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200312289 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Beginning at a point, being the Northeast corner of Lot Fifteen (15), thence Southerly <br />upon the East line of Lot Fifteen (15) a distance of Eighty -one and Thirty -five <br />Hundredths (81.35') feet to the mid -point of the East line of said Lot Fifteen (15); thence <br />S62° 36'58 "W, a distance of One Hundred Forty -two and Eighty -six Hundredths <br />(142.86) feet to the midpoint of the West line of said Lot Fifteen(15), said West line of <br />Lot Fifteen (15) also being on a curve; thence running Northwesterly, along and upon the <br />West line of said Lot Fifteen (15) to the Southeast corner of Lot Fourteen (14), thence <br />Northeasterly along the South line of said Lot Fourteen (14), a distance of One Hundred <br />Ninety -one and Ninety -four Hundredths (191.94) feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot <br />Fourteen (14), being the place of beginning. <br />