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20031i'�"�� <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of land consisting of the easterly one -Half of Lot 'Itwo (2) pt.., of <br />Lot 0ite (1),'the westerly 5U feet of Lot Five, (5) ExcnPr that portion deeded <br />to the State of Nebraska as Highway 34 right- of-way AND the tortherly 40.UU <br />feet of the easterly 112.5U feet of Lot Four (4) and a 46.UU loot by SU.UU <br />foot triatiguler tract in the Northwest corner of Lot Eight (8), all in Falu <br />Subdivision, alt addition to Lite City of Grand Istand, hall County; Nebraska, <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br />ge$innitig at a point on the easterly line of Lot One (1) of said Subdivision <br />said point being 12.7 feet, South fruit Lite Northeast corner of said Lot One (t), <br />said point also being on the southerly right -of -way line of U. S. Ilighway 34; <br />thence easterly on said highway right-of-way it distance of 50.00 feet to c <br />point, said point being 12.95 feet South of the North line of said Lot Five <br />(5); thence Southerly 88.05 feet to a point on the South line (if tot Ei ht (8), <br />said ppoint being 50.00 feet east of the Southwest cortler,of Lot Five (5K and <br />also bVitng SU.UU feet Cast of Lite Northwest corner of said Lot Fight (8); <br />thence'Southwes tee ly 67.35 feet to n point on the West line of said Lot Fight <br />(8), said point being 46.00 feet South of the Northwest corner.oE said Lot <br />Eight (8) and also being 4U,,UU feet South of the Northeast corner of said Lot <br />Four (4); tbeuce Westerly parallel with and WOO feet southerly. from Lite <br />northerly title of said Lot Four (4), a distance of 112.5 feet to a Voint; <br />thence northerly a distance of 4U.UU feet to a point on the South title of Lot <br />INdo (2), said point being the mid -point of the South line of said Lot I'wo <br />(2) and being 37.50 feet westerly from the Southeast corner of said Lot 1 'w0 <br />(2); thence northerly 94.78 feet to a point on said highway right- of-way <br />Hue, said point being 12.22 feet South of the North line of said Lot Two <br />(2) and also being 37.50 feet West fruit Lite Northeast corner of said Lot Two <br />(2); thence easterly on said highway right-of-way line a distance of 112.5 feet <br />to the point of beginning, said tract containing 0.4716 acres, more or less; <br />as surveyed, platted, and recorded, together with all improvements 1pcated <br />thereon, <br />!s <br />c�. <br />