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200311928 <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all improvements, hereditaments, <br />appurtenances therein and all reversions, remainders, issues, profits and other rights belonging or <br />related thereto, either in law or in equity, for the use, benefit and behalf of the Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns forever. <br />II. GENERAL GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS TO CONVEYANCE <br />SAVE AND EXCEPT and there is hereby reserved unto Grantor, and its assigns, all rights <br />and interests that have been previously reserved to Grantor in any Patent(s) covering the <br />Property. <br />III. CERCLA COVENANT AND RESERVED ACCESS <br />a. Pursuant to Section 120 (h)(3) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, <br />Compensation and Liability Act, as amended (CERCLA) 42 U.S.C. 9620 (h)(3), the Grantor has <br />made a complete search of its records concerning the property subject to this deed. Those <br />records indicate that the hazardous substances, as defined by Section 101 (14) of CERCLA, <br />shown on Exhibit "B ", attached hereto and made a part hereof, have been stored for one year or <br />more (S), released (R), or disposed of (D) on the property during the time the property was <br />owned by the Grantor. The Grantee should review the Final Environmental Baseline Survey <br />No. 38 -EH- 8519 -99 dated 9 -20 November 1998, as amended by Amendment No. 1, signed <br />30 March 2001, for further details. <br />b. The Grantor covenants and warrants that all remedial action necessary to ensure <br />protection of human health and the environment with respect to any such substance remaining on <br />the property has been taken prior to the date hereof. Furthermore, excepting those situations <br />where the Grantee, its successors or assigns, hereunder are potentially responsible parties, as <br />defined by CERCLA, any additional remedial action found to be necessary with respect to any <br />such substance remaining on the property prior to 30 August 1997 shall be conducted by the <br />United States. <br />c. The Grantor reserves a right of access to any and all portions of the herein - described <br />tract of land for purposes of environmental investigation, remediation or other corrective action. <br />This reservation includes the right of access to and use of, to the extent permitted by law, <br />available utilities at reasonable cost to the Grantor. These rights shall be exercisable in any case <br />in which a remedial action, response action or corrective action is found to be necessary after the <br />date of conveyance of the herein described tract of land, or such access is necessary to carry out <br />a remedial action, response action or corrective action on adjoining property. Pursuant to this <br />reservation, the United States and its officers, agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors <br />shall have the right (upon reasonable notice to the Grantee or the then owner and any authorized <br />occupant of the property) to enter upon the herein described tract of land and conduct <br />investigations and surveys, to include drilling, testpitting, borings, data and /or record <br />compilation, and other activities related to environmental investigation, and to carry out remedial <br />or removal actions as required or necessary under applicable authorities, including but not <br />limited to monitoring wells, pumping wells, and treatment facilities. <br />3 <br />