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Security Federal Savings, a Federal Savings Bank, Trustee, having received a written <br />Savings Bank, Benefici <br />acknowledgment from Security Federal Savings, a Federal ary, <br />that all sums secured by a Trust Deed recorded in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, C\ <br />Nebraska, as Instrument # 0200306652 executed by Fred W. Rauch and Margaret L. <br />Rauch, husband and wife, have been paid in full mid requesting that the Trustee <br />reconvey the property to the person or persons entitled thereto, does hereby reconvey the <br />following property, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto: <br />A tract of Imul hwawd in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township I I North, Range 9 West of the orb <br />P.N4., I tall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows i3cginain,at a point on the South side of Anna Street of the City <br />of Gr:md Island. Nebraska, 15 feet East of the West side of Jackson Street extended Southerly, said point iS also, 1010 feet <br />Soudovcslcl I Goal a painI where the Southerly line of Anna Sheri intersects the East line of the Southeast Quarter of Ilse Northwest <br />Qua, ter ol'Scelion 21, in'rownship 11 North, Range 9 West Of the hlh P.M., thence running in a Southeasterly direction parallel With <br />the Westerly line of Jackson Street as extended a distance of 275 feel Ihcnec running light 90 degrees lit a Southwesterly direction <br />277.9 Icel to :r pnint that is also 257.2 feet front a point on the East property line of the County Road, thence r innnlg right 90 degrees <br />along u lino perallcl will, the West lineal Jackson SlrcCl a5 cXl1adcd, n dlslnOce Of I27.00 feel, dlence "ghl9O degices along a III), <br />pmallCI with the .Snulh line of Anou Soccl93.10 feet, Ihcnec right 127 feet along a lice palailel with the West line of Jackson Street as <br />extended In clnsure, said closure conslituting a tracl of land 127.00 feet by 93.10 feel. <br />Dated this 11th day of September, 2003. <br />SECURITY FEDERAL SAVINGS, <br />A Federal Savings Bank, Trustee <br />By: on/ <br />Vice President <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STA'1-E OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER ) ss <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11th day of September, <br />2003 by Linda S. Russell, Vice- President of Security Federal Savings, a Federal Savings <br />Bank, Trustee. <br />Not Publi <br />f 1E A111 ARY- Steleb Nebraska <br />JENNY PEATROWSKY <br />cry roam. Em. Fb.3, 3007 <br />,Are .a r «✓u "_ ".a <br />y��epg eesoi -Oboe <br />S <br />on D <br />-n m rn <br />W <br />N <br />7C 2 <br />m <br />rn <br />_I m <br />Q <br />d <br />v <br />i o <br />b <br />N <br />= <br />W <br />T1 <br />m <br />I--r <br />U 'r <br />� <br />a m <br />.- <br />m <br />P <br />3 <br />r n <br />N <br />C <br />a <br />rn <br />1- <br />'s <br />F-+ <br />CD <br />V <br />200312150 <br />0 <br />u� <br />Q <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />m <br />o <br />Security Federal Savings, a Federal Savings Bank, Trustee, having received a written <br />Savings Bank, Benefici <br />acknowledgment from Security Federal Savings, a Federal ary, <br />that all sums secured by a Trust Deed recorded in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, C\ <br />Nebraska, as Instrument # 0200306652 executed by Fred W. Rauch and Margaret L. <br />Rauch, husband and wife, have been paid in full mid requesting that the Trustee <br />reconvey the property to the person or persons entitled thereto, does hereby reconvey the <br />following property, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto: <br />A tract of Imul hwawd in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township I I North, Range 9 West of the orb <br />P.N4., I tall County, Nebraska more particularly described as follows i3cginain,at a point on the South side of Anna Street of the City <br />of Gr:md Island. Nebraska, 15 feet East of the West side of Jackson Street extended Southerly, said point iS also, 1010 feet <br />Soudovcslcl I Goal a painI where the Southerly line of Anna Sheri intersects the East line of the Southeast Quarter of Ilse Northwest <br />Qua, ter ol'Scelion 21, in'rownship 11 North, Range 9 West Of the hlh P.M., thence running in a Southeasterly direction parallel With <br />the Westerly line of Jackson Street as extended a distance of 275 feel Ihcnec running light 90 degrees lit a Southwesterly direction <br />277.9 Icel to :r pnint that is also 257.2 feet front a point on the East property line of the County Road, thence r innnlg right 90 degrees <br />along u lino perallcl will, the West lineal Jackson SlrcCl a5 cXl1adcd, n dlslnOce Of I27.00 feel, dlence "ghl9O degices along a III), <br />pmallCI with the .Snulh line of Anou Soccl93.10 feet, Ihcnec right 127 feet along a lice palailel with the West line of Jackson Street as <br />extended In clnsure, said closure conslituting a tracl of land 127.00 feet by 93.10 feel. <br />Dated this 11th day of September, 2003. <br />SECURITY FEDERAL SAVINGS, <br />A Federal Savings Bank, Trustee <br />By: on/ <br />Vice President <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />STA'1-E OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF LANCASTER ) ss <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11th day of September, <br />2003 by Linda S. Russell, Vice- President of Security Federal Savings, a Federal Savings <br />Bank, Trustee. <br />Not Publi <br />f 1E A111 ARY- Steleb Nebraska <br />JENNY PEATROWSKY <br />cry roam. Em. Fb.3, 3007 <br />,Are .a r «✓u "_ ".a <br />y��epg eesoi -Oboe <br />