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20031`262 <br />WARRANTY DEED — CORPORATION (page 3) <br />PROJECT: 30- 4(1027) C.N.: 40058B TRACT: 17 <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />DENTON )SS. <br />County) <br />On this <br />Notary <br />7 t h day of August , A.D., 20 0 3 , before me, a General <br />Public, duly commissioned and qualified, personally came <br />Donald J. Carter, Jr. <br />u M uuly aumonzea representatives of _ G I A , Inc . <br />wno acKnowieagea tnat he, she or they held the position or title set forth in the instrument, that he, <br />she or they signed the instrument on behalf of the corporation by proper authority and that the <br />instrument was the act of the corporation and are to me known to be said duly authorized <br />representative or representatives and the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing <br />instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written <br />- lyl Notary Public. <br />My commission expires the oo of <br />SONDRA K. JACKMAN <br />Notary Public, State of Texas <br />My Commission Exp. 08-24 -2005 <br />OF <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />DENTON )ss. <br />County) <br />S <br />On this 7 t h day of August , A.D., 20 0 3 , before me, a General <br />Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified, personally came <br />Kenneth,J. Cichocki <br />the duly authorized representatives of G I A , Inc. <br />wr.0 durnowteageo tnat ne, sne or they held the position or title set forth in the instrument, that he, <br />she or they signed the instrument on behalf of the corporation by proper authority and that the <br />instrument was the act of the corporation and are to me known to be said duly authorized <br />representative or representatives and the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing <br />instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br />WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written <br />Notary Public. <br />My commission expires thedg6day of 200 S <br />SONDRA K. JACKMAN <br />Notary Public, State of Texas <br />MY Commission Exp. 08.24-2005 <br />