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EXIIIBIT "A" <br />Parcel 1: Lots Six (6), Seven (7) and Ten (10), in Palu Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, Excepting <br />a certain tract more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded in Book 137, Page 171 <br />Parcel 2: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NE1 /4) of Section Thirty <br />Three (33), Township Eleven (11) Nortiz, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hail County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point 33 feet South and 373 feet West of the <br />Northeast corner of said Section, running thence West parallel with the North section line, a distance <br />of 186.6 feet, running thence South, para'Jel with the East line of said Section, for a distance of 200.7 feet, <br />running thence East, parallel with the North line of said Section, for a distance of 186.6 feet, and running <br />thence North parallel with the East line of said Section for a distance of 200.7 feet to the place of <br />beginning, Excepting a certain tract more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded in Book <br />135, Page 341 and Excepting a certain tract more Particularly described in Return of Appraisers <br />recorded in Book 14, Page 497 <br />Parcel 3: Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEI /4NE1 /4) of Section Thirty <br />Three (33), Township Eleven (11) north, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter <br />of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NE1 /4) of Section Thirty 'Three (33). which point is 231.4 feet West of <br />the Northeast corner of the NE1 /4NE1 /4 of said Section 33, running thence South parallel to the East <br />line of the NE1 /4NE1 /4 of said Section, 233.7 feet, running thence West parallel to the North line of the <br />NE1 /4NE1 /4 of said Section, 141.6 feet, running thence North parallel to the East line of the <br />NEI /4NE1 /4 of said Section, 233.7 feet to a point on the North line of the NEI /4NE1 /4 of said Section, <br />running thence East upon and along the North line of the NE1 /4NE1 /4 of said Section, 141.6 feet to the <br />actual point of beginning, EX! EM ING a certain tract more particularly described in Warranty Deed <br />recorded in Book 135, Page 295 and Excepting a certain tract more particularly described in Return of <br />Appraisers recorded in Book 14, Page 497 <br />