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<br />
<br />200511347
<br />
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<br />
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />
<br />Commencing at a poiut Fifty-five (55) feet Northerly from the Southeast corner of Lot Eight (8), in Hlock
<br />Sixty-five (65) of the Original Town, now City of Grand Island, lIull County, Nebraska, running thence
<br />Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot Eight (8), Twenty-two (22) feeti thence Westerly at right
<br />angles and parallel with the Southerly line of said Lot Eight (8) and Seven (7) ill said Block Sixty-five
<br />(65), Ninety-nine (99) feeti thence Southerly at right angles and parallel with the Easterly line of said
<br />Lot Eight (8), Twenty-two (22) feeti thence Easterly at right angles and parallel with the Southerly line
<br />of said Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), Ninety-nine (99) feet to the point of beginning except a certain tract
<br />of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 91-103092.
<br />
<br />
<br />AND
<br />
<br />'~'_.~""._~~
<br />
<br />,The Westerly Twenty-Nine (29) feet of the following
<br />'described real estatel commencing at a point Fi fty-
<br />Five (55) feet Northerly_ ft:_Qrnthe Southeast cot"ner-of
<br />Lot E-lght(Uj, in Block SixtY-Five (65) of the Original
<br />Town, now city of Grand Island, Nebraska, running
<br />tile n c e Nor the r 1 y a .1 0 n g the E; a 9 t e r I y .1 i n e 0, f s aid Lot
<br />Eight (9), Twenty-Two (22) feet, thence Westerly at
<br />right angles and parallel with the Southerly line of
<br />said Lot E:ight lind Lot Seven in said Block SIxtY-five
<br />(65), NinetY-NIne (99) Feet, thence Southerly at rIght
<br />al1g1es and parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot
<br />Eight (9), Twenty-Two feet (22), thence Easterly at
<br />rIght angels and parallel wIth lhe Southet'ly lIne of
<br />saId lots Seven and Eight, Nlnely-Nine (99) feet to the
<br />po i n t 0 f be 9 i tI n In g .
<br />..
<br />
<br />"I
<br />
<br />AND
<br />1\ tract of land comprIsing the Southerly Twenty Five
<br />'and One l'enth (25.1) feet of the Easter ly fourteen and
<br />One Tenth (1"'1) feet of Lot Seven (7), the Southerly
<br />Twe'1t:y FIve and One Tenth (25.1) (eet: of Lot I!:inht (0),
<br />a 11 d the Nor the r 1 y Six (6. 0) ( e e t 0 f the Sou l her 1 y
<br />l:hirty Olle and One Tenth ,(31.1) feet of the EDsterly
<br />Forty (40.0) feet of Lot Eight (0), all i,! IHock Sixty
<br />Five (65), Original Town o[ Grand Island, NebraSka,
<br />together with and subject to the COVelltlnts, grants, llnd
<br />easements granted and reserved in a Party Wall
<br />I\greement and 8asement I\gt"eelllent dated ~Iay 30, 1901.
<br />
<br />AND
<br />
<br />1\11 of the easterly ThirtY-Three D3.0) feet of the
<br />northerly Twenty-Nine and Nine Tenths (29.9) feet of
<br />the southerly Fifty-Five (55.0) feet of Lot Sevell (7),
<br />the northerly Six (6.0) feet of the southerly Thirty-
<br />One and One Tel1th (31.1) (eet o[ l:he wester ly Twenty-
<br />Six (26 . 0 ) fee t 0 [ Lo t 8i g h t (0), a II d the nor the r I y
<br />TwentY-Three and Nine Tellths (23.9) feet of the
<br />southerly FiftY-Five (55.0) feet of Lot Eight (0), 1\11
<br />in Block Sixty-rive (65), Ot"lgInal TaWil of Gt"and.
<br />Island, lIal1 County, Nebraska, subject tol,covenants,
<br />easements and restrIctions of recor.d, ..nd together ~Jth
<br />any and all rights of' the Grantor for right-oC':'way
<br />access from the above described property to the alley
<br />dividIng BLock 65, OrIginal TOWII above described.
<br />1\ND
<br />
<br />Part of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (0) ill Block ,S-ixty-
<br />five (65-) ill the Original Town, 'lOW City of Grand
<br />Island, lIall County, Nebraska, described as follows,
<br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of such Lot gIght
<br />(9), running thence southerly along the Easterly line
<br />of such lot .a distance o( fifty-five feet (55'): thence
<br />Westerly at a rIght angle a distance of Ninety-nine
<br />feet (99') Darallel to lhe south line of such Block:
<br />
<br />thence nortl/~rly at a right angle a distance of f'i fty-
<br />five feet (55') parallel with the Easterly lIne of such
<br />Bock to the Northetly lIne of such Lot Seven (7),
<br />thence easterly along the 1I0rtherly line of' Buch Lote
<br />Seven (7) and l::ight (8), a distance of Ninety-nine .feet
<br />(99') to the place of begInning.
<br />
<br />