<br />:xHIBIT A
<br />200313669
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast
<br />Quarter ISM of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Ten
<br />:1111 North, Range Eleven (11) West of the Sixth Princi-
<br />pal -4erid ian in Hall Count f, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East
<br />line nf said Southeast Quarter (SEA), said point beinq
<br />51./6 feet South of 'the Northeast Corner of said
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE4); thence due South (Assumed
<br />©earinc;) along the Fast line. of said Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEP), 31.24 feet; thence 5 13044130" W, 67.75 feet;
<br />thence S 58 032120" W, 548.92 feet; thence S 25018116" E,
<br />14.08 feet :' thence S 41 1104134" No 117.45 feet; thence
<br />5 60.57'03" k', 230.1 feet; thence S 45 014'17" We 165.5
<br />feet; thence S 55 030150" W, 155.38 feet; thence
<br />S 64.09112" W, 1 82.68 feet; thence S 45057152" W,
<br />106.09 feet; thence S 59,1291191 W, 232.36 feet; thence
<br />S 48 054121" We 77.16 feet: thence S 63039118" We 220.28
<br />feet; thence 70.38'00" k', 241.55 feet; thence
<br />S 60 015`20" 111 251.9 feet; thence S 68 °26150" W,
<br />261.03 feet; thence N 00 900'00" Wt-714.02 feet; thence
<br />N 79. 638106" E, 1,004.97 feet; thence S 86 °11112" E,
<br />203.09 feet; thence S 00 °40159" E, 123.37 feet; thence
<br />N 70051108" S, 782:05 feet; thence N 58 "32120" E,
<br />549.68 feet; thence N ~3"44930" E, 80.49 feet to the
<br />place of beginning and containing 20.944 acres, more or
<br />less.
<br />:xHIBIT A
<br />200313669
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast
<br />Quarter ISM of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Ten
<br />:1111 North, Range Eleven (11) West of the Sixth Princi-
<br />pal -4erid ian in Hall Count f, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East
<br />line nf said Southeast Quarter (SEA), said point beinq
<br />51./6 feet South of 'the Northeast Corner of said
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE4); thence due South (Assumed
<br />©earinc;) along the Fast line. of said Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEP), 31.24 feet; thence 5 13044130" W, 67.75 feet;
<br />thence S 58 032120" W, 548.92 feet; thence S 25018116" E,
<br />14.08 feet :' thence S 41 1104134" No 117.45 feet; thence
<br />5 60.57'03" k', 230.1 feet; thence S 45 014'17" We 165.5
<br />feet; thence S 55 030150" W, 155.38 feet; thence
<br />S 64.09112" W, 1 82.68 feet; thence S 45057152" W,
<br />106.09 feet; thence S 59,1291191 W, 232.36 feet; thence
<br />S 48 054121" We 77.16 feet: thence S 63039118" We 220.28
<br />feet; thence 70.38'00" k', 241.55 feet; thence
<br />S 60 015`20" 111 251.9 feet; thence S 68 °26150" W,
<br />261.03 feet; thence N 00 900'00" Wt-714.02 feet; thence
<br />N 79. 638106" E, 1,004.97 feet; thence S 86 °11112" E,
<br />203.09 feet; thence S 00 °40159" E, 123.37 feet; thence
<br />N 70051108" S, 782:05 feet; thence N 58 "32120" E,
<br />549.68 feet; thence N ~3"44930" E, 80.49 feet to the
<br />place of beginning and containing 20.944 acres, more or
<br />less.
<br />