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200311664 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of land lying north of the northerly Burlington <br />Northern, Inc. right -of -way line AND west of the westerly <br />U.S. Highway 281 right -of -way line in the Northeast Quarter <br />of Section 1, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6th <br />Principal Meridian, I(all County, Nebraska, being more par- <br />ticularly described as follows: With reference to the north- <br />east corner of said NEB; thence westerly on the north line <br />of said NE4- on an assumed bearing of N 900 00' 00 "-W a dis- <br />tance of 268.38 feet (269.63 feet- recorded on Microfilm <br />No. 78-006971 in Hall County Register of Deeds Office) to <br />the actual point of beginning; thence continuing westerly <br />on the north line of said NE' bearing N 900 00' 00" W a dis- <br />tance .of 2378.63 feet- to the northwest corner of said NEN; <br />thence southerly on the west line of said NE4 bearing <br />S 00 23' 47" E a distance of 2028.64 feet to a point on the <br />northerly Burlington Northern, Inc. right -of -way line; thence <br />southeasterly on said Burlington Northern right -of -way bear- <br />ing S 730 57' 15" E a distance of 999.82 feet to a point on <br />the westerly U.S. IIi_ghway 281. right -of_ -way line, said point <br />being 365.00 feet westerly from the north -souLh center Line <br />of sAid NE4-; thence northerly parallel to said center line, <br />on said highway right- -of -way line bearing N 00 24' 10" 11 a <br />distance of 1.87.42 feet- (1.87.24 feet recorded); thence con- <br />tinuing northerly on said highway right- of -wa.y .line bearing <br />N 10 58' 50" E a distance of 41.5.60 feet; thence northerly <br />on said highway right- -of- -way line bearing N 180 48' 50" E <br />a distance of 372.46 feeL; thence northerly on said highway <br />right -of -way line on a 1727.02 foot radius curve to the right, <br />deflection to the initial tangent- being 000 03' left, a dis- <br />tance of 1466.48 feet-, subtending a central angle of 480 39'; <br />thence northeasterly on said highway right -of -way line on a <br />1984.36 foot radius curve to the right, deflection to the <br />initial tangent being 130 26' left, a distance of 402.97 :feet, <br />subtending a central angle of 110 38'; thence northwesterly <br />on said highway right -of -way line bearing N 240 23' 10" W, a <br />distance of 118.80 feet- (121.78 feet recorded) to the actual- <br />Point of begi_nniliq Excepting a certain tract more particularly <br />described in Return of Appraisers Recorded as Document No. <br />83- 004755 and Excepting a certain tract more particularly <br />described in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 84- 005374. <br />l <br />