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COVENANTS 200315098 <br />1, hymenls. Harrower agree to make all prymuls w Bft savuml deN when due. Limas Borrower ad lender opece mhmw isb, any payments Leader rmeivel fn <br />Dorrower or for Bodowe's latuaGl will be Applied Bur many amount, Borrower owes on the debit aclusise of imehat err peompal, wend W intent and Ncn <br />l mr,ip 1. IfpaNal pmpaymrna of the scoured debt wtuos fnr Any reuan, it win net reduce oracmc Any scheduled payment until the scoured debt is mid in full. <br />3. Clalma Against fine, Borrows will pay all rave, amacmuts, and other charges amiW Wbk W lire property when due and will defend title to the pmpeny apt <br />any daiom which would impair the lien of this deed of WYI. i drier may require B.. to uaip any .00. claims or defenses which Brwwa may have agai <br />pdia who supply labor or muhrialn to impmve err maintain the property. <br />7. Imurm". Buuuwa will keep the property insured under tams acceptable to lads .m Borrower's eMems, ad for Leader's benefit. All lasumrwe Wliciei $l <br />imlude a sanded mnnyzge dawe in favor of Imda lender wnl a mmed s Wsa payee w u Ne imuml un uny surL i.nmanwc policy. Any insurarcc proceds may <br />applied, within 1.enda's diwaetion, to either the dompl ioe Or mgie of the dumuyd pperty or m the secured deM. If Leader requires amnpge nmumnae. Borru• <br />agrees W maintain each Immancc for m luny as Iamder nequira. <br />a. Property. Borrows will fuss the property in Hurd condition and make all myaits reasonably nmcssary . <br />S. Eapenaes. agrees to pay all (,tie's expemn, including hasrmbk attorneys fan, if Ronnwa hanks any covenants in this decd of ma or in i <br />obligation.,aumd by this dud ofmn. Borrower will pay there amaunu W Lrndaaa provided in Covrnent 9 of this dad of oust. <br />6. Prior Sewrlry lmeresb. Unlms Brrrowa Bost nMaim Leader '8 whom canna, Borrvwer will not make or permit any changes to any prior security inturc <br />Borrower will perform all of Bonowe", obligation uder any prior mood,,, dad ofmrt or other smudgy Vfswdw i, hwlndl,g Rormwer's covenants m make Moore <br />when disc. <br />9. Aasigament of RenH and Protib. Bomwa ussiyns to Idler sine rrnu ad profing of Ne pmpeny. Vnlae Bomwa rid Oda love vgrmd Other,vixe in wdoi <br />Borrower only collect and resin the rents as lone s Borrower is nor in default. If Borrower dahuh,, Lends, Lender's agent, or a coon appoiotd raeiver Only It <br />pnssasinn and mange the property ad collect the rends. Any doing Ludes collat, shell be Applied Gaul I. tla costs of naaging the property, including coon toms r <br />naomcyi fen, wnwissims to roll agents, and say odor nmaruo, reined alms.. The remaining anmdmt of tenu will then apply to p r,ownts on the seemed debt <br />previdsd in Caveman 1. <br />S. Leueholds; ConduMnlums; I'll aunod Ualt Developmwts. tlomwaagnen m emrrply with the pmviakau of Any lose d Nis decd o(ir,at is on Ia,rIwlJ. If I <br />deed of oust is on a unit m a condominium or A planned unit disclaimed, Borrower will perform all Of Borrower', duties under the covenano, by lass, or.11.1. <br />the comkaninlum or planned unit develowsm. <br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform far Borrower. If Borrower fail, to pesbar, any of Do,mour's duties under this dud .(,mss, 1 ender may psrfnm r he duties <br />cause them W be pafomwd. Lender mey sign Burrower', name 111 Any —1 if naeswry far pedbmmra. If any construction on the pmpeny is Jiwunlimal w <br />tamed an in a masonabk monncq Lcndm may do whatever is naeaary to woust Lender's:sunty moment in the proparry. This may include completing the constmctic <br />Lender's Holum to perform will not preclude lender from.,, ising any of is other rights miler the law or this deed nfhust. <br />Any amounts paid by later to protect Leader 'a wiry interest will be wcusM by this deed of mss. Such summa will be due on demad Ad will bar,, from <br />dam of the payment until paid in full ut the imaat note in effort on the seared debt. <br />10. Default and Acceleration. If Borrower loiLs to make Any payment when due or breaks any covenants uda Nis decd of trust or any obligation scoured by this den <br />trust or any poor mortgage M decd of own, fader may aademte la metunry o(Ihe seared debt and demand immdiale payruem and .nay invoke the power nP�ale n <br />My other remedies permitted by Applicable law. <br />11, Request for Notice of DefaAlt It is hereby requatd That copier of the natica of default ad sale be,ens W etch person who is a puny harm, ad tilt addnru of e <br />such period, as see forth herein. <br />13. Power of Safe If the Lerida invokes the power of salt, the To ase shall Ban raced in the oRscc of the register of deeds of each county wherein the rest property <br />some pan or pamcl thev,r is eitunIM A .notice of default containing the information mNUiml by law. Thc Trustee shall also mail copies of the notice of default W <br />Bmm,var. W each p.a who is v pwy h deo, and to other plasnne as preacribed by opplcable law. Not Its than one mouth after the Trustee isnrds the notice of defer <br />or two Manta if the peace pmpeny is not N MY incorynmted city or village and is used or Homing operational tamed on by the down, the Tmslx shall give public nadir, <br />sale to the penman and in the manner prncdbed by applicable law, Trusts. without demand on Borrower, shall sell the pmlary, at public auction to the highest bidder <br />r,quiM by the Farm Homastcd Prmimikm Act, Trustee shall nRa the pngsaty in two atyenk salts n mquiml by upplicvbk law. <br />Trustee .nay I.,,,a, Is of all or: <br />parcel of the pmpeny by public announcement at the time and place of my Variously scheduled sale lads err in designee may pump w the pmpeny al any rule. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the pnce bid. Trustee shall denvar m lbe parehaeer Tmstae'a deed conveying the property. The dagAiuls eonluincd lu Trustee's deed shall <br />puma Hoic evidierae d the troth of the,utemenb contained thacin. j'm,0.e shall apply the proceeds of she sale in the fallowing codes' (a) to all expenses of la M <br />including, but net limited W, isms cable Trustee's fees, remenahle annmry'a fee, and mmlalcmmt fm: (b) to all sums amend by this deal of nom, and (c) the belane, <br />any, W the persons legally entitled no receive it. <br />I.I. Foredo..... At Lendai s option, duct dead of rest rimy be krmli sed in ths mamda pmvitictl by appliubk dew fur frmiusure of nnngvgs on next pa.,,"y <br />14. impecBOe. Umber may enter lM property W imposes it if Lender gives Bmmwer rwlicc beforchuad. The notice must state. Ilse reasu able cause for LM end, <br />inspection. <br />19. Condominium. Boruwer m,iym W tad,, the proceed, of any award or claim toroidal comecld with a condermotion or other ranking rf ell o, nny pan of <br />p,,Ofty. Such pnecod, will be applied m provided m Covenant I- This aMoill mm a is sobject n the,isms .(any pd., securlry agmcmamt <br />16. Waiver, By exercising any semWy available W Lender, leader door rent give up any nghng to later ple any other anndy. By ool exenising may randy m <br />Bowwer's def all. Lender dues ism waive any nghno later cmaida dhe event u default if it hawrau.,in. <br />10. Juinl and Sevoal Liability; Co•dgnen; Succnwrs and Aalgns Bound. All dulia under this did oftmct are joint will several. any Bor—m who ousiyns <br />deed of train but dues not w -sign the uderlying debt imttumentat does An only W grunt and costive, that Boarowar'a interest in the pmpeny in the Tmakc under the tc <br />of this deed of wn. In addition, such u Bonower ngnea that the f ceder and my mho Borrower Isla this deed of rest may extend, modify or hake any other chaoga <br />the terms of Ibis dad of (nest err the amused debt withotn tat Bomwer's comenl ad without releming that narrower from the terra afthis deed offset <br />The dohs, and hersefia Of tiff, dad of tort shill bind ud benefit the weaaval Ad asdgma of Ledge and Bonower <br />1S, Notice. Undoes otherwise required by law, any police In Borrower Mall be given by delwamg it or by trading it by cw fiol mail addrtsxd W Brrmwer at <br />property addres. any other addw that Bormwm her given W Lefler. Borrower, will give any Mica to Lender by crndid moil W L,mdcr's adder on page I of <br />dad of rest oreW any rubs, intense, which Lender her designated. Any other notice W Leader shall her rem to I<nder'.s addmn AM sated nn page I of this dams often. <br />Asry notice shall he canted W have been given to Bme wee or Lender when give, in to tanner stated shave. <br />19. Transfer of the Property sea Bencfscial Interest In the Borrows. If all or any pan of the PMPWY or any imcast in it is wld or tansfored withouuhe tend <br />priur written consent, Lender may demand immediate payment of the word dabs dada rimy elan demand immediue paymut ifthe Bortower is not a naNml pawn <br />a 6ucfwinl interest in the Burrower is wd M [mnxfened. llnwevcr, Leads nay not demand permit.( in the obore situations if it is pmhibital by federal law as of the <br />of thin deed oft n. <br />30. Rest ...on. W hen the obligation secured by this decd of tmn as been paid. and Leda hers w further obligation to make advvnces rude, dm inahmne t <br />Agreements secured by this deed of trust, the Trustee shall, upon written rsyusl by the lade, reconvey the most property. The Lender shall deliver to the Hannover, c <br />Barrowcr's wccnsor in instant the smn decd ed the nth M oNa evidence ofthe abligdian w salisfd. BMmwa sell py any r,cnrdadnn nnoe <br />2f. Sucaeswr Touts. IrnfilingLmdabolnimafuremr xecierteiiberArrinla.the wMtahy oftwit county inwofthcsuatimrioeoftmstec ,an <br />by Applicable dew, end then, byordo the withotionofemeta liftacod in to hakesofdw anginaofowed,dfmshwanly in which the trust pmpeny,nes.intpart <br />dust An, f A, sto. The successor tnaltcc, without conveyance of Ne prope.ry, shall succeed in all the Inwcn dutin, auNOnty ad lisle of the 'I'msnce mead in the Jred <br />INYt YrIJ of any SuCCRSM ImMree. <br />