0) feet to a ,,"lnt
<br />nn the Wes tUne of sa'd I.ot Three (J); thence nouther]y. along and
<br />upon the West line of nald Lot Three (J), a distance of Three and One
<br />Tenth (]. I) feet to the SOuthwest COtner of the oorthedy Ninety Three
<br />aod Ooe Tenth (93. I) fee t 0 f sai d 1.0 t Three (3); theoce eon ted y ,
<br />parallel with the south Hne of said Lot Three (]), a dIstance of Sixty
<br />SIx (66.0) feet to a polot on the east Hne of sold I.ot 1'Ioree (]);
<br />thence conU"'lng easterly, parallel whh the suuth liue of said I.ot
<br />Twu (2). a dIu tance of Nine and Seven Teo "OR (9. 7) feet to a polot 00
<br />the Wes tUne of Plum S tree t ; theoce northwes te rl y along and npon the
<br />west line of Plum Street and also helng alnng and opon the src of a
<br />CUrve to the right whose radins Is One IInndred Twenty Five 025.0)
<br />feet, a chnrd dlstance of FHty Three and Seven lIundredths (53.07) feet
<br />to a point on the eant lioe of sald Lot Three (3); theoce nonherly,
<br />aloog and upon the West line of I'lum Street and also heing along and
<br />"pon the east Une of naid I.ot Three (3), a distance of Forty and Nine
<br />Tenths (40.9) feet to the I'oint of heginnlng, sald tract snbject to
<br />easements of record.
<br />
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