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c <br />m <br />R = T CP <br />ycis <br />I I on 3 vA N <br />� r n <br />N N N N <br />N D <br />N Cry N � <br />200312192 ? <br />'this space for Recorder's use only NEMRSD24 anions <br />Document Prepared by Loan #: 6003112293 <br />Charyce Ticheaor -. hF,ean� Investor Loan N: 6003112293 <br />When recorded return [ Pool #: 005998 <br />US Bank Home Mortgag PIN/T. ID #: 400118548 <br />P.O. Baa 20005 Property Address: <br />uwensbmro, KY 423]1 :020IN SHERIDAN AVENUE <br />Release Department GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803- <br />MORTGAGE RELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DISCHARGE <br />IN CONSIDERATION Ofthe payment end full satisfaction ofall indebtedness secured by that certain Mortgage described below, <br />MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC,, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AS NOMINEE FOR US <br />BANK, NA, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS„ whose address is 4801 FREDERICA STREET, OWENSBORO, KY 42304, being the <br />present legal owner of said indebtedness and thereby entitled and authorized to receive said payment, does hereby release, satisfy, and discharge <br />from lien, force, and effect Of said Mortgage. <br />Original Bomawcr(s')'. KEVIN F CARPENTER AND TRACY K CARPENTER, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />Original Mortgagee: PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE, INC <br />Loan Amount: $59,013.00 Dole of Mongage: 11/3012002 <br />Recording Date: 12109/2002 Document 020 @13673 <br />Legal Description: THE NORTH 21 FEET OF LOT 5, IN BLOCK 13, IN WEST PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND A TRACT OF LAND ABUTTING THEREON AND DESCRIBED AS <br />FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5, BLOCK 13, WEST PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, THENCE RUNNING EAST ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5,1 HENCE RUNNING <br />NORTH ON A PROLONGATION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 FORA DISTANCE OF 36 FEET, THENCE <br />RUNNING WEST PARALLEL, TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5,109.25 FEET TO THE POINT ON THE WESTERLY <br />LINE OF SUCH LOT 5, IF THE SAME WERE EXTENDED TO THE NOR'1•H, THENCE SOUTH 36 FEET TO THE <br />NORTHWESTF CORNER OF SAID LOT 5, SUCH TRACT BEING A PART OF WHAT FORMERLY WAS WEST ELEVENTH <br />STREET IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, VACATED BY ORDINANCE NO, 2921. <br />and recorded in the records Of HALL County, State of Nebraska affecting Real Property and more particularly described on said Mortgage <br />referred to heroin. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the unde ingned has caused these presents to be executed oallies date Of 9/8/03. <br />MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC„ TS SUCCESSORS <br />AND ASSIGNS, AS NOMINEE P1R US HANK, NA, ITS,5,UCCEPjtS AND ASSIGNS <br />r�µV ❑II If" <br />/ // <br />'n. Mary Aon w <br />"Aseiataat see <br />1 [• <br />Teresa Ling <br />Assistant Secretary <br />State of KY <br />County of DAVIESS <br />On this date of 9/8103, before cone, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public duty commissioned, qualified and acting within and for the <br />aforementioned State, personally appeared the within named Mary Ann Greenwell and Teresa Ling, known to me (or identified to me on the <br />basis of satisfactory evidence) that they are the Assistant Secretary and Assistant Secretary respectively of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC <br />REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC_ ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AS NOMINEE FOR US BANK, NA, ITS SUCCESSORS <br />AND ASSIGNS, , and were duly authorised in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name nd..bebehalf <br />of said corporation, and that said corporation executed the same, and further stated and acknowtedged that they had so signed, <br />delivered sal ns umem for the consideration, uses and pumoscs therein merhoned and set forth. <br />Wit ess my and and off od seal o One date cocuubovc set fond. <br />-fit 'i1(L 12 <br />s'11�r�' <br />Notary Puhlto Samantha Payne v Pc A^ <br />My Commission Expires: 10/0712006 <br />MM #'. 100021260031122933 VRU Tel. #: 888/679 -MERS a Ski <br />