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200312902 <br />Prepared by: Jeffrey A. Johnson, 501 Pierce Street, #300, P.O. Box 3207, Sioux City, Iowa 51102 -3207 <br />(712) 252 -0020 <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />WHEREAS, the indebtedness secured by the trust deed dated April 17, 2002, <br />executed by LK Holdings, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, as trustor, to the undersigned <br />Jeffrey A. Johnson. Attorney at Law, of 501 Pierce Street, #300. P.O. Box 3207, Sioux <br />City, Woodbury County, Iowa, as trustee, and recorded on May 2, 2002, in the office of <br />the Hall County, Nebraska Register of Deeds, as Instrument No. 0200204747 of trust <br />deeds, has been paid. <br />In consideration of the above, and pursuant to a written request made by First <br />American Bank, the beneficiary named in the trust deed, and the undersigned hereby <br />grants and reconveys to the parties entitled, without warranty, all the estate and interest <br />derived to the undersigned under the trust deed in that portion of the property described <br />therein, located in Hall County, Nebraska, and described as follows: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of <br />the Southwest Quarter (S '/2 SW Y4) of Section Twenty <br />Seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine <br />(9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the <br />Northwest corner of said S '/2 SW '/4; thence southerly <br />along the West line of said SW' /4 a distance of 73.0 <br />feet; thence deflecting left 880 41' 13" and running <br />easterly, a distance of 168.0 feet; thence deflecting <br />right 880 30' 15" and running southerly, a distance of <br />74.64 feet to a point on the easterly right -of -way line <br />of Locust Street, this being the actual place of <br />beginning; thence continuing southerly along the last <br />described course and along said right -of -way line, a <br />distance of 46.65 feet to a point of curvature; thence <br />southwesterly along the arc of a curve whose radius <br />is 93.15 feet (the initial tangent of which coincides <br />with the preceding course produced), an arc distance <br />of 53.28 feet to another point of curvature; thence <br />southwesterly along the arc of a curve whose radius <br />is 272.48 feet (the initial tangent of which coincides <br />with the final tangent of the preceding curve <br />produced), an arc distance of 154.5 feet; thence <br />running southerly along said right -of -way line and <br />along the final tangent of the preceding curve <br />produced, a distance of 262.1 feet; thence easterly <br />&,! Jjng the ; ortl-. iil .,a sf L-1-- S 1� C'A' 14. S%N/ 14 a <br />distance of 264.6 feet; thence deflecting left 910 33' <br />05" and running northerly, a distance of 229.23 feet; <br />thence deflecting right 880 15' 01" and running <br />easterly a distance of 56.74 feet, thence deflecting left <br />880 15' 01" and running northerly, a distance of 195.4 <br />feet; thence deflecting left 900 06' 19" and running <br />westerly, a distance of 6.11 feet to a point of <br />curvature; thence northwesterly along the arc of a <br />curve whose radius is 122.99 feet (the long chord of <br />which deflects right 090 49' 02" from the preceding <br />