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200314153 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />The following property all located in the Resubdivision of Block Your (4), Second Addition to Holcomb)s <br />Highway Homes Subdivision, Second Addition, Grand Island, ball County, Nebraska: <br />(a) A triangular- sbaped tMct located In Lot Eleven (11) in the Resubdivision of Block Four (4), more <br />particularlY described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast cornet of said Lot Eleven (11), thence <br />southwesterly along the northerly boundary line of said Lot Eleven (11), sUty one feet ten incites (61' <br />10 "), thence in a northeasterly direction to a point on the eas boundary <br />which point is ten feet nine inches (10' 9") southeast of the northeast cornr of said fLot Eleven (11,), then <br />northwesterly ten feet nine inches (10' 9") along the easterly boundary line of said Lot Eleven (11) to the <br />point of beginning, and <br />(b) Lot Twelve (12) in the Resubdivision of Bloch Four (4), excepting <br />(i) a triangular - shaped tract in said Lot Twelve (12) deeded to Donald D. Shriner and Patricia A. <br />Shriner, husband and wife, more pardcWarly described as follows: <br />of Lot Eleven (11), thence northeasteft along he north begi�aning at the southwest corned <br />715 feet, said point being the actual t Of Y line of said Lot Eleven (11), a distance of <br />six feet four inches (b' 4 ") to a p beginning of said tract, thence at a 911° angle northwesterly <br />on the norther bona point thence northeasterb► thirty six feet two inches (36f 2") to a point <br />northerly dary line of said Lot Eleven (1,1,), wbicb point is sixty -one feet ten inches (61' 10 ") <br />southwest of the northeast corner of said Lot Eleven: (11), thence sonthtvesterly along the northerly line <br />of said Lot Eleven (11) to the actual point of beginning; and <br />(ii) also excepting a certain tract in said Lot Twelve (12) deeded to Judith E. Wostrel more particuariy <br />described as follows: with reference to the southeast corner of said Lot Twelve (12), thence rung <br />southwesterly along the southerly hue of said tat Twelve (12) a distance of 61.83 feet to the actual point <br />of beginnig, thence leaving the southerly line of said Lot Twelve (12) and running in a more westerly <br />direction a distance of 36.17 feet to a point, said point being 633 feet northwesterly front and normal <br />to the southerly line of said Lot Twelve (1,2) at a point 71.30 feet northeasterly from the southwest corner <br />of said Lot Twelve (12), thence running northeasterly a distance of 8.6 feet to a point <br />and normal to the aforesaid coarse, thence northeaster being 4.00 feet ikon and 4.00 first-described boundary line of this tract a distance of 24,2 p feet�etl,ence g . m,thterly <br />th <br />distance of 5.87 feet to the actual point of beginn&g, <br />
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