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<br />/a /k /a Christine AlvarezC
<br />The undersigned, Hector Alvarez and Christina Alvarez, husband and wife. k,
<br />hereby certify and acknowledge that, before signing and executing the below
<br />Deed of Trust, they did read and sign this Written Acknowledgment and, by
<br />virtue hereof, the undersigned understand, and understood before signing said
<br />Deed of Trust, that said Deed of Trust is a Trust deed and not a mortgage and
<br />that the power of sale provided in said Deed of Trust provides substantially
<br />different rights and obligations to the undersigned than a mortgage in the
<br />event of a default or breach of obligation under the said Trust Deed,
<br />including, but not limited to, the Beneficiary's right to have the Real
<br />Property sold by the Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure.
<br />The undersigned represents and warrants that this Written Acknowledgment was
<br />executed by them before the execution of the Trust Deed. This Written
<br />Acknowledgment is appended as a preface to and made a part of the below Deed
<br />of Trust.
<br />Hector Alvarez
<br />SS:
<br />Christina Alvarez
<br />a /k /a Christine Alvarez
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on
<br />September 25th 2003, by Hector Alvarez a d Christina
<br />Alvarez, husband and wife, Trustor.
<br />GENERAL !VOTARY -State of Nebraska AJZII,� o k
<br />My Comm. Exp. Jan. 30, 2004 Not Pub l i
<br />My commission expires: January 30, 2004
<br />a /k /a Christine Alvarez
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this 25th day/of September , A.D. ,
<br />2003, by and between Hector Alvarez and Christina Alvarez, husband and wife,
<br />of the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, hereinafter called "Trustor"
<br />(whether one or more), and Ronald S. Depue, Attorney at Law, of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, hereinafter called "Trustee," and Mehring Development Company,
<br />d /b /a Competitive Mortgage, whose address is 1043 S. Locust Street, Grand
<br />Island, NE 68801, hereinafter called "Beneficiary ";
<br />WITNESSETH, that the Trustor, for good and valuable consideration,
<br />including the debt and trust hereinafter mentioned and created, and the sum
<br />of one dollar to Trustor paid by the said Trustee, the receipt and suffi-
<br />ciency of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents, irrevocably
<br />grant, bargain and sell, convey, assign and confirm unto the said Trustee, IN
<br />TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under
<br />and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust, the following
<br />described real property situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />The South Fifty -six (56) feet of the North Two Hundred Twenty -four
<br />(224) Feet of the West Half (Wl /2) of Block Ten (10) of Pleasant
<br />Home Subdivision of a part of the East Half of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (El /2 SE1 /4) of Section Twenty -one (21) in Township Eleven
<br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />TOGETHER with and including all and singular the tenements, heredita-
<br />ments, appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise
<br />