<br />THIS TRUST DEED is made and entered into this day of September, 2003 by and between Harry L. C\
<br />Lilienthal and Wanda R. Lilienthal, husband and wife, TRUSTOR, whether one or more; and Fidelity National Title ,-
<br />Insurance Company, TRUSTEE, and GNR Development Corp. of Hastings, Nebraska, a Nebraska Corporation,
<br />BENEFICIARY, whether one or more.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the Trustee,
<br />the Power of Sale, the Following Described real estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska, described as:
<br />Lot Two (2), Block One (1), Pleasant View Twelfth Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />In the event of the sale, transfer or conveyance of the above - described property to any third party, all sums secured
<br />hereby shall be at once due and payable.
<br />TO HAVE AND HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the
<br />Trustee, his executors, administrators, heirs and assigns forever. And the Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases, and
<br />relinquishes unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit and estate whatever, in and to the above described
<br />premises and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the
<br />exemption of homestead. And the Trustor covenants with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the
<br />same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST, HOWEVER, for the following described purposes; WHEREAS, the Trustor did on this date execute a
<br />Promissory Note evidencing a loan for the principal sum of $18,450.00 and interest thereon according to the terms of said
<br />Promissory Note, being payable in One Installment at such place as Beneficiary may designate in writing from time to time.
<br />Notwithstanding any provision contained herein or in said Promissory Note to the contrary, if not sooner paid, all sums due
<br />and owing under the terms of said Note shall be paid on the 11th day of September, 2004.
<br />In the event of default, Beneficiary's remedies shall not be limited to those provided for herein. This Trust Deed
<br />may be foreclosed in the manner prescribed by law for foreclosure of mortgages.
<br />IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto that the Trustor shall: (1) pay all present and future taxes and
<br />assessments, general and special, against said property before the same become delinquent or actionable; (2) keep all
<br />improvements created on the land insured as may be required from time to time by the Beneficiary against loss by fire and
<br />other hazards, casualties and contingencies, in such amounts for such periods as are reasonable and may be required by the
<br />Beneficiary, and to keep all policies of such insurance in force and effect and delivered to the Beneficiary and naming
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary as loss payees, as their interests may appear; (3) pay and comply with all of the terms and conditions
<br />of any lien, claim or indebtedness that may be senior to and take precedence over this trust Deed as soon as such pay mention
<br />9/12/2003
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<br />THIS TRUST DEED is made and entered into this day of September, 2003 by and between Harry L. C\
<br />Lilienthal and Wanda R. Lilienthal, husband and wife, TRUSTOR, whether one or more; and Fidelity National Title ,-
<br />Insurance Company, TRUSTEE, and GNR Development Corp. of Hastings, Nebraska, a Nebraska Corporation,
<br />BENEFICIARY, whether one or more.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the Trustee,
<br />the Power of Sale, the Following Described real estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska, described as:
<br />Lot Two (2), Block One (1), Pleasant View Twelfth Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />In the event of the sale, transfer or conveyance of the above - described property to any third party, all sums secured
<br />hereby shall be at once due and payable.
<br />TO HAVE AND HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the
<br />Trustee, his executors, administrators, heirs and assigns forever. And the Trustor hereby expressly waives, releases, and
<br />relinquishes unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit and estate whatever, in and to the above described
<br />premises and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the
<br />exemption of homestead. And the Trustor covenants with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the
<br />same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST, HOWEVER, for the following described purposes; WHEREAS, the Trustor did on this date execute a
<br />Promissory Note evidencing a loan for the principal sum of $18,450.00 and interest thereon according to the terms of said
<br />Promissory Note, being payable in One Installment at such place as Beneficiary may designate in writing from time to time.
<br />Notwithstanding any provision contained herein or in said Promissory Note to the contrary, if not sooner paid, all sums due
<br />and owing under the terms of said Note shall be paid on the 11th day of September, 2004.
<br />In the event of default, Beneficiary's remedies shall not be limited to those provided for herein. This Trust Deed
<br />may be foreclosed in the manner prescribed by law for foreclosure of mortgages.
<br />IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto that the Trustor shall: (1) pay all present and future taxes and
<br />assessments, general and special, against said property before the same become delinquent or actionable; (2) keep all
<br />improvements created on the land insured as may be required from time to time by the Beneficiary against loss by fire and
<br />other hazards, casualties and contingencies, in such amounts for such periods as are reasonable and may be required by the
<br />Beneficiary, and to keep all policies of such insurance in force and effect and delivered to the Beneficiary and naming
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary as loss payees, as their interests may appear; (3) pay and comply with all of the terms and conditions
<br />of any lien, claim or indebtedness that may be senior to and take precedence over this trust Deed as soon as such pay mention
<br />9/12/2003
<br />