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200312156 <br />running N89 °17'35 "E, a distance of One Hundred Forty Two and <br />Ninety Eight Hundredths (142.98) feet; thence running SO1 °21'01 "E, <br />a distance of Three Hundred Fifty Six and Twenty Eight Hundredths <br />(356.28) feet; thence running N89 °49'39 "E, a distance of Three <br />Hundred Sixty Four and Forty Eight Hundredths (364.48) feet; thence <br />running NO 1'22'49"W, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty and Seven <br />Hundredths (360.07) feet; thence running N89 °16'15 "E, a distance of <br />One Hundred Thirty Eight and Ninety Two Hundredths (138.92) feet; <br />thence running N00 050'54 "W, a distance of Six Hundred Twenty Five <br />and Six Hundredths (625.06) feet; thence running N75 °32'57 "E, a <br />distance of Eight and Forty Six Hundredths (8.46) feet; thence <br />running N80'25'05 "E, a distance of One Hundred Forty Four and One <br />Hundredth (144.01) feet; thence running S31 °30'00 "E, a distance of <br />Eighty Six and Seventy Four Hundredths (86.74) feet; thence running <br />S67 °10'49 "E, a distance of Five Hundred Eighty Eight and Thirty <br />Nine Hundredths (588.39) feet, to the northwest corner of Lot Four <br />(4), Firethorne Estates Subdivision; thence running S09 °24'02 "W, <br />along the westerly line of Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Firethorne <br />Estates Subdivision, a distance of Eight Hundred Eighty Seven and <br />Seven Hundredths (887.07) feet, to the northwest corner of Lot Two <br />(2), Firethorne Estates Subdivision; thence running S69 °58'00 "W, a <br />distance of Seven Hundred Sixty and Sixteen Hundredths (760.16) <br />feet, to the point on the easterly line of said Lot One (1), Firethorne <br />Estates Subdivision; thence running SO1 °22'28 "E, along the easterly <br />line of said Lot One (1), Firethorne Estates Subdivision, a distance of <br />One Hundred Sixty (160.0) feet; thence running SO 1'26'02"E, along <br />the easterly line of said Lot One (1), Firethorne Estates Subdivision, a <br />distance of Three Hundred Sixteen and Forty Seven Hundredths <br />(316.47) feet, to the southeast corner of said Lot One (1), Firethorne <br />Estates Subdivision; thence running S89 °54'08 "W, along the <br />southerly line of said Lot One (1), Firethorne Estates Subdivision, a <br />distance of Four Hundred Thirty Six and Ninety One Hundredths <br />(436.91) feet, to the southwest corner of said Lot One (1), Firethorne <br />Estates Subdivision; thence running NO 1 °23' 17W, along the westerly <br />line of said Lot One (1), Firethorne Estates Subdivision and its <br />extension, a distance of Nine Hundred and Ninety One Hundreths <br />(900.91) feet; thence running S89 °51'16 "W, a distance of Sixty and <br />Five Hundredths (60.05) feet; thence running NO1 °23'32 "W, a <br />distance of Three Hundred Fifty Four and Ninety Hundredths <br />(354.90) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning and containing <br />29.876 acres more or less; <br />-2- <br />