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200311803 <br />the Rules and Regulations, and the provisions of the Master Deed and Declaration, as <br />they may be amended from time to time, are accepted, ratified, and will be complied <br />with. <br />ARTICLE II. UNIT OWNERS <br />Section 1. Annual Association Meetings. <br />On June 30, 2003, the first annual meeting of the Association shall be held. <br />Annual meetings shall be held on the 30th day of June of each succeeding year, unless <br />such date shall occur on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, in which event this meeting <br />shall be held on the successive business day. Pursuant to the reservation of declarant <br />rights and development rights as set forth in Article VI of the Master Deed and <br />Declaration, Declarant shall control the Association. <br />At the meeting when Declarant relinquishes control of the Association, as set forth <br />in Article VI of the Master Deed and Declaration, the original Executive Board shall <br />resign as officers, and all the members including the Declarant shall elect a new <br />Executive Board. At such annual meetings, the Executive Board shall be elected by <br />ballot of the members in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 of Article III <br />of these By -Laws. So long as the Declarant shall own one or more of the units, the <br />Declarant shall be entitled to elect at least one member of the Executive Board who <br />shall serve for a term of one year. The Association may transact such other business <br />at such meetings as may properly come before it. <br />Section 2. Special Members' Meetings. <br />Special meetings of the Association members may be called by the President or <br />Vice President or by a majority of the Executive Board and must be called upon receipt <br />of written request from members holding a majority of the units of the Condominium, <br />each unit having one (1) vote. Notice of a special meeting shall state the time and <br />place of such meeting and the purpose thereof. No business, except that stated in the <br />notice, shall be transacted at the special meeting. <br />Section 3. Place of Meetings. <br />Meetings of the Association members shall be held at the registered office of <br />the Corporation or at such other suitable place convenient to the members as may be <br />designated by the Executive Board. <br />Section 4. Notice of Meetings. <br />It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail a written notice of each annual or <br />special meeting of the Association at least ten (10) but not more than thirty (30) days <br />prior to such meeting, stating the agenda as well as the time and place where it is to <br />be held, to each owner of record, at their unit address or at such other address as such <br />owner shall have designated by notice in writing to the Secretary. The mailing of a <br />notice of meeting in the manner provided by this Section shall be considered service <br />of notice. <br />Section 5. Order of Business. <br />The order of business at all meetings of the Association shall be as follows: <br />(a) Roll Call. <br />2 <br />