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204514856 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />Trust Indenture and Security Agreement <br />Requisition Form <br />REQUISITION FOR DISBURSEMENT <br />Requisition No. <br />TO: Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Trustee <br />1248 "O" Street, 4th Floor <br />Lincoln, NE 68501 <br />Attention: Trust Department <br />As Trustee under that Trust Indenture and Security Agreement, dated as of October 1, 2005 <br />(the "Indenture "), executed by Grand Island Facilities Corporation, a Nebraska nonprofit corporation (the <br />"Corporation ") under which you serve as trustee, you are hereby directed to make payment from the <br />Construction Fund (and/or Costs of Issuance Fund) pursuant to Article VI of said Indenture of the following <br />amounts to the persons or firms indicated: <br />Payee Dollar Amount Reason for_Pa!nent <br />Pursuant to said Indenture, the undersigned Project Manager does hereby certify the following: <br />1. The above requested payments represent obligations incurred in the amounts shown <br />by or on behalf of the Corporation with respect to the Project (or for costs of issuance for the Building Bonds) <br />and have not previously been paid from the Construction Fund (and/or Costs of Issuance Fund). <br />2. The payments requested above represent disbursements permitted to be made from <br />the Construction Fund (and/or Costs of Issuance Fund) under the terms of the Indenture and the Agreement <br />(as defined in the Indenture), by and between said Corporation and the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />3. Attached to this Requisition are copies of the invoices in the case of payment to <br />third parties for services or materials. In the case of payments to the contractor under the Construction <br />Contract (as defined in the Indenture), such contractor's application. In the case of reimbursement to the <br />City, evidence as the nature the expense for which reimbursement is requested and supporting documentation <br />for the amount. <br />4. The requested payments have been approved by the Mayor and Council of the City. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this disbursement requisition to be <br />executed pursuant to the terms of said Indenture this day of , 200. <br />Project Manager (Alternate Project Manager) <br />W <br />