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U9/25/2003 15:87 1- 308- 382 -7782 GI ABSTRACT,ESCROW PAGE 07 <br />200312978 <br />Hazardous Substamc means any toxic, radioactive or bamrdons material. <br />contaminant which has timm v marks which render the substance waste, pollutant or <br />m the public health, dangerous or potentially dtingerooa <br />substances defined as ��• welfatt or em"Toomem. The term. includes, without limitation, any <br />mbshmx" under E azudoas mataisl,' 'mxic substances,• •Laratdons waste," or 'hazardous <br />any mimnmental Law. <br />Tensor represents, wamutc and agrees that. <br />A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary, an Hsain <br />Substance is or will be 100ted, Noted or released on or in the Property. This restriction does not dcus <br />apply to small quantities of Huardous Substances that m= of the property are generally recognized to be appropriate <br />m. <br />B. for the mortal use and eime <br />6Exce have been, sMly arMlosed acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary, Trinato[ and every <br />LAW. m°ar° 1° compliance with ury applicable Emiro inemal <br />C. Tmstor shall immediately notify Beneficiary if a release or mraz[eued release of a Hazardous <br />Substance occurs m, under Of about the <br />Law c01311c ng dre Property t' T a there is a lm all a of any Environmental <br />edal <br />in atxondu,ce with any � r0umrns tal Law. <br />Trustor shall take all necessary remedial scion <br />D. Tensor shall immediately ratify Beneficiary in writing as soon as Trnatnr bas mason to belleve <br />there is any pealing or threatened inneatigation, claim, or <br />threatened release of any Hazardous Substance a prat any Momm m the release or <br />1g. CONDEMNATION. Tlnslor will give Becefic' violation of any Eavimrmremal Law. <br />by Private or public entities to �9 prompt anise Of any pending or dnreatened action, <br />eminent do WrrLese or take any or all of the Property through wraimmatrtm, <br />main. Or say other means. Tnuror aurhorirea Beneficiary o intervene in Tonam,a name in <br />any of the above described actions or claims. Tnumr assigns to Beneficiary the PraeWs of any award <br />or claim for damages conacmed with a condemnation or other taking of all or any P� of the Property. <br />Such proceeds shall be considered Payments and win be applied as provided in Ibis Security <br />Imulimam. This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage. deed of trust, <br />security agreement or other cam document. <br />19. INSURANCE. Tntstor shall keep Property insured against loss by and risks reasonably associated with the Pro •Hood, dteft and other bazards <br />mainfainetl is We amamra and for the p" due o its type and location. This insurance shall be <br />providing the insurance airs shall an Periods that Beneficiary requires. The ins ante <br />chosen by Tramir subject to Benefit" all not <br />be unpmmbly withheld. If Tnrsor fails o maimiiu the coverage described above, Henefi 'nary mast <br />at Bmeficiary's option, obtain coverage to protect Beneficiary's rights is the <br />Beneficiary SeLVeiry brserumem. All instance policies tint! renewals shall be ncording acceptable toe <br />Benyefr shag immediately include a standard 'mongsge clause' and, where applicable, 'Ions POYee clause." <br />Beneficiary notify Beneficiary of cancellation or termination of the inaul fife. <br />ciary shall have the right o hold the policies and renewals. If Beneficiary requim, Tmsror shall <br />shag give <br />immediately <br />immediare entice ail reccipis of paid premiums and renewal notices. Upon loss. Tms[or <br />loss if m[ made immediate! We insura� carver and Beneficiary. Beneficiary may make proof of <br />shall be applied to the restoration, orrrepair of the otherwise agreed in writing, all insunantt proceeds <br />doe, at Beneficiary's option. A prop" or to the Seemed Debt, whether m not then <br />due dare Of the scheduled Payment Our change of a amount proceeds m principal shall not extend or postpone the <br />the Tntstor. If the age the amount of any pa right to Any excess wBl be paid o <br />Proceeds resulting f damage to by Beneficiary, 'Rustn's right o my inmrarce policies and <br />extent of the Seemed Debt mage to th Property before the acquisition shall pass o Beneficiary o the <br />20. ESCROW FOR TAXER AND INSURANCE. y before the acquisition <br />Tensor will not be Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, <br />required to pay to Beneficiary foods fm taxes and insurance in escrow. <br />NEangaxA . DEED OF T UGT <br />LENE6 met q <br />FyeBOU <br />20032611614520 <br />