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<br />" <br /> <br />... .-..-- <br /> <br />600-DUp'ABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br /> <br />.. .' <br /> <br />200511178 <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />That I, ".._ _.rerN <br /> <br />t01 ~ +rJ J)}- <br /> <br />_,uf <br /> <br />l-toJ.L- <br />Ko.^,/ I," 1\ fI <br /> <br />County, Nebraska, have made, <br /> <br />constitu~d and appointed, and by these presents du make, constitute and appoint <br /> <br />UN,)) \) f',.J <br /> <br />of 0 d. Ct ""'.5 _._.._ , County, Nebraska, true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead, <br />and on my behalf, subject to the provisions of Paral,'raph 13 hereof, to do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds and things: <br /> <br />1. '1'0 receive debt/;, payment!; and property. To ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive all sums of money, debts, dues, goods, wares, merchan- <br />dise, chattels, effects and things of whatsoever nature or description which now are or hereafter shall be or become due, owing, payable, or belonging to me <br />in or by any right, title, ways or means howsoever, and upon receipt thereof, or of any part thereof, to make, sign, execute and deliver such receipts, releases <br />or other discharges for the same respectively as my said attorney shall deem advisable. <br /> <br />2. To settle accounts. To settle any account Or reckoning whatsoever wherein I now am or at any time hereafter shall be in any wise interested or <br />CIlncerned with any person whomsoevcr, and to payor receive the balance thereof liS the clIse mllY require. <br /> <br />a. To satisfy /;ecurity interests and mortgage8. To receive every sum of money which now is ur hereafter shall be dlle or belunll"inl{ to me upon the <br />security lit by virtue (.of uny ,\:H..:~~;~:it~y' in~l;:rf,)cit ,,HO ag-:'~c:i:nt:nt, or uHn"Lga.t;"l;:, i,lnc. ~;n rt:~,~l.:ip~ iif LLI~ 1\.1l un~ouni.. ti{.."(:u(t;od thereby tu ex.ecute <br /> U good and sufficwnt <br />rdease or other dischllrll"e of such security inwrest, ur murtgage by deud or otherwise. <br /> <br />4. To coml>ound, submit to arbitration, or otherwise settle or adjust differences. Tu compound with ur make allowances tv any person for or in <br />respect to any debt or demllnd whatsoever which now is or shall at any time hereafter become due and payable to me, or by me, or upon my account, and to <br />take and receive, or tv pay and discharge (as the case may be), any composition ur dividend thereof or thereupon, and to give or receive releases or other <br />discharges for the whole of such debts or demands, or tv settle, compromise, or submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other right, <br />matter, and thinll" due to or concerning me as my attorney shall think best, and for that purpose to enter into and execute and deliver such bonds of arbitra- <br />tion or other instruments as my IIttorney may deem advisable in the premises. <br /> <br />5. To prosecute and defend. To commence, prosecute, discontinue, or defend all actions or Ilther lell'al proceedinll's touching my estate or IIny plllt <br />thereof, or touching ..ny matter in which I or my estate mllY b" in any wise concerned. <br /> <br />6. To manage real "..t..te. Tu enter into and upon all and singular my real estate, IIml to let, manalle, and improve the Slime or IIny part thereof, and to <br />repair or otherwise improve, alwr, or recontmct, and to insure, any buildinll" or structures thereon, IInd further to contract with others the managcment of <br />$uch rtlai t:~tat~, and tu g-i'ant Ui .!1ud~ ot!~t'i'bi nIl the pU'oVe:rs with =espec~ taS\H..:h ~~(il. ~siat,~ l,..:~u:.d:n n~al est.aft! mana.genlentcontracts, nnd l{l"unted to my <br /> suid <br />attorney herein. <br /> <br />7. To grant leases, receive rents, and otherwise deal wit.h tenants and leased prop..rty. To contract with IIny person for leasing for such <br />periods, including periods long(,r than my life, and without reg-m'd to the tennination of this pow('r "' ,,!torney, at such rents and subje<:t to such conditions <br />as my attorney sballsc" fit, all or any of my said real estate, and to let any sucb person into possession tlwreof. m.ld to execute IIllsuch leases and contracts as <br />shall be necessary or proper in that hehalf, and to give notice tu quit to any tenant or occupier then"f, (md to receive and recover from all tenants and <br />occupiers then;of or of (my pal'!, tlwreof all rents, lllT('lIrs of rent, and sUmS of money which now are or shall hereafwr becume due and payuble in respect <br />theneof, and also on non, payment thcreof or of any part there<'f'to take all necessary or proper means and proceedings for wrminating the wnancy or occupa- <br />tion of such tenants or wcupiers, und for ejecting the telHlIlts or occupiers lllld recovering' the possesion thereof. <br /> <br />8. To sell or cxchllnge rcal or personal estate. '1'0 sell, either lit public or private sal(\ or (>xchHnge llny part or parts of my real estate or IWrS(lllal <br />property filr such consideration, payable immediately or upon such terms as my attol'lWY shall think lit, and to .'xl'cute and deliver glllld and suffid('nt <br />dei...>ds, bilb of sale, Cnd(H-sl~trwnts, assignlnentl=), or other instrulnentl:! for the conveYHnCt:~ or transfer oftht~ SHme, with such covenants of warranty or other. <br />wif:)c as illY attorney Hhall see fit, and to giv(1 good ilnd effectual receipts for all or any pa.rl. of t.he J.)IIr<.''~ price m" oLiwr consi~ration. <br /> <br />9. To deposit moneys, withdrllw, invllst, IInd otherwisl' dl'lll with tangible property. To depusit (lilY moneys whieh may eonw to his bands as <br />~ur.h attol"Iwy with any b....ulk ()r ballkl~i' in IllY nanw, und to withdraw any ()f !:)uch 1110ney or any other nloney to which.I ,.un entitled whkh now i~(H' !:IhaH lH: <br />so depusited, and eitll('r .>tnp!oy sueh money as he shall think fit in th(, of (my debts or interest, payabh' by II.." orlaxes, assessments, insunmce,and <br />l~Xptmst:~:-) duc and VrIyuble or to LUX()[IH',~ dlw ilnd pnyHhlc on account of my rcal and pt:!rH(Jnall~state, or in Of about any of the purposc~ hen.~in nwntiol1f.'d. or <br />\.IUli.~r\"..'i:-it~ fiB' IllY U=-it~ and lH:nefil, or to inv{~H.t such morwy in my nanlt.~ in tiny ~t.o('k~l Hharc~, honJH stcuritie~ ur ()tJH.~r property, rcul or pl..~ri=JOllid, as <br /> ill..' IllU)' <br />think prlJp{~r, and to receive and give recciJJls for any incOIllc or dividend ari.sing-lhlll1 Hueh inVl~~trllcn~, and to vary or di~p08(~ of nIl and any ~ueh inVt~Ht- <br />nwnt:-; or ot.her investments for Iny us(,~ Hud lwndlt a~ he lIHty think fit. <br /> <br />1 n. To vote lit stockholdl"'s' meetings, execute proxics, and otherw ise substitute for Owncr. To vote lit thc meeti ng-s uhtllckholdel's 01' uther <br />m( of any corporation or conlpany, or ot.hcrwi~c to ad as my attorney 01' pl'OXY, wit.h pow~~r of ~ubst.itution, in re~pt~ct of any stock~, ~hares, hOlld~. <br />dHhentun~s, or I)ther t~vidt~nc.(~s (If oWller8hip, or securities, now ()r hert~nn,t.~r held by fIle and issw.xl b.y Or' (1Il account Ill' ~aid cC)fI)orah~lfl or l~()lllprUlY Hlld fill" <br />t.hat purpose to execut.e Hny prOXitlH, linlited t.o g-eneral, or other instrunwnb. <br /> <br />II. To CXl'('Utc deeds, bills, notes, and simillH' instruments. For all or any of the purposes herein stated to enter into lInd sign, seal, execuk, <br />ncknowledge, and ddiver any contract."), d~eds, or other instl'umcnt~ whnt::;ocver, and to draw, accppt., make, endOn)llj discount! 01' otherwise deal \\.'ilh any hills <br />i)l' exchange, chvcks! prOlllissory notes! or ot.her COl1lnlCrdal or Inercantil(~ in.strulllt~nt~. <br /> <br />12. To do all other things nCl:essllry in connection hel'Ilwith. In gerwral to do all odw!" acts, deeds, matters, and things whnt~oeverin or nbout my <br />estate, propert.Yt and affair!:), or t.o conCur with persons jointly intercsted with mYHelf tlwrein in doing all ~lclli, deedH, InntterH, and things herein, (~ithl'r <br />partieularly or generHlly destrib(~l, a, fully llnd l'ffectufllly to all intenls and purposes as I could do in my own proper person if personally prescnt. it being- <br />my int.ent to grant to nlY said attorney a g-en(lral power to aet t())' llW and in ..ny hdwH, aod oot. a limited or ~pt:~cjnl power! limited to tlw sp.f~eific acts herein <br />de"cribed. <br /> <br />13. Power of attorney em,ctive notwithstanding disability of principal; continue... in effect after principal's death until notice. <br />Pursuant to the provision of the Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act, I declare that this powcr of attorney shall not. be affecwd by my disability or in- <br />capacity, and that the authority granted herein shall continue durinll" any period while I am dis"hled or incapacitated. Further, pursuant to sllid Sections, <br />aU sueh authority shall continue nflcr my death, until noti<:eofsuch deat.h shall havebecn rcceived by my attorney sO that he has actual knowledge of the <br />fact that I have died. Any action taken in good faith by said attorney during any period while it is unccrtain whether I am alive, hefme he receives actual <br />knowledge of my death, ur, in any event, taken during any periud while I am disllbled or incapllcitated, shllll be as valid liS if! were alive, competent, and <br />not disabled. ..J. ~ -L <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHI':HEOF, I have sill"ned and aeknowledll"ed this inatrunwnt this .--In,-.,.: _. dny of --.-- .... r--+. ____,~ <br />.\ \ " . .. ", <br />r '\ . V"'.... >> ( "..,.. I { ---i-> <br />~ " ,... \ ... - - - ,. , \.- - .. '(' .. I <br />. ~" J _'--"-____!._'_____*_ -- ___ '.. <br /> <br />STATIB OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> <br />.$.ll. <br /> <br />) ~jS. <br />(:OLJN'I'Y ) <br /> <br />fiE 1'1' KNOWN, that on thc <br /> <br />I()J <br /> <br />day of ------~i-.. <br /> <br />,~3, hefore me personllUy appeared <br /> <br />-~ <br /> <br />who exe(,uted th(' above Durable Power of Attorney, and ac <br /> <br />GENERALNOTARV. StIle of NebrasIlI <br />&ANDIE S. GElS <br />MyComm. &po AprtI4. 2001 <br /> <br />___.____..._._.______ ..___ ahuve named, who is to me known to be the person described in and <br />knowledl-ted the 811me to be his or her voluntary act and deed. <br /> <br /> <br />i~fi' ""fi'""' ~fu;Ms::;~I:W" <br /> <br /> <br />Notary Publie <br /> <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto suhscr <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />'.. ~~::,+.:::==.::.:~-::.=:-..:::::========:::.:.:-=.==~=:.: <br />